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Infographic of the Day

Infographic of the Day
Related:  Web design

Carte des prix immobilier par métro | Réactualisées tous les mois pour coller à la réalité du marché, nos estimations de prix sont exprimées en net vendeur (hors frais d'agence et notaires). Les bornes de la fourchette sont calculées pour qu'elle inclue 90% des prix du marché, en excluant les 5% des prix les plus faibles comme 5% des prix les plus élevés de la zone "France". En Ile-de-France : Les prix sont calculés par MeilleursAgents sur la base de deux sources d'informations complémentaires : 1. les transactions historiques enregistrées par la base BIEN des Notaires de Paris / Ile de France 2. les dernières transactions remontées par les agences immobilières partenaires de MeilleursAgents. Hors Ile-de-France : Les prix sont calculés par MeilleursAgents sur la base des données de transaction communiquées par nos agences partenaires, d'annonces immobilières et de données éco-socio-démographiques.

Choosing web fonts: 15 expert tips Over the last few years, the possibilities for using type on the web have expanded enormously. In the bad old days of the web, designers were restricted to a few 'web safe' fonts, which meant everything looked pretty much the same, or using images to replace the type – a clunky solution that caused problems for the reader and technical problems in the browser. Nowadays, though, you can access an astonishing array of professional typefaces for use on your sites, bringing the aesthetics of print design to the web. Since around 2010, widespread support of @font-face in all the major browsers, plus a new web open font format, WOFF, has led to a technical revolution and the rise of a number of web font hosting services. These companies allow users to pay a subscription to host an enormous range of web fonts on their website. Popular services include Typekit, Fontdeck, WebINK and Tim Brown is the type manager at Typekit. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

lapse: Landsat Satellite Images of Climate Change, via Google Earth Engine TIME and Space | By Jeffrey Kluger Editors note:On Nov. 29, 2016, Google released a major update expanding the data from 2012 to 2016. Read about the update here. Spacecraft and telescopes are not built by people interested in what’s going on at home. That changed when NASA created the Landsat program, a series of satellites that would perpetually orbit our planet, looking not out but down. Over here is Dubai, growing from sparse desert metropolis to modern, sprawling megalopolis. It took the folks at Google to upgrade these choppy visual sequences from crude flip-book quality to true video footage. These Timelapse pictures tell the pretty and not-so-pretty story of a finite planet and how its residents are treating it — razing even as we build, destroying even as we preserve. Chapter 1: Satellite Story | By Jeffrey Kluger It’s a safe bet that few people who have grown up in the Google era have ever heard of Stewart Udall. But in 1966, Udall and his staff had an idea. 1 of 20 1 of 14

Medidas de la pantalla y resolución de teléfonos celulares y tabletas Tamaño de la pantalla, ancho y altura en pixeles, resoluciones, PPI, densidad, sistema operativo que usan y otros datos y especificaciones técnicas de los principales móviles Smartphone y tablets del mercado. Tablas con información de las principales características técnicas de la pantalla de los dispositivos portables más empleados en la actualidad. Las principales especificaciones físicas que nos pueden ayudar a decidirnos antes de comprar un dispositivo, para quedar completamente satisfechos. Datos útiles y necesarios para crear o diseñar las páginas web de forma tal que se muestren correctamente sus elementos en cualquier dispositivo portable. Explicación detallada al final de la página de cada uno de los parámetros técnicos usados. Tamaño y otros datos de las pantallas de los celulares La popularidad de los teléfonos y tabletas está determinada por los que usan los lectores para entrar a nuestro sitio web, no por su uso global. Tamaño y otros datos de las pantallas de las tabletas

Alpage : base publique Alpage : base publique Vue générale Thèmes Raster Localisation Alpage Références | Blog DynMAP distribué par 2D3D.GIS Zoom par sélection Vue initiale Mesure de longueur sur la carte Mesure de surface sur la carte Ajouter une annotation Information Sélectionner un élément Déselectionner Infos des éléments sélectionnés Exporter sous format tableur Excel Exporter la carte en image Imprimer au format PDF Export SIG Outils avancés Loading... Google fonts : tests de lisibilité Avant d’utiliser les polices proposées par Google dans le Google font directory, j’ai décidé de les tester une par une, sur OS-X et sur Windows afin d’évaluer leur lisibilité. Cet article propose un récapitulatif des résultats sous forme de pdf téléchargeable gratuitement (Français/Anglais) ainsi qu’une analyse détaillée… Webdesign et typographie 2010 aura incontestablement été l’année de la typographie sur le web. Alors qu’il était déjà difficile d’utiliser intelligemment les polices de la petite liste dite « web-safe », celà devient carrément compliqué de s’y retrouver sans être typographe avec ces milliers de polices à portée de main… Sachant qu’en rêgle générale, plus nous avons de choix possibles, plus nous avons du mal à choisir, alors autant revenir aux bases pour faire des choix cohérents. Evaluation de la lisibilité J’ai donc décidé de me lancer dans une petite série de tests basiques pour évaluer la lisibilité des polices proposées par Google dans son « Google font directory ».

Visual Decision Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor One of the most important color tricks I’ve ever learned was to avoid using the color black in my work. Mrs. Zamula, my childhood art teacher, first warned me about black when I was in middle school. And I heard the same again multiple times at RISD. It sounds weird at first, but it’s good advice. Problem is, we see dark things and assume they are black things. Shadows aren’t black. In high school, I spent lots of my free time in the art room with a few other art-loving friends. I probably went through that book ten times. His shadows are some of the most saturated parts of his paintings, and that’s on the screen too. Now you might be thinking, “Yeah, but those are paintings. But I must have been thinking the same thing, because one of those days in art class Mrs. I was amazed. The corner of Chestnut and Polk. The darkest part of that image? Black overpowers everything else. When you put pure black next to a set of meticulously picked colors, the black overpowers everything else. Mrs.

Getting Started - Google Fonts This guide explains how to use the Google Fonts API to add fonts to your web pages. You don't need to do any programming; all you have to do is add a special stylesheet link to your HTML document, then refer to the font in a CSS style. A quick example Here's an example. Copy and paste the following HTML into a file: Then open the file in a modern web browser. Making the Web Beautiful! That sentence is ordinary text, so you can change how it looks by using CSS. You should now see a drop shadow under the text: And that's only the beginning of what you can do with the Fonts API and CSS. Overview You can start using the Google Fonts API in just two steps: Add a stylesheet link to request the desired web font(s): Style an element with the requested web font, either in a stylesheet: or with an inline style on the element itself: For a list of fonts you can use, see Google Fonts. Specifying font families and styles in a stylesheet URL For example, to request the Inconsolata font: For example:

Ideal line length for content Date: 3 May 2003 Author: Russ Weakley Is there an ideal line length for content? To quote a passage from “Web Style Guide – Basic design principles for creating web sites”. The ideal line length for text layout is based on the physiology of the human eye… At normal reading distance the arc of the visual field is only a few inches – about the width of a well-designed column of text, or about 12 words per line. The challenge I’d like to design a site that uses optimal line lengths. Layout methods Most websites lay out content used either fixed width (set to an absolute measurement) or flexible width (set to a percentage of the screen, so that it scales in or out based on the browser window). Fixed-width columns can be used to set column widths that are ideal if users have their fonts set to browser defaults. Flexible-width columns also have problems. The second problem is placing the responsibility on the user. A solution The solution may be to set column widths using em‘s. width: 30em;

Columnas, anchos de línea y legibilidad Los principales motivos por los que los usuarios leen mejor unas páginas que otras dependiendo de su formato de párrafos. Los usuarios leen más rápido los textos con renglones de tamaño medio (60-80 cpl), que los de renglones cortos o largos. También son los de tamaño medio sus preferidos. Ello, junto a que sólo los lectores avezados leen mejor en dos columnas de texto que en una, sugiere que sigue siendo acertado utilizar el modelo de maquetación basado en tres columnas de elementos: barra de navegación, texto y opciones secundarias respectivamente. Un aspecto importante a la hora de maquetar los contenidos de un sitio web es decidir cómo se ha de presentar la información textual para que su comprensión y legibilidad sean máximas. Además, hay que poder presentar los textos en monitores de muy alta resolución y, al tiempo, hacerlo compatible con dispositivos tipo PDA. El ancho de línea Cada vez es más frecuente encontrar resoluciones de hasta 1900 pixels de ancho. Maquetar el texto
