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Mr Collins' (NQT) Mathematics Blog The Makings of First Class Maths | garethmetcalfe So the level 6 tests were introduced into primary schools at the end of KS2, and I took a sharp intake of breath: was the maths curriculum about to become narrowed for our most able learners? I appreciated that there were many children for whom a greater level of challenge was required to retain an interest and purpose in maths. However, I feared that in reality our most able children would be accelerated through monotonous, dry level 6 materials (or, more to the point, past papers) in order for them to reach the level 6 holy grail. My belief, a view supported by all manner of research and guidance, was that more able children need to be given deep, conceptual mathematical experiences rather than to be accelerated through maths content. Over the subsequent years, I have written a maths resource which I am enormously excited to release called First Class Maths. Below is an extract from one of the tasks: The Village Elder. Like this: Like Loading...

AIMS Puzzle Corner: Free Math Puzzles This week’s Puzzle Corner activity is a magic trick with a mathematical, as well as a slight-of-hand, component. I first came across this trick in one of Martin Gardner’s many books on recreational mathematics. I liked it so much that I have been stumping students, friends, and family members with it ever since. You will need at least three cups to perform this trick. Begin this trick by explaining that the goal is to get all three cups facing up after making exactly three moves. Next, invite one of the students who was watching to get all the cups facing up in three moves. What students realize at this point is that when they try the trick, the cups are set up differently than they are when you do the trick. The reason for this is quite simple once you think about it. At this point, students are ready to talk about the mathematics involved in the trick. Below are questions about why the trick works and how it can be explained. Performing the trick: Move One: Flip right and center cups

Magical Maths Independent Learning using iPods in Maths (iPodagogy) Since the beginning of September we have been trying to maximise the use of 1:1 iPods in year 6 in all areas of curriculum. The potential of enhancing teaching and learning in mathematics through the use of this technology has been particularly interesting. We have been developing the creative use of a range of Apps to support progress, engage children and add relevance to maths teaching with positive outcomes ( 10 Practical ways to use Apps in Maths ) We have also explored a wide range of maths specific Apps which have helped pupils mainly in the areas of number fact and tables recall. ( Apps for Maths ) Recently we have extended the use of the iPods to allow them to support independent learning, and play a central role in effective formative assessment. Each week the children complete regular short assessment tasks based on assessment criteria appropriate to the level of maths they are working towards. The children track their own progress on a target sheet in their exercise book.

I Love Maths Games dy/dan If This Is Wrong, I Don't Want To Be Right - Growth Mindset Blog by Emily Diehl, Director, K-12 Professional Learning and Curriculum Design, Mindset Works Just Tell Me What To Do One of the most frustrating classroom experiences occurs when students disengage from learning because they're scared to be wrong. As a teacher, I met many students who wanted someone to just give them the answer and now with my own children, I see it again. I'd like to tell you a story about what this looks like and then share some tips on how to encourage students to take on challenges, risk being wrong, and begin to see "being wrong" as part of a natural process of learning. Once Upon A Classroom I observed this lack of willingness to engage in a middle school Science class a few years ago. However, the emerging issue was not even that this was a low-level task in which the students were not problem-solving or actively learning. Once the task began, students raised their hands right away, and when the teacher got there, they said, "We don't know what to do." 6 ÷ 2(1+2) = ?

Logic Puzzles Mathematics, Learning and Web 2.0 3 Teaching Techniques That Made My 2014 - Mr Thomas' Blog January 2, 2015 At the start of this academic year I wanted to really put the theory of learning I knew into practice. Here are three teaching techniques I tried that I’ll be taking with me into 2015. 1. It’s also made the questions I write far richer and more interesting than ever before. 2. The first way I’ve done this is through our departmental testing. The second way is through an idea I’ve borrowed from Bruno Reddy and Kris Boulton at KSA. 3. Quick Key is an optical scanning app for mobile phones. Like any technique, these three have worked well because I made them a habit.

MathsPad Whilst looking at some TES Resources I came across an excellent interactive from MathsPad, a site with a growing collection of resources for teachers and students. The site is easy to navigate with a clear menu at the top of the various pages. The various interactives are attractive and display very well on the interactive whiteboard. Many of these would make excellent starters or plenaries. To access all the resources requires an annual subscription but there are free resources available in each section; I like this on matching surds for example This is a site well worth exploring. Like this: Like Loading... Related Top >10 Mathematics Websites Checked and updated - August 2013 This post remains one of the most popular on this blog. In "Mathematics" Mathematics Crosswords angles crossword Crosswords provide a good way to improve Mathematical vocabulary. In "Games & Puzzles" Some resources used in my classes.... In "For students"
