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Related:  Méthode de coconception

2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick's Alchemical Magnum Opus "I'm sure you are aware of the extremely grave potential for social shock and disorientation caused by this information. We can't release it without proper conditioning." - Heywood Floyd The idea of this thread came from reading Alchemical Kubrick on the Alchemy Lab website, a love for Kubricks 'Work' and an interest in Alchemy. Let me disclaim now that I am no initiate or adept, so go easy huh. The credit must go to the author of the article Jay Weidner, as most of the work included here is his. To me, he cracked this enigma wide open. Many poets, philosophers, artist, sculptors, scientist, builders, and a few movie producers have hidden the 'Great Work' within their creations so as only if you have the eyes to see, you will. This is about Stanley Kubrick (Cube-Brick Hexahedron?) There are three recognized types of practical Alchemy, Spagyric (plant), Mineral, and Animal. In some circles there are three steps of the Magnum Opus, but we will stick with the four used here. Solve et Coagula

Wikibuilding Procon-SP notifica Telefônica sobre nova instabilidade no Speedy São Paulo – Operadora tem até as 18 horas desta quarta-feira (20/05) para explicar motivos da pane e providências para compensar usuários. A Fundação Procon-SP enviou uma notificação à Telefônica pedindo esclarecimentos sobre a mais recente pane no serviço Speedy, ocorrida no início desta semana. De acordo com Paulo Arthur Goes, diretor de fiscalização do Procon-SP, a operadora tem até as 18horas desta quarta-feira (20/05) para esclarecer os motivos das sucessivas interrupções no acesso em banda larga para diversos usuários na segunda-feira (18/05) e na terça-feira (19/05), bem como informar as medidas tomadas para solucionar o problema e ressarcir os clientes afetados. “As medidas tomadas pelo Procon-SP dependem do empenho da empresa em solucionar os problemas”, afirmou Goes. Segundo o diretor de fiscalização, caso a operadora se mostre “resistente”, o órgão pode apresentar um ‘termo de ajustamento de conduta” obrigando a empresa a tomar medidas para garantir a qualidade do serviço.

Humanités et sciences cognitives « Search Results Once Upon These Times: New Stories for New Audiences Bio Jeremy Ettinghausen Jeremy Ettinghausen is Digital Publisher at Penguin UK and has been responsible for a number of high profile digital initiatives including the Penguin Remix competition and the collaborative wikinovel, A Million Penguins. He recently brought William Gibson into Second Life and says "No publisher should ever have to buy skin, virtual or real, for an author." Matt Locke Matt Locke is Commissioning Editor for Education and New Media at Channel 4. In the first year of its new online strategy, C4 Education projects have won numerous awards, including a BAFTA, BIMA and Flash Forward award for Bow Street Runner, a BAFTA nomination for Yeardot and an EMMY for Battlefront. To download this program become a Front Row member. ZOOM IN: Learn more with related books and additional materials. Encyclopædia Britannica Article book book on © 2010 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

5 Possible Storylines For The Next Star Wars Movie October 31, 2012 - Disney just paid over $4 Billion for Lucasfilm and the jewel of George Lucas’ eye, the Star Wars Universe. The House of Mouse wasted no time, announcing that a new live-action Star Wars film (tentatively titled Star Wars Episode VII) will be released in 2015, with new films following every few years. With only two to three years to plan, shoot, and edit, a story is probably already in place. Here are five possible directions that Disney could take its new toy in. 1) The Thrawn Trilogy A set of three books written by sci-fi master Timothy Zahn, the Thrawn Trilogy starts with 1991′s Heir to the Empire novel, the first official foray by Lucasfilm into the world now known as the Expanded Star Wars Universe. The Thrawn Trilogy would allow for some storyline separation between the 2015 Star Wars movie and Return of the Jedi. 2) The Rise of Darth Vader 3) Pick up right after Return of the Jedi 4) A Boba Fett Spin-Off 5) The Old Republic

Shadowing | Design Research Techniques Authour:Jen Recknagel Edited by Christine Keene Problem Contextualized information about how, when and why people act is needed to generate understanding of human need and to develop meaningful insights for innovation. Solution Shadowing provides a rich, comprehensive data set about the patterns of actions, interdependence and motivations of users. Background Shadowing originated out of 1950’s Management Studies and Henry Minzberg’s 1970’s iterations on structured observation. Use When This methodology is used when exploring a research domain to gain a rich understanding of user/customer/employee motivation and to capture what people do and not what they say they do. Use For Shadowing is used to gain understanding of an individual’s behaviour, opinions and drivers as well as to understand a person’s role and paths through an organization or interactions with other objects or people in a given setting. Process 3) Develop Trust – The goal of shadowing is to gain insider status. Resources Quand un bébé découvre l’iPad Comment un bébé réagit face à la nouvelle locomotive d’Apple : l’iPad ? C’est à cette question que j’ai voulu répondre en tentant cette expérience avec Clémentine, un bébé de 20 mois. Elle n’en est pas à sa première expérience high-tech puisqu’elle navigue déjà depuis plusieurs mois sur l’iPhone. Avec l’avènement du tactile, l’outil informatique a pris une dimension universelle : il suffit de toucher de son doigt ce que l’on voit à l’écran pour faire réagir les programmes. Il n’y a plus l’obstacle du langage (avec des icônes) ni celui de la souris par exemple. C’est sur ces deux derniers points qu’Apple tire son épingle du jeu pour une telle expérience : les icones graphiques et la navigation intuitive de l’iPad et de l’iPhone rendent beaucoup d’applications à la portée d’un enfant. J’ai pris soin de bien cacher l’iPad afin de lire sur son visage sa première réaction. Voir aussi notre vidéo micro trottoir : ce que vous pensez de l'iPad Lire le test complet de l'iPad, usage par usage

Games People Play Bio Matt Adams Matt Adams makes performances, installations, games and interactive artworks. He co-founded Blast Theory in 1991, a group renowned for its multidisciplinary approach pioneering the use of new technologies within performance contexts. The group has used interactive pressure pad systems triggered by audience members, video and audio streaming, and more recently, the convergence of collaborative virtual environments and mobile devices. He co-curated the Screen series of video works for Live Culture at Tate Modern in 2003 and curated the Games and War season at the ICA in London in 2003. Dan Hon Dan Hon is CEO of Six to Start, an award winning entertainment production company founded with his brother, Adrian, in September 2007. Six to Start's first project, We Tell Stories, for Penguin, re-imagined how a publisher could adapt to producing internet natvie fiction. Kati London Kevin Slavin Kevin Slavin is the Managing Director and co-Founder of area/code. Alice Taylor sports and games

My Interpretation of Heliofant's "I, Pet Goat II" Thanks to this great thread here by user nimbinned, I was able to come across this great video of I, Pet Goat II by team Heliofant. The animation is some of the best I have seen in awhile, even better than major Pixar and Disney movies (albeit much shorter). It is obviously a highly symbolic short and subject to many different interpretations, but I thought I would propose my take on it and you all can hopefully add your takes or tell me why I am wrong. I do regret not adding this to the main thread already started but I am about to post so much content that I did not want to hijack nimbinned's thread. This is going to be a large thread, so, please bare with me. So, in case you haven't seen the video, I will post it here. [The video has been previously taken down by YouTube (surprise, surprise) and uploaded by a random user. The name "I, Pet Goat" is reference to the storybook read by President George W. Here is the video of him in the class: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Analyse PESTEL Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Facteurs[modifier | modifier le code] Six facteurs originels[modifier | modifier le code] Le modèle PESTEL distingue six catégories d'influences macro-environnementales qui peuvent influencer une industrie[2]. Variables supplémentaires[modifier | modifier le code] L'analyse PESTEL a été agrémentée avec le temps de nouvelles variables. Démographiques : l'âge, le genre, l'utilisation du langage, le handicap, etc[4].Régulatoires : les lois et les règlements édictés par la puissance publique, les standards internationaux, etc[5]. Variables clés et pivots[modifier | modifier le code] L'analyse PESTEL constitue généralement la première étape d'une analyse stratégique au niveau d'un domaine d'activité stratégique. L'analyse PESTEL ne doit pas se limiter à une simple liste : elle doit se conclure par l'identification des facteurs les plus structurants pour le marché considéré, que l'on appelle les variables clés et les variables pivots. ↑ (en) Babette E.

Microsoft deve anunciar novo mecanismo de busca na próxima seman São Paulo - Em novo esforço para competir com Google, Microsoft pode lançar nova busca em evento na Califórnia. Companhia não confirmou. A Microsoft planeja uma nova versão de seu mecanismo de busca na internet a ser lançada na próxima semana, informaram fontes próximas à companhia ao jornal The Wall Street Journal. O novo mecanismo de busca pode ser apresentado na conferência All Things Digital, promovida pelo Wall Street Journal, na Califórnia, e seria mais um esforço para aumentar sua competitividade com o Google, que atualmente domina 64% das buscas na web nos EUA. A nova busca estaria sendo testada dentro da Microsoft há meses e pretende organizar melhor os resultados para que os usuários percam menos tempo clicando em vários sites ao procurar pela informação desejada. Há alguns meses, a Microsoft já testa o Kumo entre seus funcionários. O Yahoo também planeja reinventar seu mecanismo de buscas. O porta-voz da Microsoft se recusou a comentar o assunto.
