Design Thinking and UDL for Makerspaces in STEM and STEAM Classrooms Some makerspaces are set up in separate rooms down the hall, in the library, or in another building. Kids may only be able to use the makerspace once a week or month. Some activities may focus on how to use the resources available and not connect the activities to the curriculum or around a real world problem. This is why we decided to focus on this topic for #plearnchat and created a planning tool for makerspaces in the classroom using the Design Thinking Process and Universal Design for Learning®. The big question: How can a maker and design thinking mindset encourage deeper learning for STEM and STEAM? We used the Q1, A1 format with the following six questions: The questions scaffolded using UDL and Design Thinking to build a maker mindset. Charity Dodd @CharityDodd"UDL provides Ss with supports so that they ask questions, create agency and take ownership of their learning." Kathleen Johnson @mskmjohnson"By giving students freedom to express their own ideas and share with one another.
Starfall: Learn to Read with Phonics, Learn Mathematics Universal Design for Learning Universal design provides people with disabilities greater access to the community and the workplace by removing or reducing barriers found in the environment. These principles, first outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), are now being applied to instruction through IDEA '04 (Center for Applied Special Technology [CAST], 2004a). In the broadest sense, applying principles of universal design to instruction seeks to remove barriers that any individual might face when participating in instructional activities (Hitchcock & Stahl, 2003). Unlike accommodations and modifications made for students with disabilities, universal design creates alternatives open to all students. The goal of UDL is for more students to be able to access the content of instruction, thereby reducing the number of students who need special accommodations and supports.
Aprendizaje cooperativo en 5+n pasos ¿Estás cansada - o cansado - de ver a tus estudiantes en fila? ¿Te gustaría que tus estudiantes trabajaran en equipo pero no sabes cómo montarlo? ¿Quieres organizar tus clases cooperativamente? En esta entrada tienes las claves del Aprendizaje Cooperativo en 5+n pasos, con bastantes pistas de cómo abordarlos, posibles herramientas para ponerlos en práctica bastantes ejemplos que te ayudarán, así que, ¿por qué no te animas? Paso 1: ¿Qué sabes de Aprendizaje Cooperativo? En realidad para plantearse que tus alumnas y alumnos aprendan cooperativamente hay que ser muy valiente porque ¿qué referentes tienes tú de aprendizaje cooperativo a lo largo de tu vida como estudiante? Así pues, con esta confianza renovada en tu apuesta por el Aprendizaje Cooperativo, la pregunta pertinente es por dónde empezar y la respuesta más profesional es que el comienzo debe ser tu propia capacitación en Aprendizaje Cooperativo. Úriz Bidegáin, N, 1999, El aprendizaje cooperativo. Paso 2: Recuerda, son personas
Updated Personalization vs. Differentiation vs. Individualization Chart Version 3 Personalization v Differentiation v Individualization (PDI) Chart (Version 3) The PDI chart was created for a reason: to clarify the differences in these terms. In 2010, the National Ed Tech Plan defined all three of these terms as they are related to instruction. It has been some time since we initially published the PDI Chart in January 2012. We updated the chart again to version 3 from your feedback. Individualization involves assessment OF learning.
3 Fundamentals of UDL Todos tenemos un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje Sí, es verdad. Pero hasta hace muy poco yo no había pintado el mío. Mientras lo hacía, me he dado cuenta que es un entorno joven, que he generado en poco tiempo haciendo una gran reforma en el anterior, incorporando nuevas herramientas e interaccionando con muchas más personas. En realidad es muy sencillo y responde a algunas acciones muy concretas: Buscar, encontrar... He conseguido sistematizar y organizar mis fuentes de información, aunque sigo dejando abierta una puerta al descubrimiento y la serendipia. Tengo en Google Reader una lista de blogs que reviso diariamente. Participo en eventos, grupos y comunidades virtuales con distinta intensidad pero siempre con interés por estar al día. Me asomo todas las tardes a mi TimeLine de Twitter, confiando en el criterio de muchas personas ya muy cercanas. Reviso en mi iPad contenidos agregados en formato revista sobre los temas que me interesan. Clasificar, aportar, crear Genero también mucha documentación para mi entorno de trabajo.Compartir PLE .
the special needs hat The mission statement for my library included this statement We are dedicated to providing and promotingintellectual and physical access for allto an extensive range of print and electronic resources,tools and technologies It sounded very grand in theory but what did it look like in practice? Was it even put into practice? Or was it one of those statements that had no substance behind it? Achieving this part of the mission statement became a very real necessity as the school grew and more and more students enrolled. One of these special children was Molly who was a delightful child, but who suffered from severe and very frequent epileptic episodes which intruded on her everyday functioning as well as her ability to learn. It meant closely examining a number of things a familiar place Provide teddies or other soft toys which the children can cuddle during storytime, read to or tell their secrets to. Teddies provide comfort physical access resources Signage needs to be bold and clear social online
WebLab-Deusto Research Group WebLab-Deusto member Pablo Orduña presented on June 26th the WebLab-Deusto project within the Global Grand Challenges week of the Singularity University (Mountain View, California). The Singularity University, located in the NASA Ames research center at Silicon Valley, was founded in 2008 by NASA, Google, Nokia, Autodesk and LinkedIn among other companies. Every year it offers a 10-week interdisciplinary program for top students and entrepreneurial leaders (80 selected from over a thousand) worldwide (36 countries in this edition), aimed at solving some of our most pressing global challenges. Click here to see the full talk From left to right: moderator Tom Simonite (Computing editor of MIT Technology Review), and education track speakers Vicky Colbert (founder of the Escuela Nueva foundation), Pablo Orduña, and Prasad Ram (founder and CEO of EdNovo -creators of Gooru-, past director of engineering at Google Research, CTO of Yahoo R&D India and engineer at Xerox).
BARD Access - National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) | Library of Congress BARD is a free library service of downloadable braille and audio reading material for residents of the United States and U.S. citizens living abroad who are unable to read or use standard printed material because of visual or physical disabilities. BARD provides access to thousands of special-format books, magazines, and music scores. The site is password-protected. All files are downloadable as compressed audio or formatted ebraille files. Three steps to begin using BARD 1) Become an NLS patron 2) Register for BARD 3) Get a Device You can get a free talking-book player on long-term loan from your network library, buy a commercial model on your own if there are features you prefer, or download the free app to your smart device. Four steps to getting books on BARD Mobile 1) Sign In Sign In to BARD on your mobile device. For help with BARD, access videos on How to Use BARD Mobile or send an email to NLSDownload@loc.gov 2) Find Books 3) Add to Wish List 4) Download Sign In to BARD on a computer
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Making a school library more accessible for students with special needs (Sedley Abercrombie) In 31 of our 32 school libraries, we have have a certified school librarian (or certified teacher working on his or her degree) in place. In our district, we do have one particular school with some of the most dedicated professionals I have ever come to meet. Stoner-Thomas is a school for nearly 100 students with special needs in grades K-12. More than 30 staff members are employed in various capacities to meet the needs of those students…but no librarian. When I became the lead librarian for our district 2.5 years ago (a brand new position), I decided to “adopt” Stoner-Thomas Library Media Center. State of the Library (2015): Because our district allots a book budget based upon student enrollment, Stoner-Thomas had a very small budget each year. Construction delays (2016): Stoner-Thomas was headed for some major renovations, adding new state-of-the-art classrooms, updated bathrooms, and adding a new cafeteria and a handicapped-accessible playground. Making the library more accessible:
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