Promised an experience; given a map: Filing a Tax Return Experience Map (Part B) « In my last post: Promised the world; given an atlas: A personal service experience (Part A) I shared my service experience as I attempted to file a tax return online in a new country. In this post I share how I captured that research as a Customer Experience Map. Interestingly as I worked on the mapping, it emerged that this post and the experience of capturing the experience provided additional sub-parts that have occupied my thinking. Therefore Part B consists of two sub-parts: The presentation of a map of current state experience, fully prefaced with a raft of disclaimers to qualify its existenceA postscript on the daily, sometimes hourly, round of inputs from other designers, design thinking, stimuli. Mapping the experience was (as it always is) challenging. In that context here are some disclaimers to the map I’ve produced: I did this map on my own – normally a team of designers would have conducted the research – background, field, other. I’m a functional gal. Like this:
Comment créer son persona [Tutoriel] Le persona est un élément qui a trop tendance à être oublié dans certaines stratégies marketing. La création d'un persona est un élément indispensable pour le bon déroulement de votre stratégie marketing. Définition d'un persona Avez-vous déjà lu un article qui s'adressait à vous à la première personne, qui vous paraissait extraordinaire, fait pour vous, à la limite du surréel ? Un persona c'est comme vous jouant le rôle d'une différente personne, comme si vous viviez une vie différente. Comment créer un persona Etablissez un brainstorming Il est maintenant temps de réunir vos collègues et de commencer à brainstormer ! Etablissez une liste des préférences de votre persona Est-ce que votre persona aime le shopping, est-il plus du genre à vivre dans la nature. Dessinez votre persona Esprits créatifs, nous ne vous avons pas oublié ! Ecrivez et réécrivez Ecrivains à votre tour (décidément y en a pour tout le monde !). Fini ? 100 questions à se poser pour créer un persona Histoire du persona
Mapping out mobility, workshop @ LIFT FRANCE 2011 | Uinfoshare Mapping out mobility, a radical idea in 2015? On the past 6th to the 8th of July 2011, took place the Lift 2011France, in Marseille, where Utilisacteur held a 3 hours workshop around the methodology Kahn & associates / Utilisacteur mixing information design and service design. We counted in the room various and complementary profiles, like « La Poste innovation », the INRIA, Bouygues telecom Innovation, the Chronos group, the « Cantine Numérique » from Rennes, local communities: Rennes, Grand Lyon, CG Marseille, service designers, engineers, associations and experts of transport. - Step cards: preparation, departure, and arrival… - transportation mode cards: walking, bike, subway, and bus… - Object cards: Smartphone, luggage … - information channel cards: ticket booth, agent, apps, announcement, descriptive - Place cards: station, city… 4 scenarios: The team 1 developed the journey of a "connected seniors" couple on their way to holidays.
Customer Journey Mapping Resources On The Web Last updated: 17 September 2011Originally published: 10 May 2010 Service design can be traced back to the writings of G. Lynn Shostack in the early 80s. [1, 2] Though not new, there is a lot of talk these days about service design. In the past 5 or so years we’ve seen a service design renaissance, so to speak. Literature on service design is thin(ish), relatively speaking (i.e., compared to other disciplines like psychology), but does extend back for decades. Service design is by nature interdisciplinary, drawing attention from people in sales, marketing, product management, product design, interaction design, and user experience. A cornerstone deliverable in service design, in general, is a map of the service process. More recently, “customer journey maps” (CJMs) have emerged, which are very similar to service blueprints. Typical elements of CJMs include: Other descriptive and contextual elements may also appear, such as quotes and photos. Bob Apollo. * Mary Jo Bitner, Amy L. Dale Cobb.
Can virtual reality give retailers an edge over e-commerce with interactive in-store experiences ? Virtual reality is set to revolutionize the retail world by seducing shoppers with interactive and innovative in-store experiences. Could it be a tipping point to help retailers better compete with e-commerce giants? A look at how VR can engage customers and drive sales. Up against the availability and ease of online retail, stores need a unique advantage to win points with demanding consumers. Fast forward to a future where retail has been dramatically transformed, letting shoppers try and use products in ways like never before to make shopping an exciting and entertaining activity. How? Shifting the shopping experience “Using glasses or headsets, VR gives the illusion of reality to allow shoppers to visualize spaces and get detailed product information. Antology Better buying decisions for better sales “VR is an effective platform to boost sales for products that take up too much space, are not available in-store or are hard to test. Increase shopper engagement through brand awareness
Media Design Practices | Graduate | Programs | Art Center College of Design | Pasadena, CA | Learn to Create. Influence Change. “We prepare designers for a world in which virtually anything from sensor networks to interactive surfaces to entire cities may be the next medium or platform of communication. We offer an educational experience for individuals who relish a complex challenge.” Degree: Master of Fine Arts Art Center’s graduate program in Media Design Practices offers a two- or three-year Master of Fine Arts curriculum that helps ambitious designers from a variety of backgrounds become design leaders and researchers in emerging fields. Our vision is to educate designers not for the world as it is, but as it is becoming, to think hard about what it means to use our agency as designers to make the world as we may want it to be. To take this on, we offer two tracks: Lab and Field. In the Lab track , students work in a studio context, using design to pose questions through applied and speculative projects that engage with emerging communication technologies and cultural practices.
Creating Your Own "Customer Journey Map" This week we have talked about Servant Selling in a Competitive Environment and how to use outstanding service as a competitive advantage. Customer Journey Mapping is yet another way to examine the experiences you are giving your customers and map out ways to improve that service. As you work through the map, initially resist the urge to include the service other people in your organization are giving. Focus on the the things that happen on your watch first. In latter posts I will talk extensively about ways you can raise the level of service in other departments of your organization. Make sure you are a model of service before you begin to help others. (To print this out, hold your curser over the document, single right click, select copy, then paste it into a document in a program like Microsoft Publisher, Word, or Apple Pages.
6 Ways the Internet of Things (IoT) Can Help Your Ecommerce Effort The advent of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has brought with it a corresponding shift in the ecommerce space as consumer lifestyles keep changing and becoming more adaptive. Similarly, the increasing rate at which online shoppers have adopted the internet has seen ecommerce grow steadily, and is expected to be the future of retail as most of the growth is happening in the digital space. In 2016 alone, according to Statista, global sales for retail ecommerce were recorded at a whopping $1.85 trillion and are expected by 2021 to reach $4.88 trillion. Retailers are also readying themselves to adopt Internet of Things in a bid to improve the experiences of consumers across the world. This just goes to show that both ecommerce and retail sectors need to stay on top of trends in the digital marketing space to stay profitable and competitive. But just how is ecommerce set to gain immensely from IoT? Here are some of the most promising ways in which ecommerce can gain from IoT. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
mapeado urbano participativo Service design is Dead. The New Product is Alive. So, I changed my job title a few months ago. I dropped the ’service’ bit. I’m now just Sidekick’s Design Director. I’m now MASSIVELY EXCITED about a new thing – designing products. But not your old products. Service design is dead Ok, it’s not that I think service design is dead, its just that its pretty much used up its interest for me, and I think for Sidekick. First, the uninteresting bit. Its quite an isolating view, and not very helpful for actually making change happen, and creating new cool stuff. Second, the interesting bit. Probably this is just me getting older and more experienced, but I think its also a bit that I’m reaping the rewards of moving away from strategic consulting, and towards making and inventing new things. As part of this shift I’ve come to the conclusion that organising the invention and making process around products is a really good way to get focused on creating good work – and ironically can help solve strategic questions along the way.
Les 12 Meilleures Alternatives à Google (Moteur de Recherche) Google est en situation de position dominante dans de nombreux pays, dont la France. Avec plus de 90% des parts de marché de la recherche dans l’hexagone, le moteur de recherche Américain jouit d’une position qui agace plus d’un éditeur et de nombreux internautes soucieux de leur vie privée. Voici 12 alternatives à Google pour réaliser des recherches sur le web. 1- Bing, le moteur de recherche de Microsoft Bing, le moteur de recherche de Microsoft Eternel concurrent de Google, Bing se distingue du leader du marché par une page d’accueil beaucoup plus riche mettant en avant une photo par jour (qu’il est possible de télécharger gratuitement) et un accès aux dernières actualités chaudes du pays dans lequel on se trouve. Si l’expérience de recherche est moins riche que Google, les résultats de recherche de Bing satisferont la plupart des utilisateurs. 2- DuckDuckGo, le moteur de recherche anti-tracking des utilisateurs DuckDuckGo, l’une des meilleures alternative à Google 7- Yahoo!
UserTesting: Remote Usability Testing Software. Results in 1-hour. Identify Your Buried Treasurepoints with a Touchpoint Map | Touchpoint Dashboard The other day I came across a discussion thread on LinkedIn. Several thought leaders in the customer experience management field have weighed in and shared some thought-provoking commentary, which, in turn prompted me to create this post. So, what do you think? My thought is no. What I’m getting at here is that there are specific spots in a customer journey where the customer simply expects or needs more. If you invest more time and resources in designing these Treaurepoints, and focus your teams so they can deliver some serious wow during those points, you’ll reap the rewards in loyalty and advocacy. But first, you have to know what your Treasurepoints are. Here’s How You Can Identify Your Hidden Treasurepoints & Deliver the Wow in the Right Places! 1) Review & Organize Your Customer Profiles & Feedback. What do your customers have to say about their experiences during each lifecycle phase? 2) Create a Touchpoint Map & Analyze Your Touchpoints. So, what do you think? Be Sociable, Share!
Retailers in debat met politici: flexibiliteit en nachtarbeid blijven pijnpunten Een ‘GAFA-taks’ zien de meeste politieke partijen niet zitten en over een grotere arbeidsflexibiliteit zijn ze verdeeld. Quasi eensgezind zijn ze wel over het opleggen van gelijke taksen en milieuverplichtingen aan alle retailers en het verlagen van de lasten op de laagste lonen. Flexibiliteit en nachtarbeid Goed twee weken voor de verkiezingen organiseerde retailfederatie Comeos een druk bijgewoond verkiezingsdebat met tien politieke kopstukken, over enkele concrete voorstellen die eindelijk komaf moeten maken met de 20ste eeuw. Zo komt Koen Tengrootenhuysen van Decathlon pleiten voor de mogelijkheid om de komende drie jaar op vrijwillige basis binnen de bedrijven de werkorganisatie aan te passen, los van de collectieve akkoorden. Dezelfde regels voor iedereen Volledige eensgezindheid is er wel voor het voorstel om dezelfde regels, taksen en milieuverplichtingen op te leggen aan alle bedrijven. Kansen voor laaggeschoolden Conclusie?