Research Using the Internet
Fair-Use Policy More and more students are turning to the Internet when doing research for their assignments, and more and more instructors are requiring such research when setting topics. However, research on the Net is very different from traditional library research, and the differences can cause problems. The Net is a tremendous resource, but it must be used carefully and critically. The printed resources you find in the Library have almost always been thoroughly evaluated by experts before they are published. This process of "peer review" is the difference between, for example, an article in Time magazine and one in a journal such as the University of Toronto Quarterly.
Should Teachers Friend Their Students?
On Facebook, how classroom rules do and do not apply. In real life, people don't just usually walk right up to you and ask you to be their friend. Little kids do, I guess, but adults generally see that sort of question as just plain weird. I think of this sometimes when my students friend me on Facebook—adding yet another layer of complexity to the question of how best to balance the teacher-student-friend relationship—a layer of complexity that just five years ago did not exist. Many schools have responded to this new reality by creating official Facebook policies. But mine is a private high school that trusts its teachers to behave responsibly until, I suppose, someone doesn't.
On Piketty and definitions. ‘Financial capital’ is not the same thing as ‘physical capital’ (two graphs)
The discussion about Piketty is getting messed up. The vagueness of economic parlance allows people to accuse him of mistakes he doesn’t make. The meaning of the word ‘capital’ is a case in point. Financial capital (like bonds, cash, receivables (which are included in the estimates of financial wealth in the national accounts and which have the same magnitude as cash, deposit money and money in savings account combined)) are not the same thing as physical capital (houses, cars, buildings, machinery and the like).
Let's use video to reinvent education - Salman Khan
With a library of over 4,000 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice, the Khan Academy is on a mission to help people learn what they want, when they want, at their own pace.Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity in his 2006 TED Talk.Listen to the story on NPR about the YouTube Phenomenon, as it celebrated its five-year anniversary in 2010. Robert Siegel talks to Alex Pham, technology journalist for the Los Angeles Times, about its effect on the online world.In 2011, the World Bank launched a new Education Sector Strategy 2020, “Learning for All.”
Dirty Little Secrets: Multipotentiality
When I was five years old, I had a theory about heaven. See, I figured that if we could just fly a spaceship far enough to reach the end of outer space, there we would find heaven. So I wanted to be an astronaut. Shortly after that, I wanted to be a writer.
Publications - SusChem
European Technology Platform For SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY You are here: Look for : Search Publications
Every Presentation Ever: Communication Fail
In case you haven’t seen it: Funny video on the inner thoughts of every presenter and what the audience really thinks. I particularly like the snide remark about how Macs are better than PC’s. If you liked that. You will like this.
Microsoft PowerPoint Templates and Backgrounds
That's why we deliver only the very best premium PowerPoint templates to suit every need. From athletics to science and from people to religion, we offer the most comprehensive and usable database of Microsoft PowerPoint backgrounds you'll find anywhere on the web. Free PowerPoint themes for every person and every business Microsoft PowerPoint is a versatile program used all over the world in boardrooms, classrooms, community centers, and even homes.
The End of Education As We Know It
By Scott Barry Kaufman Imagine being 6 or 7 years old again, learning about addition and subtraction for the first time. How wonderful would it be, while taking a quiz, to be able to rub a genie’s bottle and choose from a number of on-the-spot metaphors for mathematical concepts, like what a fraction really means? Or picture this: Rather than working through equations in daunting rows on a sheet of paper, your task is to play a game on a tablet computer in which you share a dinner table with aliens.
What is Parent Counseling and Consultation?
Counseling and Consultations should not be confused with dispensing information (Corey, 2009). “Home is the child’s first and most important classroom,” (Clinton, 1996). Wow, that’s a big job! No wonder we celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day! No wonder there are countless websites, blogs, books, groups, clubs, in-person and on-line communities! Parenting is work and as parents, we provide our children’s first community, and are our children’s first teachers.
Mind the Gap: Encouraging women to study engineering
Women make up more than half the global population, but hold fewer than a third of the world’s engineering jobs. In the U.S., female students comprise fewer than 15 percent of all Advanced Placement computer science test takers. Even in high-tech Israel, few girls choose computer science.