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Maths: General Resources

Maths: General Resources

Coxhoe Primary School - Numeracy Considerable importance is attached to the children achieving and understanding mathematical processes, concepts and skills. A favourable attitude is encouraged by presenting it in an interesting and enjoyable way, allowing the children to actively participate in the learning process, thus creating a sense of achievement and confidence. There is a strong emphasis on the development of mental arithmetic and giving opportunities for pupils to use and apply mathematics in real life situations.

Patterns and algebra: Sites2See. Centre for Learning Innovation Access the resources for Best Start numeracy20 Try The Learning Federation’s Monster choir: making patterns23, missing monsters24 and look and listen25. Use musical number patterns with music maker26, odds and evens27 and make a counting rule in musical times28. Assess Stage 2 students’ understanding of counting rules31. Number trains: patterns32 assesses the ability to create number patterns. RCPS K-12 Home | English | Math | Science | Social Studies SOL Review websites tests, games, and practice sol websites ideas, SOL flash cards, posters, bubble sheet, textbook resources, online manipulatives, web sites, etc.

Home Page Teachers Primary Pupils Secondary Students So you want to support Maths learning with an iPad? iPad apps Published on April 10th, 2012 | by Mark Anderson When thinking about using an iPad to support learning, it is important to remember that the iPad supports learning. It is not going to do the teaching for you. Maths learning is no exception. That said, innovative approaches to using multiple apps can really help with the support of the learning of different elements within the Maths curriculum.

Math Facts Game: Race For Math Subjects Mathematics --Arithmetic Grade [facebookbadge] Dominoes Featured Topic: Using Domino Mats to Build Number Sense Dominoes have become a staple in most primary classrooms. They build upon dice patterns and are often used to model decomposition of numbers, building student knowledge of addition facts. They are an excellent manipulative for primary students to use and these are some examples of how students might use dominoes in the math center. The student needs some dominoes, counters and a New IBM App Presents Nearly 1,000 Years of Math History Math nerds and historians, it’s time to get excited. Minds of Modern Mathematics, a new iPad app released Thursday by IBM, presents an interactive timeline of the history of mathematics and its impact on society from 1000 to 1960. The app is based on an original, 50-foot-long “Men of Modern Mathematics” installation created in 1964 by Charles and Ray Eames.

4th Grade Measurement and Data This page provides examples of 4th Grade Measurement and Data Activities aligned with the Common Core State Standards. These activities are designed to elicit a range of responses and provide opportunities for students to communicate their reasoning and mathematical thinking. All activities are suitable for use in Math Centers, small group or whole class settings. Instructions for each task are typed in large print and written in child-friendly language to enable students to work on activities independently after a brief introduction to the task. All files for the 4th Grade Measurement and Data Activities listed are in PDF format and can be accessed using Adobe Reader. For examples of 3rd and 5th Grade Measurement and Data Activities see the links below.
