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FBTEE: The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe | Mapping the Trade of the Société Typographique de Neuchâtel, 1769-1794 The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe (FBTEE) project is a digital humanities project of international significance mapping the production, marketing, dissemination, policing, and reception of books (and hence ideas) in the late eighteenth century. It aims to bring together and make interoperable and publicly available in a single digital resource multiple historical bibliometric databases. The first of these databases is now available on line via this site. A second stage of the project’s development is being funded by the Australian Research Council and Western Sydney University, where the project is now based. For details of this project and work in progress. The version of the FBTEE database currently online maps the trade of the Société Typographique de Neuchâtel (STN), a celebrated Swiss publishing house that operated between 1769 and 1794. This resource was publicly launched on 25 June 2012 and is freely available on this website.

Digital Humanities Now Challenges of Blended Learning in the Humanities: Ancient Greek | Rebecca Frost Davis Earlier this week, I received a query about available resources for teaching Ancient Greek online that would enable a hybrid or blended approach to teaching beginning Greek. My experience tracking down those resources is a useful demonstration of the challenges still faced by many humanities disciplines in implementing the hybrid or blended approach. In this blog post, I’m going to share my results and reflect on those challenges. The Next Big Thing for Liberal Arts Colleges: Hybrid or Blended Learning For the last several years, I’ve been researching and advocating for digital humanities at small liberal arts colleges. Bryn Mawr’s exploration of Blended Learning in a Liberal Arts Setting funded by a Next Generation Learning Challenge grant and involving 39 other liberal arts collegesBlended Learning Program of the Associated Colleges of the South (ACS) (by the way, they are looking for a director). Blending Learning in the Humanities Open University’s Interactive Latin website. Like this:

NULab for texts, maps and networks | Center for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science {*style:<ul>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:<h3>*}{*style:<a href=' Co-Director Elizabeth Dillon featured in the New York Times{*style:</a>*}{*style:</h3>*} November 24, 2016 {*style:<br>*}Professor Elizabeth Maddock Dillon recently published an op-ed, “Long Before ‘Hamilton’ Brouhaha, Theater Was Anything but Polite” in the New York Times. You can read her ... {*style:<a href=' more...

Keeping Up With...Digital Humanities | Association of College &amp; Research Libraries This edition of Keeping Up With... was written by Jennifer L. Adams and Kevin B. Gunn. Jennifer L. Introduction At its core, Digital Humanities (or DH) is an emerging, interdisciplinary movement which looks to enhance and to redefine traditional humanities scholarship through digital means. DH encompasses a wide range of definitions, activities -- and controversies Some see Digital Humanities as a discipline unto itself; others define it as a movement within existing disciplines; still others argue that DH represents the future norm of humanities research and should simply be called “humanities.” DH invites—and demands—collaboration with parties outside of the library Supporting long-term digital research usually requires working with third parties. Librarians need additional training and education in order to contribute effectively Before making a contribution, librarians must ascertain the expertise required for a particular project. DH research relies heavily on data. Conclusion DevDH.

POST: Useful Resource on Digital Exhibits Laurie N. Taylor (Digital Humanities Librarian, University of Florida) calls attention to recent efforts by the Ohio State University Libraries to examine their digital exhibits pilot project (full report available here [docx]). Taylor notes: The report is well worth reading because it details the process, including goals, findings from the process, and next steps; this includes a technical review with review of the functional requirements (system design) that then extends into non-functional requirements (system architecture: scale, interoperability, extensibility, supportability etc.) during the testing of the pilot project. dh+lib Review This post was produced through a cooperation between Jefferson Bailey, Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Trevor Muñoz, and Ayla Stein (Editors-at-large for the week), Roxanne Shirazi (Editor for the week), and Zach Coble and Caro Pinto (dh+lib Review Editors).

SEMINARIO HD Las Humanidades Digitales son una rama de estudio interdisciplinario en las cuales se fomenta el uso de herramientas digitales y nuevas metodologías para el análisis de temas propios de las disciplinas humanísticas y, en algunos casos, de las ciencias sociales. Actualmente en México existen algunos grupos e investigadores que adscriben sus investigaciones a esta disciplina; sin embargo, no existe una Licenciatura o programa de Posgrado con esta orientación (institucionalmente hablando); por lo tanto, este Seminario surge por el interés de crear un espacio de discusión y trabajo interdisciplinario e interinstitucional que permita conocer y discutir el papel que las Humanidades Digitales tienen en las diferentes áreas de estudio e instituciones en las que esta disciplina está presente. Descripción y objetivos del seminario El Seminario de Humanidades Digitales, tiene como objetivo principal la difusión de esta disciplina en su relación con los estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales.

The Association for Computers and the Humanities | About ACH The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) is a major professional society for the digital humanities. We support and disseminate research and cultivate a vibrant professional community through conferences, publications, and outreach activities. ACH is based in the US, but boasts an international membership (as of November 2015, representing 21 countries worldwide). What is DH? Digital humanities is a broad term encompassing a wide range of subject domains and communities of practice, including computer-assisted research, pedagogy, and software and content development in humanistic disciplines like literature and language studies, history, or philosophy. DH also engages with the critical relationship between digital technologies and humanities methods, and the ways they may influence each other. The question “What is digital humanities?” Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations How Do I Join?

Humanities Data Visualization dh+lib ← where the digital humanities and librarianship meet
