Gift Ideas for Poor Creative Souls (10) Posted by: Cathy on May 22, 2012 Tagged in: Untagged I just loved this Paint swatch chandelier! What a wonderful idea and those paint swatches you can pick up for free. Curb Chain Ring While browsing important web sites the other day, I stumbled upon some pictures of Gwen Stefani and fell in love with a curb chain ring she had on. Long story short I decided to make my own version and recycle some broken rings while at it. Inspiration - Wonder Forest -: Make a vase out of sticks! Tutorial time! I have been feeling extra crafty lately! Did you guys like yesterday's tutorial by my fiance?! This project is so easy, your children could do it... and the result is adorable! pallet/wheels What can you do with an old pallet? So many things! If you ever come across the opportunity to pick up a few pallets take a look at some of the ideas I have come across for recycling old pallets into furniture and other practical and decorative pieces. I would like to mention that the designs below were found at various sources on the Internet. Where possible I have mentioned the original source, but unfortunately too many do not. If you are the original designer for any of the furniture below, please let me know so that I can add your details.
Etsy {NewYork} Street Team - Indie Artists, Artisans & Crafters of the NY Metro Region: Homemade Polymer Clay At different points over the last few years I've played around with different kinds of homemade "clay." My favorite is a polymer clay also known as cold porcelain. Its main ingredients are cornstarch and white PVA or Elmer's glue. Simply Vintagegirl Blog » Blog Archive » Tutorial: How to Make Lovely Fabric Flowers 29 May 2010 These elegant fabric flowers are very simple to make . . . and only take a few basic supplies. The finished product is delightfully lovely, and at times can look like a real flower! Every flower will turn out differently and that is part of the beauty! If you haven’t used those tea lights in a while, now’s the time! I hope you enjoy making these as much as we do . . . below are instructions with pictures on how to make your own.
Christine Chitnis: Pretty Pots This might be my favorite craft so far, and I got the idea after seeing one too many beautifully patterned pots that were just out of my price range! Nothing a little Mod Podge and pretty fabric can’t fix! The total cost of this project was about $3 a pot. Materials:Terracotta potsMod PodgeBrushFabric
Garies Clay Creations: How to create a cute furry teddy bear using polymer clay and pipe cleaner How To Create A Furry Teddy Bear With Pipe Cleaner And Polymer Clay Bend, Twist and Create Creating Miniature Furries By Combining Polymer Clay With Pipe Cleaner Creating A Hundred Furry Miniatures As Gifts, For All My Young Students Half Size Miniature Furries.....The World's Smallest Delphi Forum: Half Size Miniature Furries...The World's Smallest CITY-O-Clay Forum: Miniature Furries How To Create A Prehistoric Furry Mammoth Using Polymer Clay And Pipe Cleaner Decorative Furry Ball Combined WithPolymer Clay And Pipe Cleaner ToCreate, Learn, Play and Gift Encouraging Young Students In Play Clay Enrichment Class Rewarding Them With Handmade Gifts MINI AD-VENTUREMaking miniatures combining polymer clay with color balls, poms poms to pipe cleaners Back Home | Email
A green afternoon and a tree frog tutorial I spent a snuggly afternoon crocheting another tree frog and writing up the pattern. I used the same new tutorial format to update some of the other tutorials too, and I will hopefully write up the pomeranian, kitten and hippo patterns soon, in the same way. I hope that they are easy to use, please let me know if there are any problems. Making a Stencil UPDATE: If you are here at All Things Thrifty for the first time, WELCOME!! Since I wrote this post about making a stencil I have found that making stencils are MUCH easier with my Silhouette Machine. So, if you would like to see an easy way to make a stencil with a Silhouette check out that post! UPDATE:Also, if you would like some FREE stencil designs, check out that post also! Altoids Pincushion Tin Posted on June 18, 2011 Here is my version of an Altoids tin repurposed into a pincushion and sewing gadget box. The materials used in this project were from an Envelope of Doom (EOD) swap I participated in.
DIY {doily canvas bag} & Thankfully everyone seems to be making a switch from plastic to lasting when it comes to shopping bags, so here’s another fun little tutorial on customizing one to make it oh so cute. You might notice a lot of doilies in my recent diy projects. Since I was getting so many ready for A Christmas Gathering I used a lot of the same materials…monograms seems to be pretty popular now too. My friend Cindy called while I was working on this and suggested I just go ahead a put a “W” on it for her, I happily obligied.
How to Make Non-Obnoxious Alphabet Magnets Okay, okay. Non-obnoxious isn’t a word. But neither is unobnoxious.