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Let’s see a case study where we have successfully exhibited the legacy content conversion services. Company’s Outline: A prominent e-commerce company having a diversified experience of providing fast-moving goods to its customers approached us for conversion of Flash to HTML5 elearning courses. Three sets of courses each consisting of 70 flash slides need to be converted into HTML5 and also need to transform into multi-lingual eLearning programs to reach global audience in their native languages. Proposed Solution: As there are no source files with the client, they gave us all the supporting files which include .swf, .xml, JavaScript, reference publish output file and media files such as audio & video in a structured format. Process We Followed: On getting all the necessary files from the clients we have started our development process in this way. Source files -> Media Extraction -> Template Design -> Instructional Design -> Prototype Course -> Develop Complete Course Challenges We Overcome:

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E-learning Content Localization, Translation and Voiceover Services eLearning is more effective when delivered in the learner’s native language. As part of business expansion, the global companies need to reach out to their audience and deliver the training in the language and culture they understand best. To achieve this, we work with you to recreate and transform your learning content to suit global markets. “With a wide range of experience in translation and localization of content into 30+ languages, Swift can help you create diverse multilingual solutions to meet your specific training needs and increase your brand integrity within a reasonable budget.” eLearning is more effective when delivered in the learner’s native language. As part of business expansion, the global companies need to reach out to their audience and deliver the training in the language and culture they understand best.

Best Cost Reduction Techniques For Flash to HTML5 Conversion Gamut of techniques is available to reduce your cost while converting Adobe Flash based courses to HMTL5. Flash has serious browser and incompatibility issues which need to be overcome. HTML5 is bundled with many advanced features like semantic enrichment, rich media support, and cross-browser compatibility, etc. So, it’s time to upgrade and convert legacy courses to HTML 5. In the present scenario, some of the companies mainly focus on Flash to HTML5 conversion services. Listed below are the top techniques that you can implement when you plan to migrate your flash courses to HTML5.

Business Etiquette Workshop Training Course for Corporates In every organization irrespective of the team size, we frequently hear about the word Business Etiquette. Though it may vary from country to country and/or region to region, some etiquettes will stand common irrespective of place and time. So what is Business Etiquette exactly about? Moodle Skilled Instructional Designers are similar to Master Chefs! They cook the dish of quality eLearning in all formats – custom eLearning content development, rapid eLearning, mobile learning or microlearning. Whichever may be the eLearning format, the core ingredients they use determine the learner’s appetite for learning.

HTML5 – The Future of Responsive eLearning Courses Undoubtedly, Adobe Flash was ever-popular and gold-standard of eLearning course creation that was absolutely rich in high level interactivity, engaging animation, graphics, flexibility, diversity, uniformity, etc. Unfortunately, incompatibility issues and Stagnant progress has made Flash a fewest option now-a-days. As learning methodologies took the digital route, inevitable thanks to the wave of new standard in the world of eLearning i.e., HTML5 which became new favorite among eLearning professionals. Hypertext Markup language 5 (HTML5) is the highly advanced, latest, robust, and versatile standard of HTML that serves best in designing and developing eLearning courses to meet diversified needs of global audience across array of devices. HTML5 has made the future of eLearning by structuring and presenting responsive courses, loaded with outstanding interactions, rich media, graphics, and many more.

Online Stress Management Course, Workplace Stress Management Training and Certification Course Overview: Positive and negative stress is a constant influence on all of our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and to minimize the negative stress. This workshop will give participants a three-option method for addressing any stressful situation, as well as a toolbox of personal skills, including using routines, relaxation techniques, and a stress log system. What Does Section 508 and WCAG standards for Your eLearning? The Section 508 and WCAG plays an important role in making technology accessible to people with disabilities like deaf or hearing impaired, vision impaired, etc. To cater to the needs of people with disabilities, Section 508 and the WEB Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) will lend a helping hand in accessing the e-learning content. WCAG and Section 508: (WCAG): Web Content Accessibility guidelines are the guidelines with technical standards, to make web content handy in reaching out to disabled people. It has been conceptualized by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) which is an international group supported by its own members and public, in developing and altering web standards. The WCAG is categorized into three levels which resemble one another based on accessible standards.

Why Custom eLearning Development Over Off-The-Shelf Courses? If you want to introduce online courses or eLearning in your organization, there are two options – off-the-shelf content and custom eLearning. Off-the-shelf content is convenient as the courses are ready to go. You just need to assign the users. But the content will not be customized as per your organizations requirement. Employee Motivation eLearning course, Training & Certification Course Overview: Employee Motivation is becoming ever more important in the workplace as time goes on, and everyone agrees that a motivated workforce is far more likely to be a successful workforce. The happier and more professional an employee is, the better the results they will deliver for you. Of course, every employer wants to make sure that they have a workforce who will do their best, but this does not simply mean making the job easy for their employees.

5 Best Authoring Tools for Flash to HTML5 Conversion With the phased out and inconvenient legacy of Flash, organizations are wishing to facilitate the latest and versatile technique (HTML5) that can flawlessly meet compatibility issues and programmer needs. This is a great boon that renders technology to go online without sweating or wastage of time. But a pertinent question is, how to streamline conversion efficiencies? Custom eLearning Swift specialises in developing custom eLearning content based on modern instructional design and visual design principles to create an impactful learning experience. Our Instructional/Visual Designers use interactive elements such as animations, stories, scenarios, gamification, themes, learning content and interactions to keep learners engaged and involved. With over 7,000+ hours of Custom eLearning Development, Swift is the learning partner you are looking for. We work closely with our Clients to identify the most appropriate learning solutions aligned to their specific business goals, timelines and budget. Swift specialises in developing custom eLearning content based on modern instructional design and visual design principles to create an impactful learning experience. Our Instructional/Visual Designers use interactive elements such as animations, stories, scenarios, gamification, themes, learning content and interactions to keep learners engaged and involved.

Best Practices for Successful Custom eLearning Development Looking to implement custom eLearning development solutions in your organization? This blog will provide you the best practices for custom elearning content development that fits your organization’s culture and context! Elearning is really impactful when it sticks!

Custom eLearning Development – Introduction Screen Templates We release the next set of Articulate Storyline ready-to-use introduction templates to help budding developers and instructional designer in Custom eLearning Development. Click on each image to view the template details. Introduction-007 The templates interface or the screen is divided into two halves with a slanting line. The left half has logo placeholder, title placeholder, welcome text and the button with the text “click here to begin.” The right half of the screen has an image representing the course title. Convert PowerPoint To eLearning The Team at Swift were fantastic with project management, when I first started this project it was with an employee no longer at swift. However this was not an issue and it was taken over smoothly, I’m super stoked. Communication was great!!
