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20 Most Hilarious YouTube Videos Under 20 Seconds Long

20 Most Hilarious YouTube Videos Under 20 Seconds Long

The Nature of Ambition az said... well, that's so true. Soemtimes though, it's not due to ambition. Things just get bigger and bigger until you can't handle them. If Dogs Could Send Text Mails "Text From Dog" is an excellent set of fake SMS messages exchanged between a dog and his boss. Share 15 Ways to Get Past an Awkward Moment Aug 13, 2012 We’ve all been in awkward situations, our lives are full of them. Nobody’s perfect, but how you handle it can turn an awkward moment into a partial win. Below you will see 15 awkward situations and what these people did to try and turn it around. It might not always work but the best you can do is try, and nobody can take that away from you!

Why I can't smoke weed, as told by animals Nov 16, 2012 First I’m like, Oh this is fun, let’s eat cookies… Then someone says something funny and I’m like, Oh shit, this is so great… And I start really laughing… And laughing even harder… And at some point I realize I’m laughing too hard…. 10 All Natural Ways to Stop Feeling Depressed Life is a drag.What’s the point of anything?I’ll never be happy. Do any of these gloomy thoughts sound familiar? It’s likely they do. The occasional case of the blues is perfectly normal, but that doesn’t make dealing with it any easier. If you allow them to, negative thoughts can fester and lead to serious depression.

30 Most Ridiculous Doodles on Draw Something Draw Something is a mobile app developed by Omgpop. It was one of the Mobile apps which won the Flurry App Spotlight Awards in 2012. In the first five weeks after its launching, the game was downloaded 20 million times. Fifty days after its release, it had been downloaded 50 million times. 30 Examples of Funny Ads for Inspiration In many settings advertisements tend to be ignored or overlooked. When flipping through a magazine you probably skip past the ads unless something really catches your attention. The same thing applies when it comes to driving by billboards, browsing online, or interacting anywhere else where ads appear. One approach for ad designers to capture the attention and interest of viewers is to use humor. Most of us will stop and pay attention to ads if they grab our attention and make us laugh. In this post we’ll showcase 30 examples of advertisements that user humor to make an impact on viewers.

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