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Creating Innovators: Why America's Education System Is Obsolete

Creating Innovators: Why America's Education System Is Obsolete

How Schools Can Teach Innovation Solutions | Top 7 reasons for lack of creativity in an organization Summary: Leadership is crucial for defining a shared vision and generating buy-in from employees.C-level managers are responsible for creating a learning organization that values systems thinking, craftsmanship, and team learning.C-level managers must design an organization whose structure, processes, metrics, rewards, and talent align with the organization’s mission.Managers are responsible for creating a well-trained, well-organized, well-managed company. If people require constant supervision then management has failed to do its job. Last year, the new CEO at a client decided to leapfrog existing competitors by creating an innovative product; a product that would attract customers and cause competitors to play catch-up. A team that included the best developers, in the company, was hand-picked; the business was told that cost was not a concern; and the group was secluded from the day-to-day madness and allowed to focus on getting the job done. Lack of a compelling vision In conclusion

Sweet Search Éducation: la France dépense trop pour des résultats médiocres Masse salariale, agents administratifs, nombre d'écoles : selon une étude de l'Ifrap, la France consacre 30 milliards de plus que l'Allemagne et le Royaume-Uni à ce secteur. Dans une note inédite et coup de poing, la fondation pour la recherche sur les administrations et les politiques publiques (Ifrap), un think-tank classé à droite, frappe fort en décidant de s'intéresser aux raisons pour lesquelles la France dépense tous les ans «30 milliards de plus» que le Royaume-Uni et l'Allemagne pour ses écoles, ses collèges et ses lycées. Si la fondation a comparé ces trois pays, c'est parce qu'ils comptent environ le même nombre d'élèves scolarisés (10,5 millions) et parce qu'ils obtiennent à peu près les mêmes résultats dans Pisa, une enquête internationale menée tous les trois ans auprès des jeunes de 15 ans et destinée à évaluer leurs «compétences» scolaires dans diverses disciplines. Le deuxième facteur de surcoût est moins connu.

Design Thinking Is A Failed Experiment. So What's Next? The decade of Design Thinking is ending and I, for one, am moving on to another conceptual framework: Creative Intelligence, or CQ. I am writing a book about Creative Intelligence, due out from HarperCollins in fall 2012, and I hope to have a conversation with the Fast Company audience on this blog about how we should teach, measure, and use CQ. Why am I, who at Business Week was one of Design Thinking's major advocates, moving on to a new conceptual framework? Simple. Design Thinking has given the design profession and society at large all the benefits it has to offer and is beginning to ossify and actually do harm. Helen Walters, my wonderful colleague at Business Week, lays out many of the pros and cons of Design Thinking in her post on her blog. Design consultancies hoped that a process trick would produce change. I would add that the construction and framing of Design Thinking itself has become a key issue. There were many successes, but far too many more failures in this endeavor.

Coursera UPDATE: we're doing a live, updated MOOC of this course at stanford-online July-2014 (not this Coursera version). See here: CS101 teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. Computers can appear very complicated, but in reality, computers work within just a few, simple patterns. In CS101, students play and experiment with short bits of "computer code" to bring to life to the power and limitations of computers. Here is another video Nick created for this class.

TED talk : comment les cours en ligne révolutionnent l'enseignement Vous souhaitez suivre un cours de physique par un éminent professeur de Harvard ? Pas de problème ! Un clic et c'est parti . Même pas besoin d'ouvrir son portefeuille. Bienvenue dans l'univers des MOOC . Ces cours en ligne ouverts et massifs se multiplient sur la toile, et connaissent un succès retentissant. Daphne Koller a confondé Coursera , une des plus importantes plateformes de cours en ligne. "Nous pouvons collecter chaque clic, chaque travail soumis, tous les posts des dizaines de milliers d'étudiants sur le forum. TED Global / Juin 2012 D'autres conférences TED tech & solidaires : > L'open data au service de l'aide internationale > L'artisanat technologique au service des plus pauvres > L'humanitaire à l'heure du numérique

Nokia Outspent Apple Nine Times on R&D - Tech Europe By Sven Grundberg Despite outgunning Apple Inc. on research and development spending, struggling handset maker Nokia Corp. was unable to head off the threat of the iPhone back in 2007, a comparison of R&D expenditures at Apple and Nokia shows. Between 2004 and 2007—the years leading to Apple’s first iPhone launch—Nokia’s total research and development spend was €17.1 billion ($22.2 billion at today’s exchange rate), against Apple’s $2.5 billion in the same period. So Nokia spent nine times more than Apple on R&D during those years. Between 2004 and 2011, Apple’s revenues increased roughly 1,200% while its net profit surged by 9,600%. To this day Nokia continues to outspend Apple in that department, spending $7.3 billion last year against Apple’s $2.4 billion.

TEACHERS.NET GAZETTE - Teachers.Net Gazette provides news from Teachers.Net direct to teachers around the world. Teachers.Net features 24 hour discussions with teachers around the globe. Early childhood chatboard primary elementary chatboard upper element Intrinsic Motivationby Kim Tracy "What am I getting out of this?" As educators we often hear our students questioning what it is they will get out of what we are trying to impart upon them. Skinner and other behavior theorists have taught us to first identify the behavior you are trying to change, then reward the positives and provide consequences for the negative behaviors. Eric Jensen states, "Rewards create uncertainty in the mind of the learner." Celebrations of learning are needed in our schools and in our classrooms. Geoffrey and Renate Caine stated that "rewards and punishments can be demotivating in the long-term, especially when others have control over the system." When using extrinsic motivators, educators might see immediate changes in behaviors but the long term problem is not solved. Educators cannot control the extrinsic motivators that students receive from outside of school. Amoebae cultures were separated into three petri dishes.

cating Innovators: 25 Ways to Prepare Students for a Changing Job Landscape The Good News: China May Never Match America’s Creative Muscle China is hell-bent on creating an industrial-design industry virtually from scratch. It certainly has the national commitment and resources to succeed. The country didn’t create 1,000 design education programs in the past 10 years for nothing. But as a recent Co.Design post by Linda Tischler illustrates, the Chinese will have to overcome entrenched cultural and structural impediments before their investment will pay off. For the U.S., this is a good news / bad news story. The good news: The U.S. has such a commanding lead in “industrial design thinking” and a tradition of applying it to the creation of innovative products that it will be many years before China can function at the same level. Industrial design thinking is still a new foreign concept to contemporary Chinese. Industrial design thinking requires a social structure that cultivates--or at least tolerates--radical thinking that challenges the status quo. Can industrial design thinking retool U.S. manufacturing?

m-learning Les téléphones intelligents et les tablettes ont opéré une percée foudroyante sur le créneau de la mobilité, renvoyant les ordinateurs portables jouer dans la catégorie des équipements fixes ou, à la rigueur, ponctuellement mobiles. Les acteurs éducatifs doivent donc désormais composer avec des apprenants hyper-connectés via leurs téléphones. On parle donc aujourd'hui de m-learning, qui désigne une utilisation raisonnée et croissante des appareils mobiles comme supports d'information, d'entraînement, d'échanges et même de production. Mais ce n'est pas parce qu'on aime son smartphone ou sa tablette que l'on est prêt à l'utiliser comme support d'apprentissage. A l'extérieur des écoles et universités, les applications éducatives et culturelles se multiplient, et certaines ouvrent des perspectives stimulantes grâce au recours à la réalité augmentée et au jeu, notamment. Aujourd'hui, c'est la société toute entière qui a rendez-vous avec le m-learning. 18 septembre 2011 19 septembre 2011

The Truth: Creativity Comes From Blending Dissonant Goals Into Radical Harmony Steve Jobs’s prominence in the collective imagination of what a truly innovative business leader should think, say, and do has only strengthened exponentially after his death. As it often happens in the case of similarly influential, seminal figures, the hard recollection of facts and of “what really happened” gets quickly out-shined by references to memorable, albeit often anecdotal, events in that person’s life. These are the stories that tend to be told again and again until they take on the aura of myths. We love myths, especially when they come with a hero. There’s no denying that the role Jobs has come to play in the field of innovation-at-large is usually associated with the term “genius”--and I largely agree with this value statement. You can see this "pendulum swing" in recent articles, including "Groupthink" by Jonah Lehrer in The New Yorker and “The Rise of the New Groupthink” by Susan Cain in The New York Times. So what gives? Okay, so what now?
