La méthode GTD de David Allen (2)
…Suite Bonjour, Dans cette deuxième vidéo consacrée à la méthode GTD de David Allen, je vous décris les 5 étapes, définies par David Allen sous le concept de « Contrôle », pour garder la maîtrise de votre activité et jouir de l’agréable sensation que donne un esprit libre de préoccupations ! Regardez ci-dessous et cliquez en bas à droite pour voir la vidéo en plein écran Et si vous êtes pressé, les voici résumées (mais je vous conseille la vidéo qui est tout de même plus sympa et surtout plus explicite !) :
★ Getting Things Done (GTD) ou l'art d'être efficace, dans life hacks sur BioloGeek
Même en se levant tôt, notre efficacité dépend essentiellement de notre faculté à bien gérer notre temps. Ceci est une introduction à la méthode Getting Things Done souvent abrégée en GTD qui fait l'objet du livre très connu outre-atlantique de David Allen. Elle sera suivie de quelques conseils pour les plus geeks d'entre vous car autant l'annoncer tout de suite : Internet est à l'origine d'une perte de temps phénoménale qu'il est bon de maîtriser si l'on souhaite accéder au niveau d'alphageek. Introduction Je n'ai pas lu le livre en question donc corrigez moi si vous êtes fan.
Time, Attention, and Creative Work
The new user story backlog is a map
Why the flat user story backlog doesn’t work, and how to build a better backlog that will help you more effectively explain your system, prioritize, and plan your releases. This is Gary. Gary and I worked together for a day to build a user story map - a better version of a product backlog.
Une introduction à la méthode Getting Things Done (GTD, David Allen, productivité, développement personnel)
Dans le domaine de l’efficacité personnelle, s’il est un livre indispensable, c’est bien Getting Things Done (GTD) de David Allen. C’est une méthode qui regroupe les notions acquise par David Allen après plus de vingt ans de formations en productivité auprès de personnalités dont la plupart sont des dirigeants. Ce livre est rapidement devenu un véritable phénomène médiatique, à tel point qu’il fait désormais l’objet d’une sorte de culte. On peut maintenant trouver à travers la toile toute une gamme de produits dérivés : accessoires et outils les plus divers.
ToDoList 5.9 Beta Release - A simple but effective way to keep on top of your tasks. Free source code and programming help
Downloads Latest Executable + Plugins (6.8.10) - 2.1 MB (Includes all associated resources)Application Source (6.8.10) - 3.1 MB (Includes all plugins - compiles under VC6-VS2008) 3rd Party Note: Please contact the respective authors directly with comments and questions iTDL - for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Tdl Todo List - for Android Latest Update (6.8.10 Feature Release) The big new features for 6.8 are full drag'n'drop support added to the Gantt and Calendar views for modifying task dates.
Work on unimportant problems
"Work on important problems": ~40900 results. "Work on unimportant problems": ~18 results. – Google (at the time of writing), tempting the contrarian in me It seems obvious that some problems are important to solve and some aren't, as in, curing cancer is more important than delivering social gaming. Often, people lament the abundance of tech firms working on ultimately unimportant stuff, and advise to work on important problems and not just chase the money.
Six Components of a GTD Review » ActivityOwner.Com – Getting Things Done with MindManager
Things have gotten a bit quiet in "gyrospace" lately. Perhaps this is because folks have given up on their new year's resolutions or moved on to other tools. I'm hoping it is because we are all successfully focusing on Getting Things Done rather than tinkering with our systems and surfing blogs. After three years of exploring and tinkering (I bought ResultsManager in May 2005) and collaborating with many of you, I feel I've finally developed a balanced "trusted system" approach that works for me utilizing OutLinker, MindReader, Next Action Analysis, and Mark Task Complete.
The Pomodoro Technique Time Management Course The world of my perceived possibilities and the utilization of my abilities has been enhanced to the level that I know that when I look back on my life there will be two significant periods of accomplishment, pre-pomodoro and post-pomodoro periods. It's just that powerful!
GTD — Smart Productivity
Have a BIG goal that you would like to achieve? How about password protecting that goal. For instance, if you’d like to retire at the age of 45, you could make one of your online passwords Retire45.
GTD: A Flawed System or Helpful System
David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) system for organizing and processing the work flow of personal and professional lives has been widely praised and has a huge following of supporters behind it. To them, GTD is a wonderful system to increase productivity and getting things done. On the other hand, others have critique GTD saying it’s not everything it is making out to be and has some major flaws. First, let’s look at the reasons for the massive praise that GTD is getting from many people. For GTD – Why GTD Will Be Useful To You When you want to keep your computer’s hard drive uncluttered, and maintain the safety of your files you might decide to buy a back up hard drive.
Getting Things Done® (GTD®)
Getting Things Done (GTD) is a method for organizing tasks so that you can focus your entire energy and creativity on completing those tasks in a stress free manner. This method was developed by David Allen in his book, Getting Things Done. The main principle of GTD is that recording your tasks in a reliable way - using a system that you trust - will free your mind from trying to remember and prioritize stuff. This recaptured mental energy can be put towards being more productive and efficient. Collection
Ruud Hein » Evernote GTD How To
The following 15 minute setup enables you to use Evernote as a frictionless GTD list application. Easy entry, no multiple notebooks required. Works with you, not against you.