Psychopaths vs. Sadists: Brain Science, Public Fascination Psychopathic serial killers are a source of infinite public fascination. If best-selling novels, hit TV series and popular films are any indication, you’d think real-life Hannibal Lecters were constantly running amok in the U.S. Thankfully, such offenders are far less prevalent in reality than they are in entertainment — but the disproportionate damage done by violent and even nonviolent psychopaths not surprisingly attracts intense scientific interest as well. On May 11, in fact, the New York Times explored whether psychopaths can be diagnosed as young as age 9. Another way to figure out what makes the psychopath tick is to contrast him — and they are overwhelmingly male — with other abnormal personalities. In a recent study led by Jean Decety, a professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Chicago, researchers looked at a personality trait often confused with psychopathy: sexual sadism. (SPECIAL: Report: 1 in 5 American Adults Takes Mental Health Drugs) Psychopathy vs.
How does the brain deal with cumulative stress? A review with focus on developmental stress, HPA axis function and hippocampal structure in humans Stress is believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of major depressive disorder (MDD). Currently, there is much debate about the effect of early life adversity and its potential associations with the specific course of illness, long-lasting emotional problems (Carboni et al., 2010, Heim and N. C., 2001, Mann and Currier, 2010), and hippocampal volumetric changes (Chen et al., 2010). Chronic stress can increase rates of depression in susceptible individuals but the detailed pathophysiology underlying this process remains unknown (Tsankova et al., 2006). In the following paragraphs of this section we will describe normal stress responses and the abnormal stress responses commonly found in MDD. How our bodies respond to stressors to a large extent determines our overall health. The brain is the main regulatory organ for stress responses. CRH is the main brain peptide involved in the activation of the HPA axis.
My IRB Nightmare - LessWrong 2.0 [Epistemic status: Pieced together from memory years after the event. I may have mis-remembered some things or gotten them in the wrong order. Aside from that – and the obvious jokes – this is all true. I’m being deliberately vague in places because I don’t want to condemn anything specific without being able to prove anything.] September 2014 There’s a screening test for bipolar disorder. Some psychiatrists love this test. There was a study that supposedly proved this test worked. So I complained to some sympathetic doctors and professors, and they asked “Why not do a study?” Why not do a study? For (it would turn out) a whole host of excellent reasons that I was about to learn. A spring in my step, I journeyed to my hospital’s Research Department, hidden in a corner office just outside the orthopaedic ward. “I want to do a study,” I said. She looked skeptical. I had to admit I hadn’t, so off I went. I went back to the corner office, Study Investigator Certification in hand. October 2014 1.
Guideline: Updates on HIV and Infant Feeding: The Duration of Breastfeeding, and Support from Health Services to Improve Feeding Practices Among Mothers Living with HIV - NCBI Bookshelf Hervé Regnauld : L’événement anthropocène. Hervé Regnauld Le mot événement désigne principalement une nouveauté, comme la sortie d’un nouveau livre. Il signale aussi que cette nouveauté est inattendue, qu’elle a un caractère improbable, tel l’exploit d’un sportif qui établit un nouveau record du monde dans sa spécialité. Si, toutefois, l’on prend quelques distances avec ces discours habituels et que l’on cherche une définition plus précise, on note que la sortie d’un livre ou l’amélioration d’un record sont deux faits nouveaux, mais pas impossibles, ni impensables. En un sens, qu’un record soit battu est attendu. C’est le principe même de la compétition sportive. On peut alors préciser davantage la notion d’événement en fixant des exigences plus strictes. Le problème est que la science ainsi défaillante ne se laisse pas faire. L’enjeu est épistémologique et politique. Quelle science l’événement met-il en cause ? L’enjeu se cristallise sur deux points. Le second enjeu porte sur la généralisation de ce qui a été déduit et vérifié.
Brain Abnormalities Found in Narcissists Narcissistic Personality Disorder Basics The American Psychiatric Association categorizes narcissistic personality disorder with a group of conditions called Cluster B personality disorders. All of these disorders produce behaviors or thought processes that rely to a dysfunctional degree on emotional excess or drama. People affected by NPD do such things as focus their lives around self-centered pursuits, greet criticism with outsized or excessive emotional displays, manipulate others for their own purposes, redirect other people’s attention toward themselves, make unsupported boasts or exaggerations, expect others to treat them as superiors or “betters,” and develop heavily involved fantasies centered on unfounded notions of their own abilities or achievements. Unusual Brain Thinness In the study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, a team of German researchers used modern brain scanning technology to examine the brain structure of 34 volunteers. Related January 10, 2017
Effects of early life stress on cognitive and affective function: an integrated review of human literature Accident Compensation Corporation (2008) Sexual abuse and mental injury: practice guidelines for Aotearoa/New Zealand. ACC, Wellington Google Scholar Admon R, Lubin G, Stern O, Rosenberg K, Sela L, Ben-Ami H et al (2009) Human vulnerability to stress depends on amygdala’s predisposition and hippocampal plasticity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:14120–14125PubMed CAS Google Scholar Adolphs R (2002) Neural systems for recognizing emotion. Curr Opin Neurobiol 12:169–177PubMed CAS Google Scholar Anda R, Croft JB, Felitti V, Nordenberg D, Giles W, Wiliamson DF et al (1999) Adverse childhood experiences and smoking during adolescence and adulthood.
Conclusions and research implications - Understanding the knowledge gaps in whistleblowing and speaking up in health care: narrative reviews of the research literature and formal inquiries, a legal analysis and stakeholder interviews - NCBI Bookshelf ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition Position Paper. Intravenous L... : Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition What Is Known * There is evidence that intravenous lipid emulsions (ILE) play a role in the pathogenesis of cholestasis and parenteral nutrition–associated liver disease. * A number of trials have suggested that novel fish oil–containing ILE could have a beneficial effect on cholestasis and parenteral nutrition–associated liver disease. What Is New * The present systematic review identified 23 randomized controlled trials, which evaluated the effect of different ILEs on cholestasis. * Meta-analysis showed no differences in the rate of cholestasis or bilirubin levels associated with short-term use of different ILE formulations in preterm infants, neonates, and children. * Although quality data are lacking there is some evidence that the use of multicomponent fish oil–containing ILE may contribute to a decrease in total bilirubin levels in children with intestinal failure on prolonged parenteral nutrition. Oxidative Stress Phytosterols Activation of the Reticuloendothelial System ILE (10% vs 20%)
article 'Storytelling: From the early Anthropocene to the good or the bad Anthropocene'
on: by igostr Aug 22
In the novel, it is said to be extremely overwhelming to take care of disabled, elderly people. Lou's primary daughter Shelley was very stressed attempting to take care of him. She tried to manage work, raising two children, and looking after Lou. Lou began to feel like another child to her. This article lists many of the stresses placed on caretakers of the elderly. The nurses wanted to quit their jobs as they became more difficult, similar to how Shelley wanted to put Lou in a nursing home. by pjweierbach Jul 21
Found in: 2013 - (Remenyi) Case Study Research: The Quick Guide Series
Kennedy M, (1979), Evaluation Quarterly, Vol 3, No 4, November, P 661-678 by raviii Apr 24
Found in: 2013 - (Remenyi) Case Study Research: The Quick Guide Series
Guillemin M and Gillam L, 2004 Ethics, Reflexivity, and "Ethically Important Moments" in Research Qualitative Inquiry 10: 261-280. by raviii Apr 24