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Douglas Rushkoff - Home
Related:  Cultural ChangeMedia, social media and New media

New Rules for the New Economy 1) Embrace the Swarm. As power flows away from the center, the competitive advantage belongs to those who learn how to embrace decentralized points of control. 2) Increasing Returns. As the number of connections between people and things add up, the consequences of those connections multiply out even faster, so that initial successes aren't self-limiting, but self-feeding. 3) Plentitude, Not Scarcity. 4) Follow the Free. 5) Feed the Web First. 6) Let Go at the Top. 7) From Places to Spaces. 8) No Harmony, All Flux. 9) Relationship Tech. 10) Opportunities Before Efficiencies. ...disequilibrium, fragmentation, uncertainty, churn, and relativism, the anchors of meaning and value are in short supply. In the great vacuum of meaning, in the silence of unspoken values, in the vacancy of something large to stand for, something bigger than oneself, technology--for better or worse--will shape our society. Because values and meaning are scarce today, technology will make our decisions for us.

.: :. Media Commentary — Callie Schweitzer How We Internet: Finding the right news among too many options: The days of waiting for the newspaper thud outside the front door are over, and it’s no longer up to the editors of the New York Times to decide the lead story of the day. The process of getting news involves more choice than ever. Q&A with USC Annenberg on the future of news: I think we’re seeing the most incredible and exciting time in journalistic history. You are what you share: The internet is supposed to be a place where everyone can be themselves and find like-minded people. Making people proud of what they share: Social media has given us a new lens into the lives of the people we get our news from, which allows the individual to stand alone. Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In: women in tech and media give their views: My best ideas are influenced by personal experiences that come from both my work and personal lives.

Developing Next-Gen Profiles: Collaboratory Mockup I’ve been having a lot of fun the past few weeks fleshing out our next-gen profiles for the Collaboratory. One of the things I think is critical for any sufficiently advanced social network is a way for us to actually express who we are as human beings – emotion, passion, intent, inherent gifts, and the like. The problem with Facebook and LinkedIn is they predefine the scope of what it means to be human. Either you’re this or that. This religious affiliation, this political view, this relationship status, this sex, and so forth. And that’s all fine for those who find comfort in the rigidity of those labels. But for those who wish to be untethered from that way of thinking, so that we can expand ourselves into expressing fuller human capacity, it’s a bit constraining. So we’re working on allowing people to show who they are and what they’re about from a deeper, more meaningful level. Profiles & Self-Discovery Profiles & The Future of Work Profiles & Mutual Improvement We’re real people.

Zoupic Ce WordPress, c’est une énorme libération, d’une flexion à une extension totale de tous mes membres dans l’espace (bien que j’ai le genou dans le chou). C’est une libération des membres, de l’esprit et des mots. Des mots car ceci n’est pas écrit chez over-blog, partenaire de TF1 media, des mots libres qui viennent d’un logiciel libre avec des plug-ins libres chez un hébergeur(1&1) pas tout à fait libre, mais on en reparlera. Des membres car ici je peux installer ce que je veux, tout configurer à ma manière, c’est chez moi, je n’habite plus au zoupic rue mais au zoupic via WordPress chez (chez l’hébergeur pas tout à fait libre). Une caractéristique de notre monde de son origine à nos jours, du soleil à l’atome ce sont les flux. Les flux. Comme le circuit de l’eau. le cycle de l’information par zoupic Des chaînes, des cycles, des états différents et toujours des échanges. Nous ne sommes en somme qu’une somme de flux : IN & OUT J’inspire, j’expire. je bois, je pisse.

Pew Research Center | Nonpartisan, non-advocacy public opinion polling and demographic research Superhero School: An Epicenter for Disruptive Innovation I put a short post up a few days ago in an online group I’m in, with the above image and this brief description: superhero school. center for disruptive innovation. continuous learning zone. collective intelligence. live/work startup incubator. community center. hackerspace. makerlab. autonomous zone. permaculture and sustainable food production. cooperatively owned communications infrastructure. resilience. r&d lab. a place for creative troublemakers. hudson valley. i want this to exist. It blew up to over 100 comments in less than 48 hours, with many people sharing their own thoughts and plans and existing initiatives to create similar things in their areas. I was inspired! Is this an idea whose time has come? If you take a look around the world right now, you will see that this is already happening. The particular location pictured above which has captured my imagination is right here in Beacon, NY, an estate vacant for 12 years now, sitting on 63 lovely acres of property.

Jean Yves' Organizational Behavior/Management Blog Grasping Reality with the Invisible Hand... What is Scenius? #SocialDNA [Translations: Italian] Scenius is like genius, only embedded in a scene rather than in genes. Brian Eno suggested the word to convey the extreme creativity that groups, places or “scenes” can occasionally generate. His actual definition is: “Scenius stands for the intelligence and the intuition of a whole cultural scene. It is the communal form of the concept of the genius.” Individuals immersed in a productive scenius will blossom and produce their best work. The geography of scenius is nurtured by several factors: • Mutual appreciation — Risky moves are applauded by the group, subtlety is appreciated, and friendly competition goads the shy. • Rapid exchange of tools and techniques — As soon as something is invented, it is flaunted and then shared. • Network effects of success — When a record is broken, a hit happens, or breakthrough erupts, the success is claimed by the entire scene. The history of art and science is crammed with episodes of scenius. Camp 4 in Yosemite

