How to Decalcify and Detoxify the Pineal Gland Anna Hunt, Staff WriterWaking Times The pineal gland, an endocrine gland located in the brain, is said to be the seat of the soul. Also referred to as the Third Eye, this small gland is believed to be involved in reaching higher levels of consciousness, acting as a gateway to dimensions beyond our brain-created reality. To learn more about the pineal gland, see: What is the Pineal Gland? For the people that seek to fully activate their spiritual potential and tap into the power of the pineal gland, one must begin by strengthening its function though detoxification and proper nutrition. Researchers are finding that in many people, due to our poor diet with pesticide and chemical-laden foods and environmental toxins such as fluoride in our water, the pineal gland and our entire bodies are becoming exposed to many more toxins and nano-organisms than ever before. 1. The pineal gland already produces the hormone melatonin, which affects the body’s circadian rhythms of waking and sleeping. 2.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule Factsheet -- IMF Standing Borrowing Arrangements Full text Factsheet IMF Standing Borrowing Arrangements March 25, 2014 While quota subscriptions of member countries are the IMF's main source of financing, the Fund can supplement its quota resources through borrowing if it believes that they might fall short of members' needs. The NAB is a set of credit arrangements between the IMF and 38 member countries1 and institutions, including a number of emerging market countries. The General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB) can also be used in limited cases. NAB Participants and Credit Amounts1 Decision to triple the IMF’s lending resources by expanding the NAB As part of efforts to overcome the global financial crisis, in April 2009, the Group of Twenty industrialized and emerging market economies (G 20) agreed to increase the resources available to the IMF by up to $500 billion (which would triple the total pre-crisis lending resources of about $250 billion) to support growth in emerging market and developing countries. Where it originated How it works
100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers YouTube has earned a reputation for featuring brain cell-slaughtering fare such as the truly abysmal Fred and playing host to the some of the most depressingly stupid comments this side of Yahoo! News. But for every participant liberally dishing out misspelled racist, sexist and homophobic talking points, there is at least one whose channel genuinely offers something provocative and educational. For teachers hoping to infuse multimedia into their classrooms, YouTube makes for an excellent starting point. Multidisciplinary and General Education Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology Social Sciences, History and World Issues Love him or hate him, Barack Obama is still America’s president. Visual, Performing and Liberal Arts
Can DMT Connect the Human Brain to a Parallel Universe? If you'd asked this question a few decades ago you'd have been met with raucous laughter – nowadays, however, the idea of parallel universes is taken seriously by scientists at the cutting edge, while our understanding of consciousness is slowly but surely outgrowing the materialistic understanding developed in Victorian times. Learning Mind takes a look at the pioneering work of Rick Strassman. Rick Strassman in his book «DMT: the Spirit Molecule», claims that DMT, which is one of the most powerful psychedelic drugs, can provide a reliable and regular access to the other planes of existence. In fact, they are always there and constantly transmit information. But we cannot perceive them because we are simply not designed for this: our ‘program’ keeps us tuned to the standard, mentally ‘normal’ channel. Just a few seconds are needed for the spirit molecule to reach the brain and change the mental channel, opening our minds to other planes of existence.
Global Research Die Scheuklappen-Diskussion „Jute statt Plastik“ lautete ein Slogan, mit dem die Fair-Trade-Organisation GEPA vor rund 40 Jahren auf die Notwendigkeit der Plastikvermeidung und Nachhaltigkeit hinwies. Das Bewusstsein für notwendige Veränderungen entstand also schon lange vor den derzeitigen Fridays for Future- und Extinction Rebellion-Bewegungen. Für einen grundsätzlichen Wandel in der Gesellschaft braucht es jedoch mehr als Proteste, besonders Visionen, die von vielen Menschen umgesetzt werden. Der Künstler Joseph Beuys sagte: „Die Zukunft, die wir wollen, muss erfunden werden. Sonst bekommen wir eine, die wir nicht wollen.“ Es kommt auf uns selbst an. Ein Visionär, der bereits vor etwa 30 Jahren an neuen Konzepten arbeitete, war Prof. Dem Erfindungsreichtum von Prof. Zumindest war das Thema Ozonloch damals medial allgegenwärtig. DuPont war bis 2017 ein US-amerikanischer Chemiekonzern, der ab dann mit Dow Chemical fusionierte. Rosin und Preisedanz gelang es also, eine halogenfreie Kältemischung zu entwickeln.
There Is No Mistaking The Evidence; Cannabis Cures Cancer May 12, 2013 2012thebigpicture It's no coincidence that the government has tried to criminalize the use of marijuana and growing the hemp plant. They know it's a miracle vegetable and that it's helping people to either deal with health issues or cure ---YES, I SAID CURE---diseases the allopathic medical community has chosen to exacerbate through the use of costly, toxic drugs and cocktails that create more health issues than they resolve. While smoking the dried leaves of the cannabis is not recommended, the phenomenal benefits of ingesting the raw plant or the oils derived from it are well documented. Our dog went through an emergency integrative cancer treatment protocol which served its purpose, but now he's on a homemade diet mixed with a little healthy kibble, organic green powders, probiotics, oregano oil and hemp oil. I've posted about this before, and I'm doing it again. Cannabis is one of the most powerful healing plants in the world and it makes cancer essentially disappear.
Old wives cures: baking soda (NaturalNews) In a world awash with pharmaceutical drugs for everything from dandruff to toenail fungus, it's refreshing to have do-it-yourself home remedies and trusted old wives cures to heal a wide range of ailments. Baking soda is a staple in most homes and is useful for cooking, cleaning and in many home remedies. Although it's safe when used as directed, baking soda can cause side effects. Sources for this article include: About the author:READ MORE OF JEAN (JB) BARDOT''S ARTICLES AT THE FOLLOWING LINKS: The JB Bardot Archives: www.jbbardot.comNatural News: JB Bardot is an herbalist and a classical homeopath, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Take Action: Support Natural News by linking to this article from your website Permalink to this article: Reprinting this article:
International Living Future Institute Marijuana doesn't appear to harm lung function, study finds Smoking a joint once a week or a bit more apparently doesn't harm the lungs, suggests a 20-year study that bolsters evidence that marijuana doesn't do the kind of damage tobacco does. The results, from one of the largest and longest studies on the health effects of marijuana, are hazier for heavy users - those who smoke two or more joints daily for several years. The data suggest that using marijuana that often might cause a decline in lung function, but there weren't enough heavy users among the 5,000 young adults in the study to draw firm conclusions. Smoking marijuana as often as one joint daily for seven years, or one joint weekly for 20 years was not linked with worse lung function Still, the authors recommended "caution and moderation when marijuana use is considered." Marijuana is an illegal drug under federal law although some states allow its use for medical purposes. Study co-author Dr. The analyses showed pot didn't appear to harm lung function, but cigarettes did.
Magnesium, Iodine and Sodium Bicarbonate by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD International Medical Veritas Association Edited by Number One: Magnesium Chloride Magnesium chloride occupies the number one slot in all our protocols. I continue to receive testimonies that justify its placement as the most needed and useful medicinal substance in the world. When I have only a minute to explain to people why magnesium is so important I talk about the very basics of life, i.e., water, air, sunlight and food. I have been on a medication called Baclofen for severe muscle spasms. Just this morning I was reading one of David Brownstein's wonderful books called Salt Your Way To Health and discovered that the chloride in salt helps the kidneys to clear or detoxify the body of bromide, which is a potent poison that is stupidly used in both medicines and foods, especially the white bread you buy from a store. Number Two: Iodine We also need iodine for our immune system to work properly.