SelfRestraint | Parker Kuivila Stop Procrastinating Online If you find yourself constantly ending up on distracting websites, you know what a time sink your computer can be. Unfortunately, you can't just stop using your computer because you need it to be able to get work done. There are tools out there that will block you from going online, but there are some sites that you may need to access. That's why I've made SelfRestraint; it blocks websites you pick for a set amount of time. Built With Simplicity In Mind SelfRestraint is easy to use, so you won't get distracted trying to figure out how to use it. Freedom is finally Free The best part of this application is that it's free. SelfRestraint is in Beta This software is in beta (read: it has some occasional bugs), and as such I cannot provide support to everyone that has an issue, and by downloading this software you agree to such terms. Known Bugs (And Solutions to them) For some reason, some people may continue to be blocked from sites even after the timer expires.
How Real Are Internet Relationships? Somewhere in the back of my mind, wherever the unconscious gears of the subconscious grind away, I’m fairly certain my brain is monitoring the quality of my relationships. I know this because there are periods of time every day when I am actively working to improve my relationships. For example, one of the first things I do every day is check my email, social network, and blog activity — and respond to and/or update each of these in the most constructive ways I can come up with. In the physical world (“off the Internet”) I engage in similar exercises, returning phone calls and paying visits to friends — but I probably have a more heightened awareness of a deliberate maintenance of relationships when I am online. I sometimes wonder, however, about the ways in which relationships that exist due to the Internet are differentiated from relationships that take place “in person” — that is, in the physical world. In the preceding paragraphs I placed a few terms in quotes. I was wrong.
TIC, TAC , Educación Questions sur Logiciel espion Promibs : Conseils et pratiques de l'espionnage de Telephones GSM L'assistance à l'utilisation de la gamme Promibs est notre meilleure publicité, la qualité des réponses et notre réactivité la base sur laquelle nous fondons notre développement commercial. Pour toutes questions concernant la compatibilité des téléphones mobiles, l'installation, le paramétrage et l'utilisation des produits Promibs, nos équipes se tiennent à votre disposition Par téléphone, du Lundi au Vendredi de 10h à 19h, au 0972 22 31 65 depuis la France Par e-mail 24h/24 et 7j/7 sur Par chat en direct, en cliquant ci-dessous : <div style="display:inline"><a href=" Questions les plus fréquemment posées Puis je installer un programme pour mobile GSM à distance? La batterie se vide rapidement Je n'ai plus de localisation GPS La géolocalisation est parfois imprécise L'écoute environnementale s'arrête de manière intempestive Cela est lié au fait que la personne surveillée manipule le téléphone. Je ne reçois plus de données MB Record pour Nokia
SelfControl | Steve Lambert Is email a distraction? SelfControl is an OS X application which blocks access to incoming and/or outgoing mail servers and websites for a predetermined period of time. For example, you could block access to your email, facebook, and twitter for 90 minutes, but still have access to the rest of the web. Once started, it can not be undone by the application, by deleting the application, or by restarting the computer – you must wait for the timer to run out. Created while at Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology. Self Control is Free Software SelfControl is Free Software under the GPL. Free Software means you are free to use, modify, and redistribute the application and the source code. Free Software and volunteers have made a Linux version and a Windows version possible. Why did you make this? Because I needed it, same as you. I am an artist, and as anyone who creates things knows; the time you can block out to get focused work done is invaluable. P.S. Help out Download SelfControl
SocialCompare - Outils de publication automatique | Tableaux comparatifs Comparateur collaboratif S'inscrire Se connecter Se connecter Déconnexion Mon Espace - Outils de publication automatique Internet > Communications > Curation J'aime 13 mars 2017 23:49:44 Comparatif des outils de publication automatique Outils permettant de sélectionner automatiquement des contenus en ligne, de les mettre en page et de les publier. Ce comparatif est associé à celui des plates-formes de curation, qui permettent la sélection manuelle de contenu et leur éditorialisation : Le tableau est librement modifiable, vous pouvez le mettre à jour vous-même et noter vos outils préférés. Inclure 2011-03-11 16:06:57 2017-03-13 23:49:44 Curation Compare Aggregate vs Curata vs vs DayLife vs Fever vs Flipboard vs Genieo vs vs Publitweet vs Pulse vs Qwiki vs Summify vs The Twitted Times vs Yahoo! Plus de comparatifs Commentaires a noté Note globale 1Not user friendly. Laisser un commentaire
Las bases del aprendizaje y las 10 técnicas para aprender de forma rápida. Por A.Carlos González. Negocios 1000. Hay personas que tienen la capacidad de aprender nuevas cosas de una forma más rápida que el resto, bien sea una nueva temática laboral, una nueva habilidad, un nuevo idioma, finanzas, inversiones.... Si bien en algunas personas pudiera parecer algo innato (que en algunos casos es cierto que es un don), lo cierto es que todos tenemos esa capacidad de rápido aprendizaje si sabemos cómo hacerlo, aunque para ello debemos entender primero cómo funciona el aprendizaje. 1. Este tipo de aprendizaje quizás sea el que emplean sobre todo los universitarios. El problema de este tipo de aprendizaje es que no suele pasar a la memoria de largo plazo, quedando en la memoria de corto plazo. (Leer: 3 formas en que tu mente te traiciona para no avanzar en la vida) 2. Cuanto más cosas aprendas, más facilidad de aprendizaje tendrás, independientemente de lo que estés aprendiendo. 1. No hay secreto en este aspecto. 1. 2. Qué es el PER de una empresa: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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