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10 Best Practices To Be An Effective Online Teacher

10 Best Practices To Be An Effective Online Teacher
The digital classroom brings with it a range of unknown and unexplored territory, mostly in part to its relative newness when compared to traditional teaching methods. To be an effective online teacher, there are 10 simple but effective practices you can follow. When coupled with a comprehensive course load and the right resources, there’s no reason why online learning can’t be even more effective than a traditional classroom setting. 1. Be Present Sure, you might not be physically present in a classroom, but there are many ways to make yourself known in the digital realm. 2. As the online classroom can often feel a little free-form, you’ll need to provide students with a very clear set of expectations before they commence their studies. 3. The aim of learning is to have students engaged in the content for as long as possible, so you need to create the opportunity for this to happen. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Finally, you want to end the course with a bang.

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