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DEWIS Test Yourself questions in a range of topic such as complex numbers, matrices, partial differentiation, percentages, ratios, vectors and transposition of formulae available from mathcentre. Find out more..... Welsh language Fact & Formulae leaflets are available. Find out more..... mathcentre has evolved to become a well-used and valued online drop-in centre for mathematics resources. Find out more about who uses mathcentre and which are the most popular resources.

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Multiplicative inverse The reciprocal function: y = 1/x. For every x except 0, y represents its multiplicative inverse. The graph forms a rectangular hyperbola. Multiplying a number is the same as dividing its reciprocal and vice versa. Brookhaven Maths - A level Core Maths Notes These notes are based on the class notes I made during my pure maths A Level course. They have been transcibed onto the computer and saved as a zipped pdf file. The notes should be ideal for A-level maths core revision and are based mainly on the OCR syllabus, with a touch of AQA. The notes contain many worked examples, which should give a good overview of the many techniques required. C1 to C4 - Core A Level Maths Revision & Class Notes: All my notes have been combined into one pdf file.

Introduction to Higher Mathematics by Department of Mathematics Whitman College This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. If you distribute this work or a derivative, include the history of the document.

Concepts of Mathematics - Summer I 2012 Announcements Friday 5/25/12: The LaTeX tutorial will be Tuesday May 29 at 5-6:30ish pm in Wean 5207Sunday 5/20/12: Course calendar is settled (as far as I know!). Homework 1 is up as well, and notes for the first day. Math 3005 - A Transition to Higher Mathematics TextbookThe 2nd edition of Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics by Gary Chartrand, Albert D. Polimeni, and Ping Zhang. Solutions to Selected Homework ProblemsBelow you will find links to the solutions of some of the homework exercises that have been assigned. Please note that the solutions given are not the only possible solutions, but are intended to represent acceptable proofs that would receive full credit.

Fundamentals of mathematics Catalog Record: Fundamentals of mathematics | Hathi Trust Digital Library Navigation HathiTrust Digital Library Search this index A brief introduction to the infinitesimal... Catalog Record: A brief introduction to the infinitesimal calculus. Designed especially to aid in reading mathematical economics and statistics | Hathi Trust Digital Library Navigation HathiTrust Digital Library Search this index An essay on mathematical language; or, An... Catalog Record: An essay on mathematical language; or, An introduction to the mathematical sciences | Hathi Trust Digital Library Navigation HathiTrust Digital Library Search this index Main Content

A new and easy introduction to the... Catalog Record: A new and easy introduction to the mathematics; containing, I. A system of theoretical and practical arithmetic II. Rules for the mensuration of superfices and solids III. Rules for solving a number of useful and interesting mathematical, philosophical, and chronological problems. IV. A collection of interesting mathematical questions for exercise.
