The hand
The hands are a notorious source of frustration. This section won't concentrate on the muscle structure, since the hand is very complex in this regard, and knowing this won't help much in drawing them. Instead, we'll look at proportions, range of motion, and possible simplifications.
How to Draw a Portrait of the Head
The most important part of a drawing is the start, not the finish. This tutorial will focus on how to start a portrait drawing, using basic blocking-in techniques. When drawing a portrait from life, you don’t want to just jump-in and draw. I always walk around the model to get a better understanding of the model and plan out my composition.
bodies-in-motion -
30 second sequences from BiM Not long ago, I had twelve artists from Natural Motion (of Morpheme and Clumsy Ninja fame) into Somerset House, my home away from home, for a four day anatomy workshop. At the end of each day we would take about 20 minutes to draw from the Bodies in Motion library.
Thumb War - Design Iteration Combat Simulation
THUMB WAR : Design Iteration Combat Simulation by Paul Richards Updated 07/04/09 Ten-hut, fellow concept grunts! The following text is a condensed adaptation of some recent workshops I've spoken at on the theory/practice of thumbnailing, and is not a verbatim transcript. Oorah! If you've ever been in the military, you know advertisements only show half the picture.
Drawing Lessons
In 1988, an extraordinary thing happened in the world of animation. The film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"( Directed by Robert Zemekis, animation directed by Richard Williams) was released. The film gleefully celebrated the kind of imaginative slapstick cartoon violence that was the staple of the most popular short cartoon classics that were made during the period from around 1940 till the decline in the year that the film takes place,1947. Cartoon lover's eyes popped like Tex Avery wolves all over the world for this caliber of animation hadn't been seen since...well, 1947. The film was a major hit, and a powerful shot in the arm for the until then sluggish animation business.
Realistic Eyes
Have trouble drawing eyes? Well, you’re probably not alone. Eyes are the first thing that the viewer is drawn to in a portrait. To make sure you create a lasting impression, you need a few techniques to create a sense of realism. A quick rundown on the basics of drawing realistic eyes after the jump! What you’ll need:HB (#2) Pencil, 4B pencilEraserDrawing paperDrawing surface
Crimes of fashion: gangsters turn heads again
FASHION loves a bad boy and they don't come much rougher than Sidney Kelly, a well-dressed career criminal who cut a swath through Sydney's demimonde in the 1920s. The last time Kelly sat for a formal portrait, a representative of the NSW constabulary was holding the camera. His picture is one of more than 130,000 collected in the forensic photography archives of the Justice & Police Museum. Designer Ralph Lauren has chosen some strange muses for his latest collection - Australian criminals from the 1920s.
PSG Art tutorial
Foreword I believe there is logic behind why a picture works or not. I also believe that humans are meat machines, and that one day computers will be able to emulate humans and what we do. Since logic can be formulated into rules, guidelines and theories, these can be shared. I will attempt to do so here.
How To Draw Hands - Tutorials
So everybody knows that the hands and the fingers are one of the hardest things to draw. So here is a personal collection of different hand references, hope to enjoy it and never stop practice. Hogarth hand poses from Iron Giant (middle of page) Mickey Mouse Hand Model Sheet by Les Clark ca. 1932 Merlin hand poses via Deja View Hand drawing tut by uchuucacahuate on deviantart.
How to Think of What to Draw
Edit Article Edited by Dvortygirl, Laptop123, Nicole Willson, Random and 41 others Have you been inspired to draw, including getting inspiration from famous artists, or are just doing it for fun? Drawing can often be fun, but sometimes it can be hard to think of ideas for what to draw. Well, don't worry about that -- there are many, many different ideas - just read this article to find out what they are. Ad