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Text Ascii Art Generator

Text Ascii Art Generator

Create your tilt-shift picture Move the vertical slider on the right of the original photo to select the area in focus. Use the "Preview" button to see the results, then click on the required image size and press "Download" when done to process the image and get a download link. Site members get unlimited downloads up to 21MP (5700 pixel length/width) and can access over 50 bokeh styles, click here for details. Processing and downloading hi-res images may take a few minutes, depending on original photo size and other factors. A download link to the most recent hi-res file processed this session will appear in the "Recent hi-res:" area. The size of the main selected area can be adjusted using the horizontal slider, from "narrow" (focusing on a small area) to "wide" (focusing on a larger area). If you're using a display resolution of 1280x1024 or higher, try clicking on the "Large" button on the left to switch to large preview mode. Tilt-shift miniatures often look better with vivid colors. Strength 0-5: Strength 5-8:

»/ MARKETING 2.0 CONFERENCE - Main blog arte, diseño, lifestyle /  ▲ Inkult Magazine Blog ▲ Carlos Cendi es un nombre que sabemos estará presente en muchos lugares y comentarios en los próximos días.Después de una platica en el centro de la ciudad y de darnos… Read Article → Hola Inkulter’s, les traemos una recomendación de lo nuevo que tiene Editorial Gustavo Gili de México para nosotros, consulten,imaginen y sigan creando. Sistemas de retículas es el tratado… Cumple veinticinco y está más caminada que la calle Madero. “Es mucho más divertido hacer cosas cuando sabes que la gente quiere ver.” Carros… su uso y concepto, modificado totalmente por personas que, por ‘farolear’, encajar o demostrar su complejo de inferioridad a los demás, adquieren vehículos que… Supe de la boca de una mujer con cara de “no rompo un plato” que todo en la vida tiene algo de sucio y que… Jenny Kendler es una artista multidisciplinaria nacida en la ciudad de Nueva York y actualmente reside en Chicago.

Smart Concepts. Once our professor told us, success isn't about working hard, but it's about working smart. And these 'Smart Concepts' help us to work better. There may be numerous smart concepts out there and this post can go on endlessly; what we have here are a few of those which got our attention. Baggler: This unique device was created to help people manage and carry their bags with ease. It keeps the handles secured without getting entangled or items falling out of the bags, so no rolling groceries, and no uneven distribution of weight. Coffee Carrier Bag : Who among us isn't aware how difficult it is to carry two cups of coffee which are filled to the top, managing the car keys & all? Ping Pong Door: Designed by Tobias Franzel, it functions just like any ordinary door and when needed it turns into a ping-pong table. (Image credit: yankodesign). (Image credit: odioentrenar). (Image credit: newlaunches). Storage Staircase: An excellent option for storage; each step has its own drawer.

textorizer Textorizer allows you to make pictures formed with text. It is best described by the sample images below. Although there are many versions around, the only one that is continuing to supported is this one. Excoffizer takes a picture and produces a vector rendition of the picture, made of parallel lines of varying thickness. The previous version of Textorizer came as a downloadable application. Right now, textorizer/excoffizer works in Firefox, Chrome and Opera. Some browsers will however struggle with larger output images. Choose a mode examples Here are a few pictures produced with textorizer/excoffizer (click to see the text) There is even a Textorized Group on Flickr, with many more examples. Documentation Click on textorizer, textorizer2 or excoffizer Select a picture on your computer Play with the controls or enter new text, and press preview Source & Licensing The source can be browsed on github. Textorizer and excoffizer are © Max Froumentin 2008-2011. All Rights Reserved. Support

Social Media Influencers are not Traditional Influencers | Brian inShare7 Source Guest post by Damien Basille, follow him on Twitter | Read his blog As more and more brands are moving all of their ad spend online, defining how influence affects their return on investment is necessary and must be done as soon as possible. People with social media influence are able to spread brand messages and have their audiences actually absorb it. Most of the time these people aren’t even online. Online Influencers What these people know is that while it’s important to have a large network to spread a message as wide as possible it’s even more important to have a smaller more concentrated network to make things happen. The one question you need to ask yourself is this: what is my purpose for connecting? Every person in your life you connect to should have a purpose. Offline Influencers What’s rarely seen is someone with a large online presence conveying an equal or greater command with influencers offline. The Influential Divide The Future of Influence

Top 10 Cool Sites To Listen And Download Free Legal Songs Anytime |... Music is one thing that binds us all with each other wherever we are. Music refreshes our mind and helps us to forget bad things in our life and start everything with a great mood. Mostly everyone in this world loves music and listen to favorite songs time to time. Music is all over the place – be it anniversary or birthday parties, dance clubs, marriages, casinos, family together. Every one in this world has its own taste and even it depends on our moods that never remains same. If you are too a music fan, I am sure you will be having a great collection of songs that you often listen. In today’s time, if someone want to listen their favorite song, they just search it and download in their hard drive from the Internet. All these lists of sites allows you to download free legal music without any hassle. Don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS-feed and follow us on Twitter for recent updates. 1) 2) NiN 3) Free kids Music 4) Artist Direct 5) Songs Lover 6) ccmixter 7) Beemp3 8 ) mp3 Fusion

Les ordinateurs basse consommation .:: ::. Sommaire Il n'est pas rare aujourd'hui d'entendre dire que les ordinateurs sont à l'origine d'une forte consommation d'électricité à l'échelle mondiale. Il suffit simplement de constater que 95% des ordinateurs représentants le parc informatique de notre chère planète, consomment généralement entre 150w/h et 200w/h (sans tenir compte de l'écran et des divers périphériques). De plus, nous pouvons aujourd'hui considérer que la totalité des entreprises utilisent l'outil informatique. Ainsi, ne serai-ce que pour un parc d'une cinquantaine de machines, la consommation d'énergie cumulée atteint rapidement des sommets, représentant à la fois un budget considérable et une menace non négligeable pour l'avenir écologique de la planète. A travers ce dossier, vous allez donc pouvoir déterminer quels sont les composants à choisir, pour réaliser un ordinateur à la fois peu encombrant et économe en énergie.

How To Make A Solar Powered USB Charger (Gadgets) Turn those so-so solar powered garden lamps into a useful, portable, USB device charger! Step 1: Introduction Solar powered garden lamps were a great idea that just haven't worked very well. Step 2: Items Prices for garden lamps are so cheap these days that I found this set of four on sale for ten dollars. The only other things you'll need are some wire and a female USB connector. Step 3: Take Apart The Unit Taking apart the units is relatively easy, but in this case I had to do a little extra work to get to the solar cell. Step 4: Voltage Testing with a voltmeter shows an output of two and a quarter to two and a half volts. Step 5: Floppy Drive Cable I like the idea of using a floppy drive cable because the wires are designed to be flexible. Step 6: USB Connector Next I removed the USB connector from the plate and then snipped off the two extra wires, leaving us with a positive and negative wire and the USB cable. I then soldered these wires to the black and red wire of the solar unit.

Europe Ecologie, retour sur une campagne innovante | Mediapart # Une campagne d'un nouveau genre : la fusion du"off et du on line" dans une infrastructure numérique # La question des infrastructures en politique : production des idées, organisation des campagnes # Une campagne de fond et de terrain : le retour en force du débat public, tant off que on line, et la puissance des vrais clivages # Cette campagne ébauche le rapprochement entre mutation écologique et révolution numérique Invité de "Parlons Net" avec David Abiker, Julien Martin et Philippe Cohen, j'ai eu l'occasion de revenir sur les innovations de la campagne de la Liste Europe Ecologie, dont la stratégie et la plateforme ont été conçues par La Netscouade. Je vais tenter de résumer, ici, les idées que j'ai tenté d'y exprimer, et compléter l’analyse sur les ressorts «techno-politiques » de la victoire de CohnBendit aux européennes. # Une campagne d'un nouveau genre : la fusion du"off et du on line" dans une infrastructure numérique Le Net aime bien les challengers, les outsiders.

Faites le ménage sur Twitter avec Si vous utilisez Twitter plus ou moins régulièrement depuis quelques temps, il vous est peut-être déjà arrivé de vouloir nettoyer la liste des personnes que vous suivez (ce que l’on appelle les following_me). En fonction du nombre de personnes que vous suivez, cette tâche peut vite être très contraignante dans l’interface de Twitter qui ne fait aucun tri sur votre liste de contacts et pagine la liste tous les 20 contacts. Pour remédier à ce petit problème et vous faciliter la vie, Bastien Labelle a développé en suivant l’idée initiale de Cédric Giorgi. Cette application réalisée en Python et hébergée dans un environnement Google App Engine (plus d’infos), répond à cette problématique en vous affichant la liste de tous les contacts que vous suivez sur Twitter triée en fonction de la date de dernier Tweet de vos contacts : plus un contact n’a pas twitté depuis longtemps et plus il remonte en premier dans la liste.

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