But what did the British really do? · Lärarnas Riksförbund
Upplägg För att utmana mina elever valde jag att väva ihop dessa bitar till ett projekt om imperialismen. Upplägget är: Hitta information om hur ett land påverkades av britternas ankomst.Skriva en text utifrån anteckningarna.Bearbeta texten.Jämföra det man hittat med kamrater som arbetat med samma land samt diskutera källor.Presentera landets situation i grupp inför klassen. Informationssökning - med stöttning och ramar Det är många som suckar att de redan vet hur man googlar saker, men det jag märker är att eleverna i själva verket har en hel del problem här. Många av mina eleverna gillar att kopiera text direkt och just därför är jag lite hård och kräver att de antecknar för hand. Jag lottade ut länder bland eleverna och de fick ett papper med instruktioner för sökningen . Inför informationssökandet diskuterade vi de olika aspekterna av källkritik. När eleverna väl var igång försökte jag få lite koll på vilka sidor de valde att använda. Skrivandet - en Five paragraph essay .
Five essential listening skills for English learners
How can learners improve their listening comprehension? Teacher Raphael Ahmed shares some useful strategies in one of our top five articles of all time, illustrated by artist Jamie Johnson. Why listening is important It should not be difficult to realise the importance of listening when we consider that it occupies about 45 per cent of the time adults spend in communication. Yet, for all its importance, students (and even teachers) often fail to give listening the attention it needs. Listening challenges for English language learners There are many difficulties an individual may face in understanding a talk, lecture or conversation in a second language (and sometimes even in their first language). Contributing factors include the speaker talking quickly, background noise, a lack of visual clues (such as on the telephone), the listener’s limited vocabulary, a lack of knowledge of the topic, and an inability to distinguish individual sounds. 1. Imagine you've just turned on your TV. Tip: 2.
Around The Web In ESL/EFL/ELL
Five years ago I began this regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention. You might also be interested in The Best Resources, Articles & Blog Posts For Teachers Of ELLs In 2018 – So Far and THE BEST RESOURCES, ARTICLES & BLOG POSTS FOR TEACHERS OF ELLS IN 2018 – PART TWO. Also, check out A Collection Of My Best Resources On Teaching English Language Learners. In addition, look for our new book on teaching ELLs, which was published in the Spring of 2018. Here are this week’s choices: David Duebelbeiss has just created a new site for teachers of ELLs that looks great. Enska shares some decent lessons for ELLs. the ultimate listening game: ask Google assistant is from Keep It Simple Activities. Guess what’s being advertised is from On The Same Page. INSIDE GANG TERRITORY IN HONDURAS:‘Either They Kill Us or We Kill Them’ is from The NY Times. Related August 19, 2018 In "ESL Web" June 18, 2018
"The Lottery" lesson plans
11 Facts About Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" When the story was published in 1948, some people were so outraged that they canceled their subscriptions to The New Yorker ; other background information. "The Lottery" 7 critical-thinking discussion questions for small groups. Adobe Reader required. "The Lottery" How might students use storyboards to demonstrate and to extend their learning? "The Lottery" Text of the story and 10 postreading questions. 2 pages; Adobe Reader required. "The Lottery" Text of the story. "The Lottery" Audio file of the story read by actor Kate Mulgrew, 18:53. "The Lottery" This page opens with teacher comments on how to approach the story in an ELL environment. "The Lottery" Students respond to the themes of the story through small group discussion and personal questions. "The Lottery" Lesson Plan
Keep It Simple Activities – Zero or Minimal Preparation Activites for Busy Teachers
To Be in Past Tense - English Grammar
The past tense of To Be in English has two forms: WAS and WERE To Be - Affirmative To Be - Negative Sentences The negative of To Be can be made by adding not after the verb (was or were). To Be - Negative Contractions We can make negative contractions of the verb To Be in the Past tense by joining the verb (was or were) and n't (e.g. were not = weren't). To Be - Questions To create questions with To Be, you put the Verb before the Subject. Before the verb you can also have a WH- Question word (Why, Who, What, Where etc.) Were you happy? Why were you happy? To Be - Short Answers In spoken English, we usually give short answers in response to questions. Was he from Japan? ** With To Be, We don't use contractions in affirmative short answers. See more about Past Tense Short Answers TO BE in the Past Tense - Summary Chart Next activities NEW: Download our free To Be in Past Tense Worksheet (in PDF). If you found this English Grammar about To Be in the Past Tense useful, let others know about it:
TeachingGamesEFL.com – by Mike Astbury
Climate Change - English Words for Talking About Environmental Issues
Atmosphere - The layer of air surrounding the earth that protects us from the sun's harmful rays. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - a transparent gas that is either emitted or absorbed by all living things. Carbon Dioxide is a greenhouse gas which is naturally present in the earth's atmosphere. Climate - typical weather conditions for a specific part of the world. Climate Change - major, long term changes to global weather patterns. Climate change can occur naturally or it can be driven by human actions. Ecosystems - natural habitats that support different kinds of animal and plant life, such as coral reefs. Emissions - gases and other substances discharged into the air, such as plumes of smoke from coal-fired power stations or car exhaust fumes. Extinction - when a plant or animal species dies out, it becomes extinct. Fossil Fuels - sources of energy derived from the remains of living things that died a long time ago. The Greenhouse Effect - the effect that greenhouse gases have on the environment.
4 Fake Sites to Teach Students Website Evaluation
As adults we (hopefully) know that not everything online is true. For our students though, this is a concept they need to learn. Students can use Google to quickly find millions of websites matching their search request, but are they able to determine which sites actually contain information that is accurate, unbiased, up to date, and written by someone with authority? One step in helping our students identify quality information online is to introduce them to the exact opposite… websites that pretend to be truthful but actually are full of intentionally incorrect information. Such “fake” websites can be a great way to show students that just because something is online, does not mean it is true. You can ask students to do research on one of these sites as part of an assignment and then see how many were able to realize the site was not authentic. Now you might think this would be easy to do since there are so many sites online that are biased or misleading.
Themes ⋆ Climate Change
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