PointlessSites.com - Fun Things To Do When You're Bored Le vite di 25 scienziate straordinarie raccontate per gli adolescenti. Traduzione dallo spagnolo all'italiano di "La vida de 25 científicas extraordinarias contada para adolescentes" Ogni volta che qualcuno ti dirà che le ragazze non sono brave nelle materie scientifiche, metti loro questo libro davanti agli occhi: BOOM! Perché se c'è qualcosa che è scientificamente super-dimostrato, è che le ragazze possono fare cose straordinarie. Irene Cívico presenta cosi "Las chicas son de ciencias", un libro che parla della vita e del lavoro di 25 scienziate che hanno cambiato il mondo. Venticinque donne che hanno combattuto duramente contro gli stereotipi, hanno infranto le regole che la società imponeva loro, che hanno creduto in se stesse anche quando il mondo intero metteva in dubbio le loro capacità e hanno finito per mostrare quanto potessero essere capaci nel mondo della scienza. Perché imitare Margaret Sanger, l'infermiera che ha combattuto per la pianificazione familiare? Perché "nessuno dovrebbe decidere per te del tuo corpo e della tua mente: sono tuoi!"
Film na YouTube The Met 360° Project This award-winning series of six short videos invites viewers around the world to virtually visit The Met's art and architecture in a fresh, immersive way. Created using spherical 360° technology, it allows viewers to explore some of the Museum's iconic spaces as never before. Viewed more than 11 million times, this series affords an access and a perspective typically unavailable to the public. Get a behind-the-scenes look at how we created the videos in a Digital Underground article written by Director/Producer Nina Diamond. Videos You may view these videos on YouTube on multiple devices: On your smartphone: Move your phone up, down, and behind you to see all directions. Be sure to turn up the volume to hear the music, too. Great Hall Architect Richard Morris Hunt designed this majestic space in 1902. Come explore not just behind the scenes, but everywhere in 360°. The Met Cloisters Take to the sky to explore the majestic vistas of The Met Cloisters. The Temple of Dendur The Met Breuer Awards
: PS-Future Invasive Species A Module in Planning for Sustainability About This Module: This module focuses on the role of non-native species in ecosystems. Students explore local examples of such species, including how and why these species become established in ecosystems. Then, after working through the concept of population growth and competitive exclusion, students work with a hands-on randomized simulation model to explore how the number of individuals of a nonnative (or an exotic) species population might influence the ability of that species to take hold and become invasive, doing damage to the ecosystem. A second deterministic model raises questions about how the spatial pattern of an invasion can impact the effectiveness of efforts to contain or slow invasive spread. Summary of Module Objectives: Lesson 1: The student will be able to define and describe invasive species and identify a local example of invasive species. In what types of classes could this module be used?
Example Errors - Benchmark Site for Dead Link Checking Tools RolloWeb Lascia qui il tuo commento Puoi lasciare un commento, un suggerimento, un saluto o dire la tua sul sito, mi aiuterà a migliorarlo! amedeorollo@gmail.com Amedeo Rollo, insegnante in pensione di Scienze Matematiche nella Scuola Media Le immagini usate nelle presentazioni sono riprese da varie fonti e sono utilizzate solo per attività scolastiche. Il materiale contenuto nel sito è stato in gran parte prodotto in proprio, ma a volte utilizza testi e immagini riprese da qualche testo, il tutto senza funzione di lucro, solo per aiutare e semplificare gli argomenti agli alunni.
Zadanie dodatkowe Google Street View Trekker in NSW National Parks | NSW National Parks Did you know you can explore NSW national parks online using Google Maps' Street View? Discover new places with a virtual tour of walking tracks, lookouts and campgrounds on the coast, deep within rainforests, and even in Outback NSW. Get 360 degree views of these incredible landscapes before setting out on your own adventure. Working in partnership with Google, NSW National Parks (NPWS) has captured imagery in over 50 national parks using Google's special backpack-mounted trekker. With more than 1350km of Google Trekker footage, there are hundreds of experiences to discover. To start exploring, drop and drag 'Pegman' into Google Maps from your computer or mobile device. Keep an eye out for Google Street View Trekker links on our webpages. Sydney and Surrounds North Coast NSW South Coast NSW Country NSW Snowy Mountains- Kosciuszko National Park Outback NSW and Murray-Riverina Please note: The backpack-mounted trekker has been specifically designed to go off the grid.
EarthLabs This spectacular “blue marble” image is the most detailed true-color image of the entire Earth to date. Using a collection of satellite-based observations, scientists and visualizers stitched together months of observations of the land surface, oceans, sea ice, and clouds into a seamless, true-color mosaic of every square kilometer (.386 square mile) of our planet. Provenance: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Image by Reto Stöckli (land surface, shallow water, clouds). Enhancements by Robert Simmon (ocean color, compositing, 3D globes, animation). Data and technical support: MODIS Land Group; MODIS Science Data Support Team; MODIS Atmosphere Group; MODIS Ocean Group Additional data: USGS EROS Data Center (topography); USGS Terrestrial Remote Sensing Flagstaff Field Center (Antarctica); Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (city lights). Earth and environmental science classes are changing.
40 Maps They Didn't Teach You In School By the time we graduate high school, we learn that they never taught us the most exciting things there. Sure, you might be able to name the European countries or point New York on the map, but does that give you a real understanding of how the world functions? We have gathered a tremendous and informative selection of infographic maps that they should’ve shown us at school to fill this gap. Every single one of these cool maps reveals different fun and interesting facts, which can actually help you draw some pretty interesting conclusions. What makes infographic world maps so engaging is how easy it becomes to conceive graphically presented information. Without further ado, we invite you to learn things like the most popular sports in different countries, who has the biggest breasts, the red hair map of Europe, the world’s most consumed alcoholic beverages, or which brands dominate in various states of the USA in these funny world maps. The Most Famous Brand From Each State In The US