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Quick Classroom Exercises to Combat Stress

The trauma and adversity that students are carrying into classrooms are changing how educators need to address learning and academic performance. Fifty-one percent of children in public schools live in low-income households, and when poverty levels exceed 50 percent, there’s a significant drop in academic performance across all grade levels. At the same time, 25 percent of all adolescents—including 30 percent of adolescent girls—are experiencing anxiety disorders. Adversity and trauma reside in our biology, not our psychology and cognition, so we educators need to prime students’ brains for learning. I’d like to describe some practices that not only address the stress response in the limbic brain areas, but also attend to sensory and motor systems in the brain stem area. Brain Breaks Funny talk: Have students loosely touch the roof of their mouth with their tongue and begin to speak. Tongue stretch: Have students use clean hands or a Kleenex to stretch their tongue as far as it can go. Related:  Neurosciences / Sciences cognitives et éducationCreativity and EmpathyAtencion y memoria

Les 5 sens au service de l'apprentissage Face à l'apprentissage, nos réflexes spontanés sont rarement les bons. Pourtant, les sciences cognitives nous enseignent que notre cerveau a des besoins élémentaires pour apprendre une nouvelle information, et que certaines conditions doivent impérativement être remplies pour bien comprendre une notion, d'une part, et pour la retenir correctement, d'autre part. Des résultats de la recherche les plus solides et consensuels en la matière, nous avons extraits 8 principes fondamentaux, 8 piliers de l'apprentissage durable. Découvrez-les dans notre dossier exclusif : "Les piliers de l'apprentissage durable". Un des piliers de l'apprentissage est de savoir comment présenter l'information à apprendre. Pourtant, il a été prouvé que multiplier les modalités sensorielles par lesquelles on communique une information (image + audio, par exemple) améliore largement sa compréhension et sa mémorisation. Comment expliquer un tel effet ? Conseils pratiques pour les les enseignants & formateurs

Online courses don't work, but education can still be disrupted CSA-Archive/iStock The labour force is changing at a rapid pace. Technology is generating entirely new industries and jobs, while eradicating antiquated ones. Some may feel uneasy with these shifts, attempting to come to terms with how to survive, but others see them as an opportunity. In 2018 we will see the arrival of Homo adaptus - the newest class of worker. Homo adaptus understands that it needs to be in a state of constant evolution. Until recently, a professional had two options: continued education, managed by conventional educational institutions; or online education. Are MOOCs in danger of becoming irrelevant? The US National Academies of Sciences published a report in 2017 called Where Are We and Where Do We Go from Here? Alternative educational platforms have emerged to bridge the gap between what professionals know they need and what they can access. San Francisco-based startup Jolt is creating micro-campuses in venues such as co-working spaces and function rooms.

Estrategias para mejorar la ATENCIÓN La capacidad de recuperar voluntariamente la atención – Anna Forés Miravalles La capacidad de recuperar voluntariamente la atención dispersa, una y otra vez, es la raíz del juicio, del carácter y de la voluntad. Si hubiera una educación que mejorara esta capacidad, sería la educación por excelencia. Sin embargo, resulta más fácil definir este ideal que dar instrucciones prácticas para alcanzarlo. William James La atención constituye un proceso difícil de definir porque intervienen en el mismo una gran variedad de factores que utilizamos continuamente en nuestra vida cotidiana. Asociado a lo anterior, la neurociencia cognitiva está demostrando que este mecanismo imprescindible para el aprendizaje no constituye un proceso cerebral único sino que existen diferentes redes atencionales (de alerta, de orientación y ejecutiva; ver figura 1) que siguen ritmos de desarrollo distintos y en las que intervienen circuitos, regiones y neurotransmisores concretos. Ejercicio físico Mindfulness Juego Naturaleza

Artificial Intelligence: A Free Online Course from MIT Today we're adding MIT's course on Artificial Intelligence to our ever-growing collection, 1,300 Free Online Courses from Top Universities. That's because, to paraphrase Amazon's Jeff Bezos, artificial intelligence (AI) is "not just in the first inning of a long baseball game, but at the stage where the very first batter comes up." Look around, and you will find AI everywhere--in self driving cars, Siri on your phone, online customer support, movie recommendations on Netflix, fraud detection for your credit cards, etc. To be sure, there's more to come. Featuring 30 lectures, MIT's course "introduces students to the basic knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning methods of artificial intelligence." Taught by Prof. Follow Open Culture on Facebook and Twitter and share intelligent media with your friends. If you'd like to support Open Culture and our mission, please consider making a donation to our site. Related Content: Free Online Computer Science Courses

Motivation, concentration, attention : 3 leviers indispensables pour un apprentissage réussi Motivation, concentration, attention… Connaissez-vous la différence entre ces trois termes ? Souvent utilisés sans distinction quand on parle d’apprentissage, il s’agit en réalité de phénomènes différents dont l’impact intervient à différentes étapes du processus d’apprentissage. Pour pouvoir en profiter au mieux dans la conception de vos contenus pédagogiques, il convient de bien les différencier. Commençons avec un exemple : Vous avez dans l’après-midi un entretien d’embauche. Afin de faire bonne figure, vous avez décidé d’apprendre un maximum de choses sur cette entreprise. Première possibilité : Vous manquez de motivation. Deuxième possibilité : Vous manquez de concentration. Enfin, troisième possibilité : Vous avez du mal à canaliser votre attention sur les détails importants de l’entreprise. Distinguer les sources de la motivation Comme illustré par cet exemple, la motivation peut être considérée comme la porte d’entrée vers les apprentissages. Repérer les freins à la concentration

"Silent Messages" -- Description and Ordering Information "Silent Messages" -- A Wealth of Information About Nonverbal Communication (Body Language) Mehrabian, A. (1981). Silent messages: Implicit communication of emotions and attitudes. My findings on communication and body language, as well as those of many other investigators, are organized and summarized in very readable form in "Silent Messages." Most of the findings summarized in "Silent Messages" can be used to enhance one's awareness of the many subtle aspects of interpersonal communication, and to improve one's communication skills. Here are only a few examples of the numerous important aspects of communication described in "Silent Messages:" During persuasion -- what are the important nonverbal messages for effective persuasion of others, for example, in a supervisory role or in sales?

Sistemas nerviosos: las áreas sensoriales - Cuaderno de Cultura Científica Las áreas sensoriales son las que reciben y procesan información procedente de los receptores sensoriales, normalmente pertenecientes a los que denominamos “órganos de los sentidos”. Se denominan áreas sensoriales primarias aquellas que reciben señales cuyo origen inmediato anterior es el tálamo. Como vimos aquí, el tálamo ejerce la función de estación de relevo de la información sensorial y de filtro -de acuerdo con su potencial relevancia- de dicha información. Por otro lado, la información visual, auditiva y somatosensorial da lugar a la definición en la corteza de mapas sensoriales topográficos, de manera que la procedente de células sensoriales adyacentes llega a neuronas corticales adyacentes también. La información visual llega de los ojos hasta la denominada “corteza visual primaria” (V1) (área de Brodmann 17) tras pasar por el núcleo geniculado lateral del tálamo. Nota: “La información olfativa llega, en primer lugar, al bulbo olfativo, donde es procesada parcialmente. Fuentes:

100 Must-Read Australian Books Beaches, sunshine, and all sorts of creatures that will kill you if given half the chance. This is typically what people imagine when they think ‘Australia’ and technically they wouldn’t be wrong. We do have a lot of beaches. A lot of sun. And quite a large number of poisonous and venomous creatures that will kill you if you aren’t careful. There are already a lot of lists out there about Australian classics you should read, or great Australian novels, or the most popular books in Australia. Welcome to the sunburnt country, and happy reading! Non-fiction Indigenous Australia Am I Black Enough For You? Heiss is a writer, social commentator, and activist who has written a range of books. Category ID: 476 Category ID: 14292 Check Your Shelf Newsletter Sign up to receive Check Your Shelf, the Librarian's One-Stop Shop For News, Book Lists, And More. Thank you for signing up! By signing up you agree to our terms of use My Place by Sally Morgan Because A White Man Will Never Do It by Kevin Gilbert

La charge cognitive dans l'enseignement Plusieurs articles du RIRE parlent d’un outil central à la réussite scolaire : les fonctions exécutives. Le développement de la mémoire de travail, du contrôle de l’inhibition et de la flexibilité cognitive est essentiel aux apprentissages des élèves et à la gestion de leurs comportements. Il est donc très intéressant pour un enseignant de maitriser ces concepts pour comprendre le fonctionnement du cerveau de leurs élèves et d’adapter leur enseignement de manière à favoriser leur réussite éducative. Les chercheurs de l’Université Grenoble Alpes Christophe Charroud et Philippe Dessus ont publié un article qui résume une théorie touchant la mémoire de travail, une fonction exécutive cruciale dans la planification de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des élèves. [Des idées d’activités pour favoriser le développement des fonctions exécutives chez l’enfant] La redondance Toutefois, multiplier les formes de présentation ne garantit pas forcément un meilleur apprentissage. Référence :

Creating is not just a 'nice' activity; it transforms, connects and empowers | Culture professionals network As a child, when I wasn’t eating, sleeping or at school, I was making. My memories of childhood relate to stuff – smell, material and texture: digging up the garden to make heavy, grogged clay; melting wax crayons to make 3D shapes; building matchstick houses; casting plaster in Disney latex moulds; and cutting out. Always cutting, shaping and sticking. Since then, I’ve studied, made and taught sculpture. It feels so fundamentally good and right to use our hands to manipulate materials – to use tools to extend our ability; to put stuff out into the world. We now know that creativity is good for the economy too. We work a lot in schools and see 10-year-olds who can’t use scissors. We see children who have never felt success from using a tool to help them manipulate material, never felt the pride of producing something for others and never felt the optimism of daring to ask: “would it work if … ?” So are we really preparing our children for their creative futures?

Estas lecturas te pueden hacer más inteligente | BuenaVida | EL PAÍS Mujer, entre 30 y 55 años, con formación académica y urbanita. Ese es el perfil de las personas que más leen en España, según el Informe de la Lectura en España 2017 a cargo de la Federación Española de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE). Lo que ninguna estadística de índice de lectura le dirá es cómo funciona el cerebro de los lectores ávidos. Si usted se encuentra en el grupo de los amantes de los libros, tiene razones para pensar que su cerebro es privilegiado. El hábito de la lectura no solo estimula la conexión entre sus neuronas, también podría potenciar su capacidad de empatía, es decir, ponerse en el lugar de los demás en las alegrías y en las penas; y alargar su esperanza de vida. En el desarrollo de la cognición influyen muchos aspectos, desde la genética al medio donde vivimos, la alimentación y la educación. Estudios recientes se han adentrado en la capacidad del ambiente para modificar nuestra inteligencia. La lectura, además, potencia otras habilidades personales.

The world’s most improbable libraries - Late Night Live - ABC Radio National English journalist Alex Johnson is the son of two librarians. Perhaps it’s not surprising, then, that his latest book is a tribute to some of the world’s most astonishing and unlikely libraries from converted telephone boxes to camel-borne book depositories. He sat down with Late Night Live to explain his passion. If the traditional book is dying, nobody has bothered to tell the libraries of the world. From donkey-drawn libraries in Zimbabwe to subway libraries in Chile, communities are finding ever more inventive ways to lend and read books for free. Miniature lending libraries will bring reading material to the masses at a level that far exceeds their size. English journalist Alex Johnson has chronicled these improbable libraries in a book of the same name. ‘I think a lot of the places covered in my book are very much based in the community,’ he told Late Night Live. Take Chile’s network of subway libraries, first introduced in 1996.

Un petit tableau pour définir la bienveillance (ou comment être exigeant ET encourageant) Dans son livre Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance (non traduit en français), Angela Duckworth propose un petit tableau qui peut servir de guide, de filtre pour nos actions à visée éducative. Elle y définit les variations autour de l’autorité selon deux axes : encourager et être ferme sur le comportement. La bienveillance s’inscrit dans la rencontre de l’encouragement et de la fermeté sur les comportements. J’ai aimé l’idée parce qu’on comprend facilement que la bienveillance n’est ni du laxisme, ni de l’autoritarisme, et encore moins de la négligence. Une attitude encourageante et exigeante est au contraire très difficile à adopter. Beaucoup d’adultes pensent en effet que la baisse de leurs exigences amènera les enfants à vivre des expériences de réussite et améliorera leur estime de soi. Seule une attitude exigeante ET encourageante libère les potentialités des enfants. Qu’est-ce qu’une attitude exigeante ? On peut être souple sur les émotions ET ferme sur le comportement.

The Elephant In The (Staff) Room - Why We Need To Talk About Teacher Wellbeing | The Huffington Post It is impossible to support the social and emotional health of young people, if we as teachers do not attend to our own emotional health. Anyone who has worked in schools or who knows a teacher will be aware that they are often stressed, tired, and running on empty until the next school holiday arrives. Reports suggest that high workloads, increased monitoring and accountability, challenging pupil behaviour or emotional difficulties, ongoing policy changes and toxic school cultures are among the many factors that contribute to poor teacher wellbeing. It is increasingly pressing that teacher wellbeing should be viewed as a serious concern. Teacher wellbeing is not only a profound issue for our teachers - it also has a major impact on pupil outcomes. But how can we improve teacher wellbeing? - Firstly, schools need to talk about teacher wellbeing. Sincere thanks to @jessfamilylinks for helping with the research for this blog.
