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21 Places To See Before You Die

21 Places To See Before You Die
No matter how advanced our cities and technology is, eventually we get tired of all the noise, stress and crowd of the city and want to be in the nature. Humans have transformed Earth beyond recovery, but luckily not everything is lost yet. Beautiful mountains, blue water lakes, magnificent oceans with fabulous islands – our planet has many breathtaking places and awe-inspiring sceneries just waiting for you to discover them. However, life is short, and the funds are limited, so we have to narrow down the selection. We’ve picked 41 most amazing places in the world, however it is said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, so you may as well have your very own personal list of places to see before you die. 1. Bamboos for: James Marvin Phelps , Rob Inh00d Antelope Canyon is the most-visited and most-photographed slot canyon in the American Southwest. 2. Bamboos for: Jo@net , Goianobe , CX15 3. Bamboos for: MarcelGermain , Maggie & David 4. Bamboos for: iujaz , aquabumps 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Plitvice, a watery paradise in Croatia - StumbleUpon In recent years, Croatia has changed from a relative unknown to one of the trendiest destinations in Europe. To a great extent this is due to the country's rocky littoral, which, washed by the Adriatic, is considered one of the most beautiful of the Mediterranean coastlines. Then there is the rich history and cultural heritage of medieval towns such as Dubrovnik, Split and Sibenik. But the well-deserved popularity also depends on the protected natural areas, which make up some ten per cent of the country's area. Use the left and right arrow keys to view the images Plitvice Lakes National Park is in the Lika region of Croatia and lies in a plateau surrounded by three mountains, not far from the border with Bosnia The park is criss-crossed by a series of paths and trails that allow visitors to explore the area and observe the flora and fauna Although the park is best known for its lakes and waterfalls, it is home to a wide range of birds and animals

11 lieux magnifiques qui ne sortent pas d’un rêve mais de la réalité ! Vous aimeriez voyager et visiter les sept Merveilles du monde ? Daily Geek Show vous propose de découvrir 11 lieux enchanteurs, qui existent vraiment ! Attention, vous allez en avoir plein les yeux ! On ne compte plus le nombre de lieux et paysages merveilleux qui existent sur notre planète et nourrissent nos fantasmes d’évasion. Pour vous faire saliver et voyager depuis votre ordinateur, voici 11 paysages semblant sortir d’un rêve, mais pourtant bien réelles et où vous pourriez même vous rendre cet été ! Wisteria Tunnel, à Kitakyushu, dans les jardins Kawachi Fuji au Japon Canyon de glace, au Groenland Le Parc National de Plitvice, en Croatie Cinque Terre, à Ligurie en Italie La Grande Barrière de Corail, au large de la côte du Queensland en Australie La Forêt Crooked, en Pologne Blue Lagoon Hot Springs, en Island L’Hotel Magic Moutain, à Huilo Huilo dans la région de Los Rios au Chili Ball Pyramid, au sud de l’île Lord Howe dans l’océan Pacifique Le Canyon Waimea, à Kauai sur l’île d’Hawaii

31 beautiful sights on this incredible planet Sossusvlei means "the gathering place of water" but you'll need to bring your own if you don't want to dehydrate at this, one of Namibia's most outstanding attractions. Torres del Paine: created with screen savers and inspirational corporate posters in mind. We love the wildebeest migration, which traverses the major nature parks in Kenya and Tanzania throughout the year, and so do the lions. Orion, Pegasus and about a million of their friends are visible in Mackenzie Basin in New Zealand. With its mountain backdrop and shores lined with ancient houses, the Nanxi River inevitably became the cradle of classic Chinese water-and-ink painting. It's also where travelers can watch local fishermen team with cormorants to catch fish. Lucky us, the world didn't end in 2012, so we still have time to see the Mayan ruins in Palenque. Your camera's memory card might blow up inside this Iceland volcano, but otherwise it's all cool. Monument Valley -- more beautiful in reality than in the movies. 1. 2. 3.

Crystal River - The most beautiful river on earth [Pics] - StumbleUpon Cano Cristales - Crystal River. River of five colors, as the locals call it, originates in the south of the mountain chain Macarena, Colombia, and flows eastward to its confluence with the Guayabero river. In the Cano Cristales found five colors: yellow, blue, green, black and red. All of them are waste product of many algae and, depending on time of year, color saturation, or weakened or strengthened. Share on Tumblr The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World Essentials: "How to Pack" with Ralph Lauren Ralph Lauren’s fall collections were inspired by the concepts of the Modern Explorer and the Country Gentleman. This season, partnering with the brand we took a trip into the wilderness and making sure we were ready for it, we packed these Essentials. It goes without saying that when backpacking in the wilderness, your literal survival could depend on your compass, cutting implements, canteen, and flint so we’ll get right onto the wearables that’ll keep you warm and equipped for the conditions to follow. Starting with apparel pieces, we’ve got a shirt and vest. The vest is the down Explorer Vest available in navy, orange and green ($185), and is laid over the red patterned Custom Double-Faced Workshirt ($125). Saving your neck and keeping you covered is their Lauren Men Cable Winter Beanie made of merino wool and nylon and their thick grey Big Pony Scarf ($60).

Luxury Anantara Kihavah Villas, Maldives | Luxury Furniture, Property,... Luxury Anantara Kihavah Villas Resort, Maldives Luxury Anantara Resorts opened Anantara Kihavah Villas earlier this year in the beautiful Maldives. Located on the Baa Atoll, only 35 minutes by seaplane from Male International Airport. You can expect the morning sun dappling the crystal-clear waters of a secluded lagoon. A haven of pool villas, Anantara Kihavah Villas Maldives offers the ultimate in privacy and luxury, your own sanctuary within a sanctuary. Enjoy idyllic sunsets from your hammock or dining pavilion by the pool. About Assif Majid Assif is a freelance British journalist who spends his time between Leeds, Manchester and London. Assif is the current editor of Adelto Magazine. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram: @journolista. Adelto Love Interior Design & Exotic Travel? August 12, 2011 | Indian Ocean Maldives Travel | View comments The Luxury Montpelier Plantation and Beach Hotel, West Indies Luxury Iporanga House, Brazil

73 photos des endroits les plus colorés du monde Artificielles ou naturelles, les couleurs sont présentes partout et il est délicieux de les observer quand elles sont subjuguées par leur environnement.Voici les 73 lieux les plus riches en couleurs du monde! 1. Antelope Canyon, Arizona Inondées régulièrement, ces étranges gorges de grès se sont formées au fil des siècles. vi 2. Le lichen qui recouvre les rochers de cette baie tranche vivement avec l'eau turquoise. via 3. Un quartier pittoresque où vivent "les musulmans du Cap", une population originaire de l'actuelle Malaisie, de l'Inde et d'Indonésie. via 4. Cette rue est célèbre pour ses cerisiers en fleurs, cette ville est l'une des plus ancienne d'Allemagne. via 5. Une île aux maisons très colorées au nord de la lagune de Venise. via 6. Les dunes multicolores du village de Chamarel sont l'un des rares endroits dans le monde ou l'on peut observer les 7 couleurs de l'arc en ciel dans la nature, on l'appelle d'ailleurs "la terre des sept couleurs". via 7. via 8. via 9. via 10. via 11. via 12. via 13.

Mt Roraima, Brasil, Guyana and Venezuela (pic) - StumbleUpon
