Related: inGenious ProjectLaunch a Similar Program in Your Office - "Mind the Gap" Program You can easily launch your own program in order to scale this initiative or a similar one. All you need is a few enthusiastic individuals who are willing to dedicate a few hours a month. Planning: Determine date(s) and time for the school visits. Recruit volunteers to host the students (select a program manager if planning multiple visits per year). Reserve conference room for each visit.
The eClock - Learn all about time - Interactive Clock Digital On/Off Words On/Off Roman/Arabic To rotate the hands on the interactive e-Clock, move the cursor over the clock face, press the left mouse button down and move the mouse. Rotate the mouse clockwise around the centere of the e-Clock to move the time forward and move the mouse in an anticlockwise direction around the center of the eClock. to move time backwards. Notes Testmoz - The Test Generator Testmoz is a test generator that sports 4 question types, automatic grading, a really simple interface and detailed reports. Testmoz is free, and does not require you (or your students) to register. You can build a fully functional test in about a minute, so why don't you give it a try and generate a test? And for a mere $20/year, you can unlock some potentially useful features. I lost my quiz URL can you retrieve it for me?
Mind the Gap: Encouraging women to study engineering Women make up more than half the global population, but hold fewer than a third of the world’s engineering jobs. In the U.S., female students comprise fewer than 15 percent of all Advanced Placement computer science test takers. Even in high-tech Israel, few girls choose computer science. Not only is this a loss to companies like Google and everyone who benefits from a continually developing web; it's also a lost opportunity for girls. Beginning in 2008, a group of female engineers at Google in Israel decided to tackle this problem. Interactive teaching Clock digital,analogue,telling time & angles Introduction The clock for learning time has movable hands. It has three main modes, the first demonstrates how to tell the time using an analogue clock. The second mode uses the the clock hands as a way of learning angles.
10 kasulikku veebitööriista onlain mõistatuste ja küsitluste loomiseks February, 2014 Following the visual I posted here a couple of weeks ago featuring the differences between formative and summative assessments, somebody shared with the link to this Listly list that comprises dozens of interesting web tools to create online assessments. I have already reviewed some of the tools mentioned in this list in separate posts here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning but I also found out new tools I did not know about. I am re-sharing the whole list created below and I invite you to spend some time sifting through its content.
The GE Show Episode : segment two : TEST YOUR PLANE Designing an airplane isn't easy. You have to know aerodynamics, physics, and how to balance lift, drag, and engine fuel efficiency so that they all work together. No, designing an airplane isn't easy at all. Research Using the Internet Fair-Use Policy More and more students are turning to the Internet when doing research for their assignments, and more and more instructors are requiring such research when setting topics. However, research on the Net is very different from traditional library research, and the differences can cause problems. The Net is a tremendous resource, but it must be used carefully and critically.