Bitesize Maths
OCSD Interactive Games
Design Your Own Games Pre-Made Games Matching Game Directions- In this game you can match up words.
SATs Revision - 'Maths Boot Camp'
Maths Boot Camp is a series of activities to aid year 6 SATs - by the end of Boot Camp, all past Maths SATs papers will have been completed. It can be carried out in class with your teacher, or on your own at home: Read instructions. The first 6 days of Maths Boot Camp are free.
Subtraction Worksheets
Subtraction 1 This worksheet provides practice in deriving / recalling subtraction facts involving small numbers no greater than 20. e.g. 19-3. (90 questions) answers Subtraction 2 There are two types of questions on this worksheet: - the subtraction of a two-digit number from another two-digit number, where the difference is less than 10 - the subtraction of a single-digit number from a two-digit number e.g. 57-5. (90 questions) answers Subtraction 3
First Grade Spelling Words – Free 1st Grade weekly List, Worksheets
The first grade spelling words program below covers 36 weeks with each week containing 5 different printable spelling worksheet activities. Schools, teachers and parents may print and duplicate materials for the classroom, or distribute for home use. (read more about the spelling curriculum design). To take full advantage of the program, consider using the spelling program together with the companion 1st grade reading comprehension worksheets.
New IBM App Presents Nearly 1,000 Years of Math History
Math nerds and historians, it’s time to get excited. Minds of Modern Mathematics, a new iPad app released Thursday by IBM, presents an interactive timeline of the history of mathematics and its impact on society from 1000 to 1960. The app is based on an original, 50-foot-long “Men of Modern Mathematics” installation created in 1964 by Charles and Ray Eames. Minds of Modern Mathematics users can view a digitized version of the original infographic as well as browse through an interactive timeline with more than 500 biographies, math milestones and images of relevant artifacts. IBM hopes that classes and students will use the app, provoking more people to pursue math, science or technology-related educations and jobs.
Fractions - Short Problems
Weekly Problem 37 - 2011 Challenge Level: Rotating a pencil twice about two different points gives surprising results... Weekly Problem 38 - 2011
Online CBSE Worksheets
Why a Worksheet ? A student needs to revise at the end of every lesson. The worksheets are mini brain- trainers that self-test the student's understanding and knowledge grasp capacity in a variety of ways. We in classontheweb ensure that the student is trained, in both conventional and contemporary ways.
Free Printable First Grade Worksheets
Welcome to This page includes first grade worksheets related to reading, phonics, rhyming words, and critical thinking skills. These worksheets are great for classroom or home use and you may print as many as you like. First grade is an exciting adventure for students. This may be the first time they are in school for a full day, the first time they read an entire book, or the first time they write a story. You can help your students by encouraging them to read independently as well as continuing to read together.
So you want to support Maths learning with an iPad?
iPad apps Published on April 10th, 2012 | by Mark Anderson When thinking about using an iPad to support learning, it is important to remember that the iPad supports learning. It is not going to do the teaching for you.