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Top 10 Novels of the 2000s

Top 10 Novels of the 2000s
It’s natural for a child to assume that his or her own childhood is unremarkable. That’s one reason it takes Kathy, the narrator of Never Let Me Go, so long to twig that the very exclusive English boarding school she attends with her friends Ruth and Tommy is not quite ordinary. No responsible reviewer would reveal the exact nature of the horror that lurks there, but suffice to say that it’s thoroughly horrific. Ishiguro’s readers see the looming shadows before Kathy does, but by then it is far too late. It has always been too late for Kathy. She tells her story with a dry-eyed, almost plodding matter-of-factness that only makes her plight that much more plausible — her lack of artistry is a tribute to Ishiguro’s consummate artistry. MORE: The All-TIME 100 Novels Next Jonathan Strange and Mr.

15 Books You Should Have Read in 2010 - Culture - GOOD - StumbleUpon Image by Jane Mount, Courtesy 20x200 Yes, we read Freedom this year and yes, it was good. As Esquire put it, it “was one great slab of a book, at a time when most books have given up on greatness.” But there were other books in 2010, books that had to compete for our ever more challenged attention spans and won. So we asked a few members of the GOOD team & some of our good colleagues which book made their best list this past year.

random fact cats - George W. Bush was a cheerleader in high school. may be available for purchase. Inquire today! Inquiry Form All-TIME 100 Novels Welcome to the massive, anguished, exalted undertaking that is the ALL TIME 100 books list. The parameters: English language novels published anywhere in the world since 1923, the year that TIME Magazine began, which, before you ask, means that Ulysses (1922) doesn’t make the cut. In May, posted a similar list, of 100 movies picked by our film critics, Richard Corliss and Richard Schickel. Well, At Least There Was Good Stuff to Read: The Books of the Decade Anybody remember how anxious and thrilled we were in those last months of the 20th century? When we weren't at war and we had a budget surplus and it looked like Al Gore would be president? The prospect of a 21st century filled with new technologies, new art and literature loomed large and bright.

30 Very Funny Books It's a dreary day, so I thought I'd indulge myself and come up with a list of my favorite comedies. A caveat, however: this is not a fancy English-professor-y list of the finest, most exquisitely crafted, most erudite or intellectually sophisticated works on paper in the language. This is a list of the books that make me laugh until my mascara starts to run. These are books to read over your first cup of coffee or just before you go to sleep . Remember: a day you've laughed is day you haven't wasted--even if you didn't get out of bed. Some days you need a jump-start to get to the funny parts of life.

25 Things I Learned From Opening a Bookstore - jlsathre - Open Salon - StumbleUpon 1. People are getting rid of bookshelves. Treat the money you budgeted for shelving as found money. Go to garage sales and cruise the curbs. 2. While you're drafting that business plan, cut your projected profits in half. The Book of Lost Things Characters[edit] David - A boy of twelve, who loves books and stories. After his mother's death and his father's remarriage, he is magically transported into another world and must seek out King Jonathan and his Book of Lost Things to find a way to return home.David's mother - She dies at the beginning of the novel and is an inspiration for David to enter into the "other world", since he is tricked by the Crooked Man into believing she is there and in distress.David's father - After David's mother dies, he marries Rose; they have a child named Georgie.Rose - David's stepmother, administrator of the "not-quite-hospital" in which David's mother diedGeorgie - David's half-brother, son of Rose and David's fatherDr. Moberley - David's psychiatristThe Crooked Man - The antagonist, he lures David into the other world and is both David's protector and his enemy.

50 Most Influential Books of the Last 50 (or so) Years In compiling the books on this list, the editors at SuperScholar have tried to provide a window into the culture of the last 50 years. Ideally, if you read every book on this list, you will know how we got to where we are today. Not all the books on this list are “great.” The criterion for inclusion was not greatness but INFLUENCE. All the books on this list have been enormously influential.

mental_floss Blog & What 10 Classic Books Were Almost Called Remember when your high school summer reading list included Atticus , Fiesta , and The Last Man in Europe ? You will once you see what these books were renamed before they hit bookshelves. 1. F. Scott Fitzgerald went through quite a few titles for his most well-known book before deciding on The Great Gatsby . If he hadn’t arrived at that title, high school kids would be pondering the themes of Trimalchio in West Egg; Among Ash-Heaps and Millionaires; On the Road to West Egg; Under the Red, White, and Blue; Gold-Hatted Gatsby; and The High-Bouncing Lover. Fridtjof Nansen - StumbleUpon Fridtjof Nansen If you can look at this picture and tell me that this isn't one of the sweetest photos of a dude with a 'stache that you've ever seen, then you obviously need to learn a little something about facial hair and being awesome. This picture alone makes the guy badass, even if you didn't know the story behind it.

Put Down The Häagen-Dazs And Nobody Gets Hurt: Why Women Are Losing The Battle Of The Sexes “Here’s to the liars and the cheaters and the cold mistreaters, to the mama’s boys who can’t take a stand,” warbled Danielle Peck in her 2006 Billboard chart-topper. “To the superficial players, the I-love-you-too-soon-sayers, if you hear me girls, raise your hand — let’s have a toast, here’s to finding a good man!” From Beyonce’s catchy “All the Single Ladies” (If you like it, then you should have put a ring on it!) to Katy Perry’s iconic earworm “Hot ‘n’ Cold” (Stuck on a roller coaster!

Top 10 Best Novels of the Last 20 Years Books The ten novels on this list all substantiate the belief that books are the most elastic, introspective, human and entertaining form of media that exist. Not movies, not music, not art, not the theatre. A famous author once said that novels are the best way for two human beings to connect with each other. I believe this, and I believe that people who do not find pleasure in words have never had the opportunity to read one of the great novels. Your Favorites: 100 Best-Ever Teen Novels It's almost a cliche at this point to say that teen fiction isn't just for teens anymore. Just last year, the Association of American Publishers ranked Children's/Young Adult books as the single fastest-growing publishing category. Which is why we were only a little surprised to see the tremendous response that came in for this summer's Best-Ever Teen Fiction poll.

Read your bookcase - Creative Collection - StumbleUpon October 23rd, 2011. Both comments and pings are currently closed. Read your bookcase. A fantastic modular, typographic bookcase by Saporiti. PLEASE NOTE: To prevent spam, your first comment will be moderated so there may be a short delay before it appears.

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