Le manifeste du hacker
Le Manifeste du hacker (titré en anglais The Hacker Manifesto, ou The Conscience of a Hacker, « La Conscience d’un hacker ») est un petit article écrit le 8 janvier 1986, par le hacker Loyd Blankenship après son arrestation, sous le pseudonyme de « The Mentor ». Publié pour la première fois dans le magazine électronique underground Phrack (Volume 1, Numéro 7, Phile 3 de 10), on peut de nos jours le trouver sur de nombreux sites web. Le Manifeste est considéré comme la pierre angulaire de la contre-culture hacker, et donne un aperçu de la psychologie des premiers hackers. Il affirme que les hackers choisissent cette activité parce que c’est un moyen pour eux d’apprendre, et à cause du sentiment fréquent de frustration causé par leur ennui à l’école. Un autre s’est fait prendre aujourd’hui, c’est partout dans les journaux. Mais avez vous, dans votre psychologie en trois pièce et votre profiltechnocratique de 1950, un jour pensé à regarder le monde derrière les yeux d’un hacker ?
Related: Securité, Hack, pentest
1981 Chaos Computer Club
The Hacker News - Security in a Serious way
the Tor project
Hacker (programmer subculture)
A team of hackers competing in the CTF competition at DEF CON 17 A hacker is an adherent of the subculture that originally emerged in academia in the 1960s, around the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC)[1] and MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.[2] A hacker is someone who loves to program or who enjoys playful cleverness, or a combination of the two.[3] The act of engaging in activities (such as programming or other media[4]) in a spirit of playfulness and exploration is termed hacking. Richard Stallman explains about hackers who program: What they had in common was mainly love of excellence and programming. The Jargon File, an influential but not universally accepted compendium of hacker slang, defines hacker as "A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and stretching their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary
The ZMap Project
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How To Become A Hacker
Copyright © 2001 Eric S. Raymond As editor of the Jargon File and author of a few other well-known documents of similar nature, I often get email requests from enthusiastic network newbies asking (in effect) "how can I learn to be a wizardly hacker?". If you are reading a snapshot of this document offline, the current version lives at Note: there is a list of Frequently Asked Questions at the end of this document. Numerous translations of this document are available: ArabicBelorussianChinese, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, FrenchGerman, GreekItalianHebrew, Japanese, Lithuanian, Norwegian, PersianPortuguese (Brazilian), RomanianSpanish, Turkish, and Swedish. The five-dots-in-nine-squares diagram that decorates this document is called a glider. If you find this document valuable, please leave me a tip on Gittip. The hacker mind-set is not confined to this software-hacker culture. If you want to be a hacker, keep reading. 1. 2. 3. 5. 2. 3.