Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL Hot Potatoes Home Page News - 2020-01-26 Agnès Simonet has released new versions of her excellent Hot Potatoes add-ons, along with those originally written by Michael Rottmeier, for version 7 of Hot Potatoes. You can find them at Potatoes 7 was released in 2019.. You should be able to install and use it alongside version 6.3 if you would like to keep using both versions. The source files are not compatible, though, so if you have custom source files for version 6, you will need to rewrite them for version 7. We are now working on an updated version of Quandary, which is available for pre-testing. What is Hot Potatoes? The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Downloads Download Hot Potatoes for Windows from here: The older version is also available for download. Download Java Hot Potatoes:
Flipgrid: docenti e studenti creano e si scambiano video didattici Flipgrid è una particolarissima piattaforma educativa gratuita, progettata per consentire a docenti e studenti di creare e condividersi video. In pratica, gli insegnanti introducono argomenti scegliendo la modalità comunicativa (un video, semplici domande, contenuti caricati in piattaforma, ecc) e gli alunni interagiscono con queste proposte attraverso video autoprodotti. All'inizio il docente si registra (è possibile usare i propri account Google o Microsoft) e crea delle (nuclei tematici su specifici argomenti) e, successivamente, condivide l’URL della griglia stessa con i propri alunni, che potranno ottenere l’accesso da qualsiasi dispositivo. E' disponibile anche l'app gratuita Flipgrid per dispositivi mobili iOS e Android. Gli studenti possono inserire i loro contenuti selezionando un argomento e, toccando il simbolo del “+”, avviando la registrazione di un video di risposta, che potrà essere rivisto in qualunque momento. Vai su Flipgrid Di seguito un breve tutorial Articoli correlati
The Seven Best Short Films for ELT Students - Kieran Donaghy I’ve been writing lesson plans designed around short films for my website Film English for six years. Teachers often ask me how I find the short films I use in my lesson plans. The answer is quite simple: I’ve watched literally thousands of short films and developed an instinct for the type of engaging and simple short films which will work in the ELT classroom. The Mirror The Mirror is a short film by Ramon and Pedro which tells the story of a boy’s journey from childhood to old age. The Notebook The notebook is a moving short film by Greg Gray and is wonderful for introducing the theme of empathy. The Present The Present is a gripping short film with a wonderful twist by Jacob Frey which deals with the themes of empathy, teenagers and disability. Soar Soar is a delightful short film by Alyce Tzue which can be used to get students to predict and write a narrative. I Forgot My Phone i-Diots Fear of Flying I hope you like the short films and find the lesson plans useful.
National Geographic Magazine Trees are more than just beautiful fixtures of any city neighborhood. They make hot summer days more bearable by providing shade and naturally cooling air temperatures in the immediate surroundings. However, researchers have found a distinct and historical connection between tree canopy disparity in wealthy, mostly white neighborhoods and low-income, often minority communities.
Wakelet – Save, organize and share content Lesson Plans Digger - Free English Lesson Plans and Teaching Tips Play Taboo Online Now Welcome! Happy playing! Did you like playing this game? Click NO to provide feedback Score Sheet This is where you can enter your team names, followed by a score for each round. These cards are meant to be played however you would like to.