Learn about ENGLISH GRAMMAR and HOW TO WRITE BETTER Une semaine en classe with me Putintseva - The Importance of Learning Styles in ESL/EFL (I-TESL-J) The Internet TESL Journal Tatyana Putintsevatatyana[at}nucba.ac.jpKoryo International College, (Nisshin, Japan) This article reminds the teachers of the need to be aware of individual learning styles and learner diversity. While the Multiple Intelligences Theory of Howard Gardner is the most popular and readily used by teachers (Currie, 2003), there are other ideas about learning styles, which also can be useful for EFL/ESL teachers. Introduction EFL/ESL teachers, just like all other educators, have to bear in mind that:People differ consistently from each other in their preferences (e.g., emotional, environmental) for certain ways of processing information (the 'individual differences' assumption). The growing popularity of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 1985) among language teachers shows that many of them are aware of learner diversity. Various Perspectives on Learning Styles There is no agreement on the number or variety of learning styles. Information Processing Conclusion
Réaliser un film avec ses élèves en utilisant les téléphones « Faire faire un film dans une classe par les élèves, cela permet d’avoir un projet, c’est très valorisant et constructif pour le groupe ». Entretien avec Benoît Labourdette. Bonjour Benoît, pourriez-vous vous présenter ? Je suis cinéaste, expert dans le domaine des écritures et de la médiation numérique et fondateur du Festival Pocket Films. Pourquoi faire faire un film dans une classe par les élèves ? Faire faire un film dans une classe par les élèves, cela permet d’avoir un projet, c’est très valorisant et constructif pour le groupe. Quels outils utiliser ? Je suggère d’utiliser les outils les plus simples qui soient. Si un enseignant se lançait dans l’aventure pour la première fois, quels conseils lui donneriez-vous ? Je lui donnerai le conseil d’être à l’écoute de ses élèves, de prendre le moins de place possible lui-même dans le projet, de ne pas donner la prééminence à l’écrit. Comment en savoir plus sur vos travaux, vos activités ?
Hispadictos 11 mai 20081P. Jeanneau91 commentaires ¡BIENVENIDOS AL BLOG DE LOS HISPADICTOS, EL BLOG DE LOS AFICIONADOS AL ESPAÑOL! En este blog, encontraréis un montón de material y de pistas para estudiar el español en clase o en casa y trabajar las cuatro destrezas (comprensión oral, comprensión escrita, expresión oral, expresión escrita), juegos y actividades para evaluar vuestros conocimientos lexicales y gramaticales, artículos sobre varios aspectos (culturales, históricos, sociales…) de los países de habla española, vínculos de interés hacia sitios españoles o latinoamericanos… Esperamos que este sitio os permita apreciar todavía más la lengua española y conocer mejor España y los países latinoamericanos. . . (Certains widgets font apparaître des fenêtres publicitaires dont nous ne sommes pas responsables. La movida madrileña 15 janvier 2013Clases de 3èmeP. Tags : historia del arte, movida ¿Dónde vas carpintero? 21 novembre 2012Clases de 4ème y 3ème, Trabajos de alumnosP. Tags : IDD, números
The Best Resource Sites For ESL/EFL Teachers | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... Here’s another “The Best…” list, and this time it’s one that is specifically targeting ELL/ESL/EFL teachers. And that’s why it’s called The Best Resource Sites For ESL/EFL Teachers. Of course, strategies, resources and teaching tools that are effective with English Language Learners can be equally effective with native-English speakers. I’ve been going through a stretch of finding it very difficult to rank sites in the recent lists I’ve put together. Here are my picks for The Best Resource Sites For ESL/EFL Teachers: Even though it’s hard for me to rank the sites on this list, I have to say that one of my favorites is EFL Classroom 2.0. I think the Peace Corps has developed some of the best materials on how to teach English Language Learners. There are many places that have teaching materials you can print-out. The Internet TESL Journal may be the “grand-daddy” of ESL/EFL resource sites. The Ideas Index at Dave’s ESL Cafe has been a source of numerous lesson plans for me.
Exercices éducatifs Home Home Activities: Adjectives & Nouns Adverbs Articles Command Forms Comparisons Conditional Tense Demonstrative Adjectives Future Tense Gustar Verbs like Gustar Interrogative Words Negative/Affirmative Words Numbers Past Participle Perfect Tenses Por vs Para Prepositions with qtvr movie Present Participle (gerund) Present Progressive Tense Present Tense Preterite Tense Preterites w/ Irregular Meanings Preterite vs Imperfect Pronouns DO Pronouns IO Pronunciation Reflexive Verbs Relative Pronouns Saber vs Conocer Ser vs Estar Sequence of Tenses Si Clauses Subjunctive Mood (present) Subjunctive mood (past) Time-¿Qué hora es? Tener-idiomatic expressions Unplanned events with SE Verb conjugation charts: Present tense Preterite tense Present subjunctive Imperfect subjunctive
esl/efl sharing point Forrest Gump: Lessons On Movies.com: ESL Lessons FORREST GUMP POSTER 1. SIX WORDS: Look at the poster and write down six words (more if you like) that you think of as you look at it. Share the words with your partner(s). Why did you choose them? 2. Forrest Gump is a 1994 (1) __________________ romance film. F_rr_st G_mp _s _ 1994 _p_c c_m_dy-dr_m_ r_m_nc_ f_lm. ForrestGumpisa1994epiccomedydramaromancefilm.Itwasbasedon the1986novelofthesamenamebyWinstonGroom.Thefilmwasdirecte dbyRobertZemeckisandstarredTomHanks.Thestoryportraysseveral decadesinthelifeofForrestGump,anaïveandslowwittednativeofAlaba ma.Thefilmshowshowhewitnesses,andinsomecaseschanges,someo fthemostimportanteventsofthelatterhalfofthe20thcentury.Onecritic lovedthefilmandwrote:"Hanks'performanceisabreathtakingbalanci ngactbetweencomedyandsadness,inastoryrichinbiglaughsandquiet truths....whatamagicalmovie." DISCUSSION (Write your own questions) Write five GOOD questions about Forrest Gump in the table. Write your own movie review. 1.