Related: CopyrightPosting an Internet Meme? You May Receive a Getty Letter - Art Law Journal Memes have proliferated the internet since the dawn of social media. An image, usually taken entirely out of context, is paired with witty, often sarcastic banter whose only goal is to make you laugh. But did you know that there are often art licensing issues surrounding the use of top internet memes, and that you may have to be prepared to make a fair use argument if the owner of the images cries copyright infringement? Take the case of the German blogger Geeksisters who recently received a Getty letter (otherwise known as the Getty extortion letter to our readers) concerning their “illegal” use of a top internet meme.
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education Adopted by the NCTE Executive Committee, November 2008 By: National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE), Student Television Network (STN), Media Commission of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Action Coalition for Media Education (ACME), and Visual Communication Division of the International Communication Association (ICA) WHAT THIS ISThis document is a code of best practices that helps educators using media literacy concepts and techniques to interpret the copyright doctrine of fair use. Fair use is the right to use copyrighted material without permission or payment under some circumstances -- especially when the cultural or social benefits of the use are predominant.
Fair Use in a Day in the Life of a College Student Infographic Released In conjunction with Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2016, ARL is releasing an infographic that shows how a college student relies on fair use numerous times in a typical day. Fair use and fair dealing are vitally important rights for everybody, everywhere—students, faculty, librarians, journalists, and all users of copyrighted material. These doctrines provide balance to the copyright system by allowing the use of copyrighted resources without permission from the rightholder under certain circumstances, thereby promoting creative progress and accommodating freedom of expression. The “Fair Use in a Day in the Life of a College Student” infographic is freely available as a PDF to embed on blogs and websites and to print and hand out at events.
Copyright, Memes and the Perils of Viral Content - Plagiarism Today The definition of the world “meme”, in the broadest sense, is “An idea, behavior, style or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture”. Internet memes are a subset of that behavior that takes place online, where people spread a cultural touchstone from person to person, often referred to as going “viral”. But what is and is not a meme can be tough to define. After all, a meme can be almost anything including a hashtag on Twitter, a photo with changing user-generated captions and even a short video a cat pretending to play a keyboard.
Confu Confu: The conference on fair use In late April, 1997, Bruce Lehman, Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, publicly stated that the Proposed Guidelines negotiated by CONFU participants had failed to achieve consensus support. In May, 1997, at its third "final" meeting in Washington, D.C., CONFU participants concurred. None of the Proposed Guidelines would survive the comment and endorsement process that ended in May. Since the Multimedia Guidelines had a life of their own apart from CONFU (see Confu: Background), their proponents indicated that they were alive and well and ready for use, but the future for the other two (Images and Distance Learning) is uncertain. The Reserve Guidelines had already fallen by the wayside early last fall (1996).
Teaching Tools for Fair Use: An Introduction - Center for Media and Social Impact Learning Goals Students will gain a general understanding of the following terms:CopyrightPublic domainFair useStudents will learn how to conduct a fair use analysis when incorporating copyrighted material (image, text, video, digital, etc.) into his/her creative or scholarly work. Components for Teaching Fair Use These Teaching Tools are organized into five sections: The BasicsClassroom Discussion MaterialsAssignmentsSupplementary MaterialsMore InformationDepending on how much time you have to teach about fair use, you can select the materials that best suit your needs. For example, with limited time, you may choose to introduce the subject by discussing CMSI’s Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts (Section IB), followed by a classroom discussion using one of the Talking Points (Section IIB or C) or “Fair Use: You be the Judge” (Section IID).
Don't Sell Your CDs & DVDs! 5 Downsides to Going Digital Advertisement The world is shifting into digital gear at a rapid pace and everyone is racing to stay ahead. Video games, eBooks, music, movies, and TV shows. You name it, there’s probably a digital market for it. Using Technology If experts can't agree on acceptable fair use guidelines for works created using new technologies, what can educators do? Fortunately, some resources are available! Included: Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Licensing types The following describes each of the six main licenses offered when you choose to publish your work with a Creative Commons license. We have listed them starting with the most accommodating license type you can choose and ending with the most restrictive license type you can choose. Creators choose a set of conditions they wish to apply to their work. Attribution (by) All CC licenses require that others who use your work in any way must give you credit the way you request, but not in a way that suggests you endorse them or their use.
Copyright Flowchart: Can I Use It? Yes? No? If This… Then… It is the responsibility of all educators to model good digital citizenship for their students. Especially when it comes to copyright, plagiarism and intellectual property. The waters are murky. Copyright Laws for Teachers: Educational CyberPlayGround™ CITE - the Educational CyberPlayGround, Inc. AS YOUR SOURCE. ( ISTC 301/501 Resources ) Definition of Copyright: "The legal right granted to an author, a composer, a playwright, a publisher, or a distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work.
Citing an Image is Not Enough! I am thrilled to see so many students creating blog posts and going BEYOND “writing” text made up letters, words, sentences and paragraphs. Being able to “read” and “write” in other media is part of becoming fluent in media literacy. In addition to media literacy, knowing your rights and responsibilities as an ethical digital citizen is a vital part of participating in our digital world. My frustration with educators not knowing about observing copyright when producing content online was expressed in a previous post titled No! You Can’t Just Take It!. I see sprinkled attempts of students trying to “do the right thing”, but coming up short many times. Copyright & Fair Use - Fair Use Fair use is a copyright principle based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for purposes of commentary and criticism. For example, if you wish to criticize a novelist, you should have the freedom to quote a portion of the novelist’s work without asking permission. Absent this freedom, copyright owners could stifle any negative comments about their work. Unfortunately, if the copyright owner disagrees with your fair use interpretation, the dispute may have to be resolved by a lawsuit or arbitration.
Much like the checklist, this evaluator is a valuable tool in verifying that the use of books, images, etc. is allowable under fair use and the copyright code. by annambaker Feb 5