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Cloud9 - Your development environment, in the cloud

Cloud9 - Your development environment, in the cloud


13 Cloud IDEs For Web Developers - Hongkiat With so much of the traditional, desktop-based productivity software we know and love moving to the Cloud, it’s no surprise that Cloud-based IDEs are quickly gaining ground with developers. Nowadays, the browser is essentially a thin client that allows users to access a variety of Cloud-based applications and services. However, many are still hesitant to put their full faith in a remote Cloud IDE for development purposes. 2D Game art for HTML5 Game Programmers Posted 16:16PM on March 17 2012 by Pascal Rettig Chris Hildenbrand has a great blog called 2D Game Art for Programmers targeted at programmers designing art for 2D games, focusing on using open-source tools such as Inkscape. Also check out Chris' introductory post on GamaSutra which covers a lot of the basics and is a huge boom to indie-developers without design skills. Here's a sampling of recent posts: All-in-all, great, well-illustrated tutorials that should greatly help programmers with an "Art Problem", here's a sample of how the tutorials are illustrated (click through for the tank tut):

10FastFingers Sorry, but Javascript is required. Please <a href=" Javascript</a></p><p> Error or Bug? Try reloading the page by pressing "CTRL+R", this might fix it! Interpreted Languages: PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby (Sheet One) - Hyperpolyglot a side-by-side reference sheet sheet one: version | grammar and execution | variables and expressions | arithmetic and logic | strings | regexes | dates and time | arrays | dictionaries | functions | execution control | exceptions | threads sheet two: streams | asynchronous events | files | file formats | directories | processes and environment | option parsing | libraries and namespaces | objects | inheritance and polymorphism | reflection | net and web | gui | databases | unit tests | logging | debugging sheet two: streams | asynchronous events | files | directories | processes and environment | option parsing | libraries and namespaces | objects | inheritance and polymorphism | reflection | net and web | gui | databases | unit tests | logging | debugging version used The versions used for testing code in the reference sheet.

Packages Welcome to the Chocolatey Community Package Repository! The packages found in this section of the site are provided, maintained, and moderated by the community. Moderation JSbin, JSfiddle or Codepen, which one to use and why? There are lots of css – js playgrounds now in the market, and the most popular ones are JSbin (by Remy Sharp), JSfiddle (by Oskar Krawczyk), codepen (by Chris Coyier, Tim Sabat and Alex Vasquez). So sometimes it become a confusing question which one to use; and more importantly why and when? Let’s compare these three today and find out which one can be the most suitable one for you. So, first of all let’s compare the features of these three. Feature comparison table

Mobile Game Primer Until recently, performance of browser-based games for mobile devices has lagged significantly behind desktop performance. If you wanted to create a Canvas-based mobile game, performance was terrible and you needed to build your game around the limitations of the platform. Developing a usable game meant using tricks like scaling up from very low resolutions or doing partial screen updates instead of full refreshes, meaning your game design was limited by the platform’s weaknesses rather than your creativity. Luckily, this has changed. Browser vendors are rapidly improving their mobile performance:

Bitcoins can now be used to pay for Domino's Pizza Looking to capitalize on hungry computer users that collect Bitcoins, a new online startup called PizzaforCoins launched a simple site that allows consumers to order pizza and pay with the digital Bitcoin currency. Created by Matt Burkinshaw and Riley Alexander, customers go through a standard selection menu to choose options like type of crust, amount of sauce or cheese, different toppings and other add-ons like drinks or sides. Rather than a dollar figure, each item has a specific Bitcoin value. At the end of the transaction, the customer provides their current address and submits the total payment to a Bitcoin address supplied by the site. After the payment has been verified, the order is placed though the Domino’s site and sent to the physical address supplied with the order.

Don't Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice If there was one course I could add to every engineering education, it wouldn’t involve compilers or gates or time complexity. It would be Realities Of Your Industry 101, because we don’t teach them and this results in lots of unnecessary pain and suffering. This post aspires to be README.txt for your career as a young engineer. Tim Groleau's Easing Function Generator download source To use the generator, drag the handle points at the bottom of the movie (in orange) or enter their position manualy in the fields provided (warning: dragging may be slow). Then just copy the function for pasting and use it as you normally do (tween engine, etc.). Although each handle point modifies the curve, their are numbered to show which portion of the curve they influence the most. Handle point 1 controls the left part of the curve and handle point 4 controls the right part.

cssdeck codecasts by quanta Revealing CSSDeck Codecasts Website: Twitter: @cssdeck what? You must have seen tons of stuff around the web like: "Pure CSS3 Slider" Bouncy Mouse Introduction After publishing Bouncy Mouse on iOS and Android at the end of last year, I learned a few very important lessons. Key among them was that breaking into an established market is hard. On the thoroughly saturated iPhone market, gaining traction was very hard; on the less saturated Android Marketplace, progress was easier, but still not easy. Given this experience, I saw an interesting opportunity on the Chrome Web Store. You asked ... so here it is A while ago, I brought you a crazy special on SlideDeck 2 for WordPress. You all loved it, but ... you begged for the Developer’s license, not just the Personal license. Well, I won’t lie, it took me a couple months of hard work and constantly bothering the guys over at SlideDeck, but I’m extremely happy to say, I got what you guys wanted so bad :-) SlideDeck 2 is a killer WordPress plug-in that’ll put a stunning content slider on your WordPress site without having to code anything. What is a slider you ask? With sliders, you can showcase your content/products/etc. in a beautiful way.

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