30 Min. Clean Thai Turkey Zucchini Meatballs
Today is not a story day. Today is super awesome meatballs day! I got my new dishwasher that can even make Thai meatballs.:) In all seriousness, we have a deal: I make the meatballs and he does the dirty job. And he knows his job really well.
Chicken Salsa Ranch Wraps
James has been traveling for work quite a bit lately so I”ve been doing a lot of cooking for just me and Max. Normally that means I take a break from the kitchen and make things like hot dogs and poutines. But something has gotten into me lately and I”m finding myself wanting to make real dinners even when my hubby”s gone. But, since I”ve got both kids by myself I like to keep it simple and quick. Recipes like this one are what help me keep it healthy when it”s just me and the kids.
Cheap Eats At Home: 11 Good-For-You Recipes For Under $2 Per Serving (SLIDESHOW)
Let’s set the record straight on one of the biggest nutrition myths out there: better-for-you food isn’t always more expensive. Eating well does not need to be a costly affair! To prove it, we worked with the Betty Crocker Kitchens to put together this collection of delicious and nutritious recipes, all for under $2 per serving. So put away your wallet and check ‘em out!
What to Eat When You Have No Food
When You've Got Eggs... Hana Jakobs 16. ...and cheese. Make cheesy scrambled eggs or a cheesy omelet. 17. ...and parmesan cheese and noodles.
Death By Oreo Cupcakes
They are probably the best Oreo cakes I have ever tried. A lot of cake's that I have experimented with before are like a vanilla cake with bits of Oreo in them, which didn't really give them enough Oreo flavor. But these were a lot better. I used a dark chocolate fudge cake mix instead of just a regular chocolate cake mix, which went really well with the cookies and gave the cakes just a little more flavor.
Slutty Brownies
Now I don’t want to over sell this, so I’m going to be conservative and simply say, that these are… The Best Brownies In The WORLD. I know, big statement. They’re called Slutty Brownies because they’re oh so easy, and more than a little bit filthy. They’re best served warm from the oven, with good quality vanilla ice cream (devastatingly I didn’t have any in the freezer this time, so I guess I’ll just have to make them again).
Healthy dinners for less than $2/person
If you’ve ever found yourself buying clothes just because they’re cheap, or if shopping itself has become a form of entertainment for you, I’ve got a proposal: The next time you buy something, spend a whole lot on it. Enough that it makes you sweat a little. The point is to make you pause and ask yourself, “How much do I really want this?” In the US and much of the industrialized world, cheap clothes are everywhere.
Brown Butter Double Fudge Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cookies
Little bit of a mouthful there. But it’s like a cookie on top of another cookie! Yeah. Like total dirty cookie on cookie action. Except these ones down below wanted to try a few different positions.
Scalloped Hasselback Potatoes
“Scalloped” is an attractive word, isn’t it? When I hear it I think of several things: first, there’s scallops, as in the seafood—totally delicious. Then there’s the scalloped shape that can live on the edge of a pair of shorts or on the collar of a woman’s blouse—always pretty and dainty. And of course scalloped potatoes also comes to mind, which carries my imagination to a land of crispy potato skins drenched in a sea of cheese and cream.
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Super-Duper Vanilla {or Funfetti} Cupcakes
I know it may seem as though lately all I bake with and talk about is white cake & sprinkles, but I promise there are so many delightful-yet-unsprinkled baked goods coming your way in the next while. See, I’m certain this current sprinkle obsession of mine is just a phase–you know, much like my 1990′s obsession with Bret Michaels. I mean, come on . . . really. What was I thinking? No, wait, you’re right–that was no phase. And neither is my love for sprinkles: I’m devoted.
The Web’s Best Sandwich Recipes
Few foods allow for such creativity as the humble sandwich. By definition, it’s just bread and . . . stuff. PB & J on white? That’s a sandwich. A mountain of pastrami and a bit of slaw between rye? Also a sandwich.
Apple Rings
With the hot summer months upon us, I have found myself buying container after container of fruit. Whether it be strawberries, blueberries or even apples, when it comes to summer I love to sit down with a big bowl of fruit and satisfy my sweet tooth. The best future sister-in-law ever went berry picking the other day while I was out of town. She came home with an over abundance of raspberries and cherries.