College and Career Readiness All Oak Hills High School Students will achieve success by graduating with a shared sense of global awareness and the critical skills to be career and college ready. Vision Oak Hills High School will be nationally recognized for innovative program of study, distinguished faculty, and exceptional student achievement. Core Beliefs Khan Academy La tablette numérique : révolution ou consommation? Le Devoir publiait samedi dernier la lettre ouverte de M. Glenn O’Farrell, président du Groupe Média TFO, intitulée Les tablettes, une révolution pour le monde de l’éducation. L’exultation collective pour les gadgets ne cesse de croître. Si l’innovation technologique comporte des avantages à plusieurs niveaux, rien ne permet de croire que dans le domaine de l’éducation, un jouet social comme la tablette reste une trouvaille salutaire. À l’heure où les tablettes remettent discrètement en cause l’utilité de l’écriture cursive et du livre papier, il y a lieu de s’inquiéter non pas de l’extinction imminente du stylo, mais des formes d’apprentissage et de l’usage social du savoir.
What is ACCUPLACER? - Student Assessment - College Board ACCUPLACER is a suite of tests that determines your knowledge in math, reading and writing as you prepare to enroll in college-level courses. ACCUPLACER is used to identify your strengths and weaknesses in each subject area and to help you improve your skills through interactive online learning tools. The results of the assessment, in conjunction with your academic background, goals and interests, are used by academic advisors and counselors to place you in the appropriate college courses that meet your skill level. How Does ACCUPLACER Work? Mostly CS courses Le CNB organise ses 1ers Etats Généraux du Numérique le 7 février 2014 : inscrivez-vous ! Inscrivez-vous en ligne aux Etats Généraux du Numérique 2014 La journée sera ouverte par : ● Jean-Marie BURGUBURU, Président du Conseil national des barreaux ● et Clarisse BERREBI, Présidente de la Commission Intranet et Nouvelles Technologies.
Resources and Downloads for College and Career Readiness Educators from MC2 STEM High School in Cleveland, Ohio, have provided these resources and tools for integrated project-based learning, real-world experiences, and other strategies to prepare students for college and beyond. Principal Jeffrey McClellan (above) leads MC2 STEM High School, where campuses are embedded in STEM-related businesses such as the Great Lakes Science Center (right) to help emphasize the connection between school and the working world. Credit: Zachary Fink Tips for downloading: Numérique, la vie en liberté surveillée Sur la table de chevet, un smartphone Android est posé au-dessus de la tablette iPad. Clément dort, mais pas son téléphone. Connecté au wi-fi, il récupère les mails, les tweets et les statuts Facebook dès qu’ils arrivent, histoire d’être fin prêt quand son propriétaire ouvrira les yeux. Le portable sonne. C’est le réveil du téléphone.
STEM Connection: From Classroom to Workplace How Successful Careers Begin in SchoolAt this STEM high school in Cleveland, Ohio, integrated project-based learning and real-world internship experiences build the crucial link between academic achievement and future economic success. Integrated Projects = Deeper LearningHere's how one school designs rigorous projects that blend STEM with other core subjects. See how this strategy might work for you. Internships Provide On-the-Job LearningRespect, responsibility, and accountability: how opportunities for learning in the workplace bring out the best in students. Mastery-Based Assessment Builds AccountabilityHow you can help students take responsibility and meet high expectations by providing the right tools and support along the way.
L’économie numérique L’économie numérique : une notion difficile à définir L’économie numérique est une expression qui couvre des réalités très différentes selon les auteurs, d’autant que cette dénomination a évolué au cours des années : nouvelles technologies, NTIC, nouvelle économie, technologies de l’information et de la communication, économie électronique… Le point de vue de l’Insee Global Citizen Year » Resources The Brits do it. The Aussies love it. Even the French are fans.
Item and Task Prototypes PARCC Task Prototypes and Sample Items Samples can be found by clicking on each grade level on the left menu. There are two types of samples found on these pages: • Task Prototypes, which were released in August 2012; and, • Sample Items, which were released beginning on August 15, 2013 Next-Gen Advisory: 10 Keys to College & Career Readiness - Vander Ark on Innovation College and career readiness means a lot more than passing a community college entrance exam (although that is the minimum bar for all kids). It requires a set of deeper learning experiences that result in the knowledge, skills and dispositions young people will need to succeed (for more see David Conley's new book, Getting Ready for College, Careers, and the Common Core: What Every Educator Needs to Know ). In many high schools, the shuffle of a discipline-based, big-catalog master schedule can lead to a lack of sustained relationships and opportunities for students to fall through the cracks.
Career Direct: Career Guidance, Advice, and Assessment Welcome to Career Direct Online! What is Career Direct®? to learn more.