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Teacher Resources: Quizinator for Teachers, Instructors, and HomeSchoolers

Teacher Resources: Quizinator for Teachers, Instructors, and HomeSchoolers
Quizinator is free to use, for as long as you want. Seriously. Additional premium features will be available soon for a subscription, but the core features of Quizinator will always be free. Flexible and Customizable Use our customizable, drag and drop, question libraries to quickly create worksheets, studysheets, handouts, exams, quizzes, and more. Access Online from Anywhere

Related:  Formative/Summative Assessment

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Testmoz - The Test Generator 12 strumenti per creare quiz online Mi capita di ricevere spesso richieste di lettori in merito a strumenti per creare quiz online gratuitamente. Oltretutto alcune di queste risorse consentono di disporre dei codici html per incorporare i test all'interno di siti web o blog. Ecco una raccolta di 12 applicazioni online che vi aiuteranno a creare i quiz da utilizzare in classe. Sotto ad ogni link degli esempi di utilizzo.

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