Infographic: The Entire JavaScript Language in One Single Image
Chinese-based developer Yusheng, has created a nice graphic that assembles the entire JavaScript programming syntax into one single all-encompassing image. Regardless of what the TIOBE Index says, JavaScript, and not Java, is the hottest programming language right now. This popularity was won very hard, having to fight through a period where the language seemed to have stood still with no new features being released for a period of four years. Despite this, developers rushed to the language, mainly due to the technologies being developed on top of it, and more specifically Node.js. If today some of you want to delve into JavaScript in the upcoming future, there are many tutorials you can find online, all great resources for learning the language's fundamentals from the ground up in a matter of days. But if things are constantly escaping your memory, Chinese-based developer Yusheng has assembled a nice mind map of the entire JavaScript language syntax, complete with code examples.
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication, littéralement communication web en temps réel) est une interface de programmation (API) JavaScript actuellement au stade de brouillon (Draft) développée au sein du W3C et de l'IETF. C'est aussi un canevas logiciel avec des implémentations précoces dans différents navigateurs web pour permettre une communication en temps réel. Le but du WebRTC est de lier des applications comme la voix sur IP, le partage de fichiers en pair à pair en s'affranchissant des plugins propriétaires jusqu'alors nécessaires. La technologie WebRTC étant récente, son intégration au sein des différents navigateurs internet est encore inégale. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Cependant, ces initiatives s'opposent à Microsoft qui a soumis une proposition concurrente CU-RTC-WEB (en) le 8 août 2012[11]. Le standard qui établira le WebRTC n'étant pas encore complet, il peut encore subir de fortes modifications.
11 Free jQuery CSS3 Navigation Menu Plugins
These days, jQuery Navigation menus are more than plain texts with links on it. With the command of jQuery, it can transform the menu of a web site into a dynamic menu. Despite the fact that CSS3 can now be utilized to make dynamic menu, still, the query includes more functionality to the menus. Aside from the element functionalities, the design should likewise be considered. Because of audience your site would perhaps see it for the first time they visit your website. If it is not well designed any having worst UI experience so it will not give you value add to your site. You Might be interested on : Free jQuery Sliders and jQuery autocomplete Tutorials. Mmenu Demo || Download The best jQuery plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp. Sidr Demo || Download The best jQuery plugin for creating side menus and the easiest way for doing your menu responsive. slimMenu Demo || Download HorizontalNav Demo || Download Pushy Demo || Download Slinky.js
Multiplayer is coming
One of the most highly demanded features for Construct 2 has been support for making real-time multiplayer online games. While we have supported WebSockets for some time, it has two key barriers to real-time multiplayer: the need to write a separate server, and the guaranteed in-order transmission using TCP. This can create head-of-line blocking and ruin the performance of latency-sensitive games, compared to UDP which can ignore dropped packets and reduce latency. With the arrival of Chrome 32 and Firefox 27, we now have a solution: WebRTC DataChannels! What is WebRTC? WebRTC is a new browser feature allowing peer-to-peer connections. Peer-to-peer connections have the advantage that you don't need to write or even host a separate server! Which platforms are supported? Currently only Chrome 32+ and Firefox 27+ support interoperable WebRTC DataChannels. Features of the multiplayer engine We are writing our own custom multiplayer engine to best suit the needs of Construct 2 developers. Demos
Voxel Builder
ApiRTC - pour tester le webRTC
Getting Started Guide
NativeScript Getting Started Guide Welcome to the NativeScript Getting Started Guide. In this tutorial you'll use NativeScript, a cross-platform JavaScript framework for building native mobile apps, to build an iOS and Android app from scratch. What is NativeScript? NativeScript is a free and open source framework for building native iOS and Android apps using JavaScript and CSS. NativeScript provides a best-of-both-worlds development experience. What you're building This guide will walk you through building Groceries, a groceries management app that does the following things: Connects to an existing RESTful service.Provides user registration and login.Lets authenticated users add and delete groceries from a list.Runs cross-platform (iOS and Android). If you follow along to the end, here's what the finished app will look like on iOS: And here's what the app will look like on Android: Prerequisites With that out of the way, let’s get started! Getting up and running Start your app Running your app
Planet Libre - WebRTC Partie 1 : Comment ça marche ?
Recline.js - Recline Data Explorer and Library | Open Web Stuff
A simple but powerful library for building data applications in pure Javascript and HTML. Features: Open-source (and heavy reuser of existing open-source libraries)Pure javascript (no Flash) and designed for integration — so it is easy to embed in other sites and applicationsView and edit your data in clean grid interfaceBulk update/clean your data using an easy scripting UIVisualize your dataAnd more …
A Web RTC Tutorial | Ericsson Research BlogEricsson Research Blog
With WebRTC, adding a peer-to-peer video chat to a site is as easy as child’s play and the best part of it is that there is no need for your users to download plugins to use the service. There are two pieces needed to set up peer-to-peer video chat using WebRTC: an HTML5 compliant browser, and the proper code on your server. This blog will walk you through the steps to get a simple service up and running. WebRTC is part of the HTML5 standard and is still under development. But by downloading an augmented WebKit library from Ericsson Labs, you can try it out today. At present, only Ubuntu 11.04 is supported for the browser, but there are no such restrictions on the server. To install the browser, follow the steps here. If you see a page with a Captcha, you’re all set to go, but if you see a warning that your browser lacks support for PeerConnection video conferencing you need to track down the problem. With the browser part cleared, we’ll now turn to the server setup. Now save the file.
Coder's Block Blog / Motion Detection with JavaScript
I recently gave a talk at RevolutionConf about writing a motion detecting web app with JavaScript. This is basically that talk, but in blog form. Live demos and all the source code are available at the end of this article. The Premise I wanted to see what my pets do when I’m away. Just for kicks, I decided to do this as a web app, all in JavaScript. Accessing the Webcam The first step is to access the webcam. Anyway, to grab a stream from a webcam, start with a <video> element in your HTML. Then add a bit of JavaScript. This will attempt to grab a 640px by 480px stream from an attached webcam. Grabbing Still Frames We need to capture still frames from the streaming video so that we can do motion detection (more on this later) and potentially upload them as images to Twitter. We start by grabbing the <video> element with the stream on it from the page. A simple setInterval() allows us to capture a new still frame every 100ms. Diffing So, what exactly is “motion”? Scoring Post-Processing the Diff