Invisible Bookshelves
You've all seen these invisible bookshelves, right? The books stack horizontally and and appear to just float on the wall. They look really cool, but they can cost a bundle. Fortunately, they're easy and cheap to make from simple L-brackets. A bit of careful measuring and making sure they're level, and you're ready to start stacking. Just make sure they're well anchored to the wall! ***** It's so nice to see so many visitors to this post. I hope you'll stop by and say hello!
Derivation of the formula for the area of a circle
This page describes how to derive the formula for the area of a circle. we start with a regular polygon and show that as the number of sides gets very large, the figure becomes a circle. By finding the area of the polygon we derive the equation for the area of a circle. Try this. In the applet below we have a six-sided regular polygon. Keep clicking on 'more' and note that as the number of sides gets larger, the polygon approaches being a circle. As the number of sides becomes infinitely large, it is, in fact, a circle. The polygon can be broken down into n isosceles triangles (where n is the number of sides), such as the one shown on the right. In this triangle s is the side length of the polygon r is the radius of the polygon and the circleh is the height of the triangle. The area of the triangle is half the base times height or There are n triangles in the polygon so This can be rearranged to be The term ns is the perimeter of the polygon (length of a side, times the number of sides).
How to make easy paint chip wall art
If your apartment needs some decorating, you can't draw, and you're broke, consider chopping up paint chips. These are Glidden swatches from Home Depot made into a simple triangle pattern. I put it inside a mat and frame I already had, and it looks fairly respectable. Put anything inside a mat and frame and it will look respectable. Heck, you could frame a crumpled-up Kleenex and somebody will assume it's a very special piece of modern art. To make this fancy paint chip art, cut swatches into triangles. I laid the shapes out in an arrangement I liked, then transferred them one by one to a sheet of paper cut to the size I needed. Trim off any overhanging triangles, put it under glass, and you're done.
Pi Day Inspired String Art Activity
Ah, good old Pi Day. That special holiday only celebrated by geeky math and pizza lovers. It's definitely my kind of holiday! Pi Day String Art Actvitiy This post contains affiliate links. Let's Make some Pi Day String Art! First, I grabbed a super cheap white paper plate. I took my favorite liquid watercolors and painted circular designs around my paper plate, even painting around the paper plate's circumference. Then, I used Sharpie markers to write the digits 0-9 evenly spaced around my inner cut out circle. Then, I hole punched over each digit. And then, I grabbed some yarn and proceeded to create a string art pattern, guided only by my love for crafting and the digits of Pi! (Note: I got pretty far when digits repeated. I also ended up taping a pi symbol to my artwork so other people would have some inkling of what I was trying to represent. I hope you have a fun time trying out this activity with your older kiddos. Let's Keep in Contact!
DIY Egg Carton Recycling Bin
You Will Need x4 large egg cartons Hot Glue Gun A3 Card stock (colour is your choice) Scissors 1. Warm up the glue gun, when it is ready to use, piece your first two cartons together, there should be 4 points where they are touching firmly, Put a dob of Glue on each point, push them together and hold until glue has set. 2. 3.
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Dans la boite
En plein grand week-end de mai, et oui, j’ai l’immense chance de faire le pont et d’avoir ainsi 4 bons jours de repos à moi ! J’organise donc mon temps entre glandouille, repos, cuisine, balades… J’ai aussi réhabilité mon joli balcon, devenu zone de guerre pendant l’hiver et les grises journées dont nous avons été témoins ces dernières semaines… Puis je me suis dit que ça faisait longtemps que je ne vous avais pas fait de petites sélections DIY… ;) La chose est donc réparée, cela fait un moment que j’accumule des boites de conserves de toute tailles en me disant que je pourrais faire quelque chose de chouette avec… Voici donc ma petite sélection d’idées ^^. Source Source Source Source source Et vous ? Je vous souhaite une très belle journée et un bon courage si vous ne faites pas parti des chanceux en repos ;)
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Pretty legs
Depuis quelque temps cette tendance me fait de l’oeil et je ne pouvais pas laisser le blog passé à côté… Certaines fois je me dis que je ne vais pas parler de telle ou telle chose parce que vous avez un ordinateur et flânez sur le web aussi ! mais souvent je me dis que vos n’êtes peut-être pas tous aussi no-life que moi - je plaisante hein je fais des trucs à côté - à passer mon temps sur les blog créa/déco et que du coup je peut, peut-être donner des envies/idées à certains/certaines :) et ça ça me plait plutôt bien ! Ce qui attire mon attention aujourd’hui ? → prettypegs ← La marque Suédoise – bah ouais encore… – Prettypegs a sorti une ligne de « pieds » originaux, amusants et personnalisables qui peuvent s’adapter Attention roulement de tambour….. à vos meubles IKEA. → chic cham ← → Chic cham ← → Morning by foley ← Et si toutefois l’idée vous venait de réaliser ça chez vous tout seul :) La talentueuse blogueuse du site Morning by folley nous à pondu un super post sur le sujet ! Alors ?
Changing the way you learn
Diy geoball
Rakastan geometrisia muotoja. Näiden pienien pallojen sisälle voi synttäreillä tai joulupöydässä kätkeä vaikka karkkia tai sinne voi säilöä omat pienet aarteet. Piirrä vain kuusikulmio ja ruuduta se kolmioilla, taittele, leikkaa, liimaa ja kiinnitä siivekkeet toisiinsa. Tämä icosahedronin muoto on todella monikäyttöinen. Voit tehdä isoja tai pieniä koreja. Kartonki on ehkä helpoin materiaali tähän.
Quoootes – Online Quote Maker
Type your text. Click to move around.
How to make 3D paper ball ornaments
I love 3D paper things. Love. And when I saw a little picture of what appeared to be paper balls in a CB2 catalog, I thought, "I am going to make those." So the other day while Alex was writing a paper about mysterious things like polymers and flexible films and tactoids, I made a paper ball. Then I proudly announced I had created a tactoid and it was sitting on my desk. These are made from 12 slotted flower shapes that fit together to form a sphere. Download the PDF templates here:Large ball (10")– print/cut 12 sheetsMedium ball (5")– print/cut 2 sheetsSmall ball (3")– print/cut 1 sheet Download a Silhouette .studio file here:Small ball (3")– unzip the file; cut 1 sheet. If you want to hang your ornament, you might like to add the string before assembling the ball. Use the slits to join petals together. It might be helpful to think of the first piece as the "north pole," and then add a row of five flowers encircling it. Here's what it looks like upside-down: