Right Click Logo to Show Logo Download Options I was on the Invision website the other day and I wanted to snag their logo for some reason or another. Sometimes you can have better luck doing that (like when you happily discover it's SVG) than you can Google Image Searching or even regular web searching for something like "Invision Logo" and loping to find some kind of branding page with a logo kit download. So I right-clicked their logo, hoping to "inspect" it with the DevTools and check it out. Rather than showing me a context menu, it triggered a modal: I was pleasantly surprised, because that's exactly what I wanted. Here's a simple zero-dependencies way to do that Your app might already have a whole fancy system for showing modals. logo.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(event) { // do whatever you do to show a modal }, false); If you don't have a modal system in place, it's very easy to make a rudimentary one. <div class="overlay" id="overlay"></div><div class="modal" id="modal"><h3>Looking for our logo? And a plan: No problem:
Sara Soueidan | Lebanese Web Developer I have recently realized that CSS3 3D transforms have been out there for quite a long time now and yet I haven't experimented with them yet. I have also been using Windows 8 for a while now, and the first thing that struck me as impressive about it was the transitions and animations built into the dashboard, so I thought it would be really cool if my first experiment with CSS 3D transforms would be to recreate those animations and effects. So, here goes the tutorial on how I did that. Please note that this demo works only in browsers that support the CSS3 properties used. For the sake of brevity in the example code, I am using the un-prefixed CSS properties, but you will find the prefixes in the downloadeable source code on Github. The Markup The demo's structure is pretty simple: The dashboard is a list of tiles, of three sizes, small, big, and 2xbig, floated inside 3 columns. Each tile will open up a corresponding page. Each page should also have a name. The CSS The Javascript
Réduire la taille des ressources HTML, CSS et JavaScript | PageSpeed Insights | Google Developers Ces règles se déclenchent lorsque les analyses PageSpeed Insights indiquent que la taille de l'une de vos ressources pourrait faire l'objet d'une réduction. Présentation La réduction de la taille des ressources consiste à supprimer les octets inutiles, ceux utilisés par exemple par les espaces supplémentaires, les sauts de ligne et les mises en retrait. Compresser les ressources HTML, CSS et JavaScript peut accélérer le temps de téléchargement, d'analyse et d'exécution. En outre, il est possible de réduire davantage la taille des fichiers CSS et JavaScript en renommant les variables, tant que la ressource HTML est mise à jour de manière adéquate afin de s'assurer que les sélecteurs continuent de fonctionner. Recommandations Nous vous conseillons de réduire la taille de vos ressources HTML, CSS et JavaScript. Vous pouvez utiliser l'extension PageSpeed Insights pour Chrome afin de générer une version optimisée de votre code HTML et réduire la taille de vos ressources.
385.02 each when QTY 50+ purchased - 27" IPS LED CrystalPro Monitor WQHD 2560x1440 If you're a serious gamer or professional graphic artist, you need a seriously good monitor and you won't find much better than this 27" IPS LED CrystalPro Monitor from Monoprice! The heart of this monitor is the beautiful IPS (In-Plane Switching) LED panel made by LG in Korea. The IPS technology in this monitor produces amazing color and an ultra-wide viewing angle, as well as increasing response time to 6 milliseconds, which is a critical factor for gaming. This monitor is designed for the high end. It only supports Dual Link Digital DVI-D input, but it produces a tight 2560x1440 resolution. The IPS technology helps produce a 178° viewing angle in both the horizonal and vertical planes, which makes this an ideal monitor for an Eyefinity setup. This monitor measures about 25.5" x 16" x 2.3" and weighs only about 14.3 lbs. The monitor uses an external AC adapter, which keeps the internal electronics away from the heat of an AC power conversion process. This monitor is NOT Mac compatible!
FOIRE AUX QUESTIONS (X)HTML - CSS Auteur : gcyrillus Comment empecher un "block" de passer sous un flottant ? D'abord un petit blabla a propos de ces "satanés " flottants. Les elements placées en "float" , ont des comportements difficiles a apprehender pour les débutants. comme un élément de type "block". Deuxième réaction, ils se reduisent à la taille de leur contenu . comme s'ils etaient positionné en absolu ! Troisième effet désagréable , ils n'étirent pas leur conteneur ou deborde sur les autres en repoussant leurs contenus. ça ressemble presqu'a du position:absolute; ça . En fait c'est presque ça , le flottant est effectivement retiré du flux , mais pas son contenu auquel il reserve de la place . et pourtant il semble etre invisible aux elements block qu'il le cotoient (excepté pour les contenus qui n'iront ni glisser dessous n'y s'y superposé, arf !) Et pourtant , on peut "ouvrir" les yeux aux autres element de la page qui pourront alors les prendre en compte dans leur positionement. Dans IE Pour les autres :
Documentation Grids, UI Kit, Sass, JavaScript | Gumby Framework Introduction Gumby v2 is here. You haven't a moment to waste! Some things you will need with you on this journey are: A code editor of your choice (we recommend Sublime Text 2+)A decent knowledge of HTML/CSSA willingness to learnGoogle or comparable search engine. Some optional things that we recommend include: A web server (Apache or similar) Some basic knowledge of programming (variables, functions)General knowledge of the terminal Things that are NOT required are: Any specific web framework such as Rails, Codeigniter, etc. Browser Compatibility Gumby is developed following the latest standards and specs. ChromeFirefoxOperaInternet Explorer 8 – 10 We also support some of our elderly community of browsers down to IE 8. Options There are many ways you can work with Gumby. GUIs There are several GUIs out there that take the fear/mystery/fun out of using the terminal. Vanilla CSS You don't need to use Sass if you're all about retro things and living in the past. Terminal (It's not scary!) Mac Linux
CssDeck Alternatives AlternativeTo AlternativeTo is a free service that helps you find better alternatives to the products you love and hate. The site is made by Ola and Markus in Sweden, with a lot of help from our friends in Italy, Finland, USA and contributors from all over the world. That's right, all the lists of alternatives are crowd-sourced, and that's what makes the data powerful and relevant. Feel free to send us your questions and feedback on hello@alternativeto.net, in our discussion forums or tweet us at @AlternativeTo Area Under the Curve and Integrals Videos - Free Calculus Tutorials & Lectures About this chapter Calculus: Area Under the Curve and Integrals If you had to write out every term for all of the sums that we deal with in calculus, you'd have time for little else. Taking these sums of areas is all about rectangles and choosing endpoints. Riemann sums are only the beginning. We can think about functions in parts and we can think about them globally. If you had to write out every term for all of the sums that we deal with in calculus, you'd have time for little else.
Getting to Work with CSS3 Power Tools CSS3 is one of the coolest new web technologies available to web developers right now. Using some of its many features, it is possible to reproduce the effects that you might have previously done in Photoshop, with CSS code that is more maintainable, faster to load, and hip with the latest trends. Read on to learn about the power tools available to you and how to combine them to produce the ultimate graphical effects. CSS3 has many features, but some of them are imperative to learn if you are going to be reproducing Photoshop-like effects. Border RadiiBox ShadowsText ShadowsGradientsMultiple Backgrounds Each of these features can help replace some of the images that you might have created in Photostop in the past. Browser Support: Safari: 3.2+Firefox: 3.0+Chrome: 3.0+Opera: 10.5+Internet Explorer: 9.0+ By now, you've probably heard about border-radius a million times. There are three syntaxes that you will need to use. OK, easy! Box shadows are another well supported feature. That's it!
Web Developer - Le coin du Webmaster - Logiciels Libres L’installation de l’extension Web Developer est identique aux autres extensions de Firefox. L’interface est francisée (choisir « Localized Version » sur la page « Download » du site de l’auteur, si la fenêtre d’installation de l’extension n’apparaît pas, vérifier que Firefox autorise l’ouverture du popup pour le site considéré). Redémarrez votre navigateur préféré, clic droit dans la barre des menus puis choisissez "Barre d’outils Web Developer". Une nouvelle barre d’outils apparaît. Cette extension pourrait être définie comme "le couteau suisse pour webmestres". Petite revue des menus : Dans le premier menu, Désactiver, vous pourrez par exemple Désactiver le Javascript, utile en terme de test d’accessibilité, en effet le Javascript dans vos pages peut masquer certaines informations. Passons le menu CSS (plus bas) pour s’attarder au menu Form. qui vous permettra de tester les formulaires des pages web : Le menu images Difficile de s’en passer une fois que l’on y a goûté !
Start Your Dev - Accueil : html css javascript xml xsl