Gulp.js - the streaming build system
Related: ref/teo
Diving into Webpack - Web Design Weekly
Of late there has been a little bit of hype around this “webpack” thing. Hopefully this post gives you an overview of what it is, how to use it and if it’s worth all the hype. First thing first. The official webpack docs are a little hard to digest so give it time.
Gulp extension to add footer to file(s) in the pipeline. gulp-footer is a Gulp extension to add a footer to file(s) in the pipeline. Gulp is a streaming build system utilizing node.js. var footer = require'gulp-footer'; text
Gulp plugin to exclude file contained in .gitignore from the stream Ever find yourself in a situation where you want to run a gulp plugin against every JavaScript files in your project? You do so, but then it start throwing at all your node_modules? The usual fix is to add negative glob patterns to your gulp.src() call. Doesn't this feel verbose and tidious? There is a better way!
The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps
Add interactive console prompts to gulp Add interaction to gulp tasks. .confirm([options])
Welcome - openSUSE Build Service
Studiobjet : l'incubateur à Strasbourg pour créer collectivement
Vous disposez : 1. D’une plateforme technique avec : Des ateliers séparés, équipés de machines, bois, métal, verre, carton, cuir, tissus… pour réaliser à peu près tout 2.
GitHub - Pestov/essential-gulp-plugins: Living list of most useful plugins for Gulp