idsketching Digitize Me, CaptainTimelines: Timeline JS » Digitize Me, Captain Timeline JS is another free, interactive timeline tool available to journalists. Meant to span the web page’s width with a clean, white design, timelines with this tool are particularly striking. Timeline JS — originally Timeline — is a partnership between the Knight lab and Zach Wise, a former multimedia producer at The New York Times. He’s now a journalism professor at Northwestern University. Because Timeline JS was created by journalists, for journalists, it’s probably the timeline tool you are missing from your multimedia tool belt. Journalists can pull in data from Wikipedia, Instagram, Storify (coming soon), Twitter, Flickr, Google Maps, YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud and Dailymotion. A good number of journalists have already starting using Timeline JS and more are sure to follow. The catch to Timeline JS: there’s a bit of a learning curve with this tool and some HTML is required. After reading this post, you should have enough knowledge to start making timelines in Timeline JS. Text:
Réutiliser des images en ligne : entre Copyright, Copyleft et … Copydown Un des grands plaisirs du blog, c’est la chasse aux images pour illustrer les billets. L’écriture web peut difficilement se passer de l’image, tant elle est nécessaire pour capter l’attention du lecteur et condenser le message. Force est de constater que lorsqu’on écrit sur Internet, on devient vite avide d’images … Depuis que j’ai commencé ce blog, il n’est quasiment pas un billet que je n’ai illustré par une ou plusieurs images. Ce qui n’était au début qu’une pratique purement « décorative » est devenu au fil du temps un vrai besoin, à mesure que les images devenaient des moments à part entière de la démonstration. Mais à présent, il faut bien le reconnaître : me voici devenu un véritable « consommateur d’images », comme beaucoup d’internautes, et n’ayant aucun talent particulier pour la photographie ou le dessin, je suis dans la nécessité de récupérer ailleurs des images faites par d’autres. Cette belle composition de silex à trous qui flirte avec le land art est "copyrightée".
GazoPa similar image search hello world | metaflop Create a Glowing Globe Icon in Photoshop | Denis Designs | Free In this tutorial we are going to create a simple 3D glowing world globe icon. This can then be applied to a logo or one color image instead of a map. Step 1 In Photoshop lets open up an 800x800px document. Our document doesn’t have to be huge because we are only making an icon. Step 2 Now we are going to create the basic shape for our icon. Step 3 If your colors are set at the default black and white, your circle probably came out black. To change the color, double click on the black square on the circle layer. Step 4 Now we are going to go and grab our map image from stock.xchng and open it up in Photoshop. Make sure you are using the Pointer Tool (top left in the toolbar) and click on the map and drag it into our globe document. Step 5 This Image is going to be way too big for our circle so we are going to shrink it down using. Now, using Control+T to transform our map we are going to shrink it down. Step 6 We can bring the opacity back up to 100%. Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Final
Getting started with Open CV answered Aug 6 '12 sammy2520 ● 10 ● 20 ● 41 Welcome to the OpenCV world! It is one of the most colorful and enjoyable parts of the computer science! There are many places to start from, each with its own strong and weak points. But, before going this way, you should make sure you have at least basic understanding of C/C++ (this is the main language for OpenCV, and most examples/tutorials use it, but there are also Java, Python and unofficial C# bindings). Starting points: Online documentation and tutorials. Last, but not least, do not forget to explore some other online resources, when in need: this forum The Stackoverflow OpenCV tag The OpenCV Android discution group The general OpenCV mailing list on Yahoo
Images d’Art Live Search Images: moteur de recherche d'images 01net. le 23/12/08 à 07h00 sommaire Avec son interface agréable, le moteur de Microsoft est une bonne alternative à Google Images. On peut régler la taille d'affichage des vignettes et obtenir des informations sur les images en passant le curseur dessus. Les filtres, tels la taille des photos, les proportions (haute, large) ou le style (photo, dessin), sont accessibles facilement et d'un usage intuitif. L'avis de la rédaction On aime L'interface agréable, la rapidité. On n'aime pas L'absence de filtre ' actu '. Mention bien Ladresse :
Banque de liens vers des sites de photos gratuites, libres de droit, logothèques, sites de didacticiels etc Les images que vous trouverez sur Internet sont en résolution écran (72 dpi), ça va sans dire; mais leur dimension en pixel peut permettre l'impression à un certain stade. Si vous désirez imprimer vos travaux sans «voir» les pixels, vous devez travailler avec des images à 150 dpi minimum (pour une imprimante courante) et donc trouver des images ayant au minimum 600 pixels de large = 10 cm imprimables après redimensionnement en Photoshop. Prenons l'exemple d'un A4 : 1200 pixels de large = 20 cm imprimables après redimensionnement en Photoshop. Mais si je désire imprimer en offset je dois doubler la dimension… Photothèques gratuites et libres de droit sur la toile Les images de ces sites présentent plusieurs résolutions possibles. >>> Un article qui recense ces sites chez Canva <<< Liste des sites Flickr Site de partage de photos. - riche bibliothèque. - contient des images libres de droit, mais qui changent tout le temps. Recherche via le métamoteurs : Autres sites CC
How to create a distinguishable textured web layout in Photoshop In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a textured web layout, starting from the concept on paper to Photoshop design. We will discuss about site structure and will use the 960 grid to organize our contents. Also you will learn how to use layer styles to create an engraved text effect. Give it a try! Preview Become a Premium Member and get unlimited access to source files and premium resources for only 7$/month. Introduction To create a web layout is never simple. After have sketched on paper for a while, I had in mind how to structure the layout. Another important feature is to have always in mind that a layout design shall be turned into a coded layout. The final result is not too light, because of the use of textures and the huge amount of details, but fortunately today internet speed connections allow us to give “less” attention to a site page weight. After established the main structure of the layout, I started surfing css galleries finding for inspiration. Step 2: the header
Introduction to OpenCV — OpenCV documentation Here you can read tutorials about how to set up your computer to work with the OpenCV library. Additionally you can find a few very basic sample source code that will let introduce you to the world of the OpenCV. Linux Windows Desktop Java Android iOSEmbedded Linux CommonWant to contribute, and see your own work between the OpenCV tutorials? Icons DB - free custom icons