Looking Back and Moving Forward Pre-K-2, 3-5, 9-12 This final lesson of the unit reviews the work of the previous lessons through a variety of activity stations, one of which involves using an interactive graphing tool.
Comic Creator
The Comic Creator invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts (prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, response to literature, and so on). The organizers focus on the key elements of comic strips by allowing students to choose backgrounds, characters, and props, as well as to compose related dialogue (shown at left). This versatile tool can be used by students from kindergarten through high school, for purposes ranging from learning to write dialogue to an in-depth study of a formerly neglected genre.
3D Shapes . Intro
We live in a three-dimensional world. Every object you can see or touch has three dimensions that can be measured: length, width, and height. The room you are sitting in can be described by these three dimensions.
OCSD Interactive Games
Design Your Own Games Pre-Made Games Matching Game Directions- In this game you can match up words. You have two columns to work in . Type in your words in the first column and the matching words in the second column. You should have at least 8 pairs of words.
Fun Kids Online Math Games
"Sheppard offers everything from early math to pre-algebra. The lessons include interactive activities to practice concepts. Students can shoot fruit, pop balloons, and even play math man (the math version of pac man!). Fractions, place value, money, and basic operations are some of the areas that are covered.
EduMates - Logaritmos
Skip to main content Create interactive lessons using any digital content including wikis with our free sister product TES Teach. Get it on the web or iPad! guest Join | Help | Sign In EduMates Home
Welcome to the online fairy tales page!
People have been telling each other fairy tales since ancient times. A very significant literature genre, fairy tales are present in all cultures around the world. In comparison to myths and legends, the time and place of occurrence in fairy tales are not defined.
Math Manipulatives: Virtual Manipulatives on the Web
Math Manipulatives contains three pages of resources: Technology Requirements: JAVA: You might need to download Java, a free plug-in to interact with virtual manipulatives.
Math Learning Center
The Math Learning Center offers a variety of free products for all grade levels. Unless otherwise noted, all of these resources can be used with any math curriculum. Lessons & Activities, Grades K-5 More than 130 activities sets and worksheets organized by grade level and topic.
Factoring a Number
Thinkwell PatrickJMT » Algebra, Arithmetic » Factoring a Number Factoring a Number Topic: Algebra, Arithmetic
Reading Rockets - vocab
By: Linda Diamond and Linda Gutlohn Consider some excellent lesson models for teaching vocabulary, explaining idioms, fostering word consciousness, instruction for English Language Learners, and mnemonic strategies. Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. As Steven Stahl (2005) puts it, "Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of a word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the world." Vocabulary knowledge is not something that can ever be fully mastered; it is something that expands and deepens over the course of a lifetime. Instruction in vocabulary involves far more than looking up words in a dictionary and using the words in a sentence.
Common Core
Common Core Math Kindergarten Counting & Cardinality Operations & Algebraic Thinking