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Invisible Web: What it is, Why it exists, How to find it, and Its inherent ambiguity
What is the "Invisible Web", a.k.a. the "Deep Web"? The "visible web" is what you can find using general web search engines. It's also what you see in almost all subject directories. The "invisible web" is what you cannot find using these types of tools. The first version of this web page was written in 2000, when this topic was new and baffling to many web searchers. Since then, search engines' crawlers and indexing programs have overcome many of the technical barriers that made it impossible for them to find "invisible" web pages.
Clustering Engine
Carrot2 Search Results Clustering Engine Carrot2 organizes your search results into topics. With an instant overview of what's available, you will quickly find what you're looking for. Choose where to search: Type your query: More options
Organize & Manage Your Bills and Statements - Pentadactyl
Manilla is the leading, free and secure service that lets you manage and organize your bills and accounts in one place online or using the free, 4+ star customer-rated mobile apps. With just one password, you can manage all of your household accounts, including your finances, utilities, healthcare accounts, travel rewards, subscriptions, daily deals and more. Simplify and organize your daily life. Just One Login With Manilla, one password provides instant access to all of your accounts.
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Top 6 Underground Search Engines You Never Knew About
Advertisement I love Google, Bing and Yahoo just as much as the next Internet user, but sometimes you really want to dig down into a particular subject. In order to do that, you really need access to those underground search engines that may not be quite as well known, but they dig much more deeply into specialized areas of the Internet than the general search engines are capable of. In many cases, these search engines are tapped into what is currently termed the “invisible web,” which is the information available on the Internet that standard search engines don’t have access to, because they are buried behind query forms or directory requests. The following 6 underground search engines that I chose are not porn sites, illegal piracy sites or anything else that could get you in trouble with the law, or with your significant other.
6 Ways Bing is the Opposite of Google
Search has been synonymous with Google for over a decade and a half. Even as search marketers, we are guilty of focusing a disproportionate amount of our time and resources into optimizing our campaigns, websites, and social media to Google. Google dictates what is acceptable and shape content strategies, campaign messaging, even business models. However, even if Google does dominate nearly three-quarters of all search traffic, we cannot afford to ignore the leftover 25%.
Pearltrees visualization tools add power to search and discovery
Nearly four years ago, I spent a week at a multimedia bootcamp at UC Berkeley put on by the Knight Digital Media Center. It was a wonderful experience, not only because of the practical skills I picked up but also because my team was assigned to interview Jeff Heer, then a graduate student studying data visualization. Our finished multimedia package was rough around the edges, but had some great visuals and detail on Heer's quest to help people understand the power of social relationships on the distribution of information. I immediately thought of Heer when I started poking around with a new social-visualization tool called Pearltrees that's currently in beta.
Search in Archie
Welcome to archie.icm.edu.pl Search for: Database: Worldwide Anonymous FTP Polish Web Index Search Type: Sub String Exact Regular Expression Case: Insensitive SensitiveDo you want to look up strings only (no sites returned): NO YESOutput Format For Web Index Search: Keywords Only Excerpts Only Links Only
pearltrees, socializing and curating content on the web
Content of any type is not useful unless you can find it, organize it and interact with it. In the enterprise companies have tried many different schemes to try and get business content collected in a central repository, organized, tagged, version controlled, and searchable. This has often taken the route of "content management" systems. Content management systems to varying degrees, do an adequate job of getting some content into a controlled system environment. There are challenges with content management systems on two fronts though, getting content into the system in the first place (getting employees to participate in inputting content in some way) and getting the right content into the hands of the person who actually needs it.
Seeks is a websearch proxy and collaborative distributed tool for websearch. Content Seeks code provides: a web proxy,a websearch meta search engine that aggregates results and ranks them based on consensus.a plugin system and a set of default plugins, including websearch and ad blocking plugins.a P2P collaborative filter that enables decentralized collaborative searching and sharing. Installation Dependencies:
The 10 Most Important Secrets of Powerful Presenters
I am one of those people who loves giving speeches and presentations. From what I have heard, I’m in a minority. Many people dislike giving speeches, but I’ve always had a hard time understanding that.