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Hopes & Fears — Ежедневный журнал о новом поколении предпринимателей.

Hopes & Fears — Ежедневный журнал о новом поколении предпринимателей.
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PAVE PARADISE "I certainly want [my readers] to think like scientists – to think critically, skeptically – but I also want them to be imbued with the poetry of the universe, the poetry of reality, which is what science is." Richard Dawkins, echoing the famous words of Richard Feynman and Carl Sagan, in this great BBC 4 Radio interview. Also see Dawkins’s The Magic of Reality, a children’s book debunking religious mythology with the awe of science. Took the words right outta my mouth, Richard!! -J (via jtotheizzoe) (Source: explore-blog, via jtotheizzoe)

for drug policy reform Введение в топологию (для чайников и гуманитариев) Не помню, когда я впервые узнал про топологию, но меня эта наука сразу заинтересовала. Чайник превращается в бублик, сфера выворачивается наизнанку. Многие слышали про это. Но у тех, кто хочет углубиться в эту тему на более серьёзном уровне, часто возникают трудности. Впрочем, так как я не математик, а стопроцентный гуманитарий, то вполне возможно, что написанное ниже — враньё! Впервые я написал эту заметку, как начало цикла статей о топологии, для своих гуманитарных друзей, но никто из них читать ее не стал. Итак, считается, что определения у множества нет и, что мы интуитивно понимаем, что это такое. Теория множеств существует в нескольких вариантах, таких как ZFC или NBG и других. Множества бывают конечными. Бывают бесконечными. Наконец, есть пустое множество. Если множество бесконечно, оно бывает счетным. С рациональными числами сложнее, но и они поддаются нумерации. Мы зигзагом движемся по рациональным числам, начиная с 1. 1. 2. 3. 1. Приведем пример. А вот еще топология. UPD.

Don Diva Magazine | Urban Lifestyle Magazine The Inner Forms the Outer - Parabola Photograph by Lee van Laer Human beings are peculiar creatures. We can think; and it sets us apart from other creatures, who can think some (consider the honeybee) but not much. Thinking, over the last 10,000 or so years (a rough estimate,) mankind has occupied himself, in the disciplines of science and philosophy, with the question of what, exactly, we are. This is, indeed, the question at the core of all the great traditions as well, which presume a spiritual — or inner — nature that forms the outer one. Lo and behold! The microorganisms that inhabit our gut, our skin, and more or less all the other parts of our body, are our partners in biology; and it turns out that they help form the way we think and behave. This has been true for hundreds of millions of years, as it happens; huge dinosaurs such as Apatosaurus (a.k.a. Think of it this way, if you will. I doubt it is that simple — but I also doubt that we are free of these concerns.

NeuroOn: World's first sleep mask for polyphasic sleep Apparently Da Vinci, Tesla, Churchill and even Napoleon used polyphasic sleep to rest. It allowed them to fully regenerate, reducing sleep time to 6.5 hours or sometimes just 2 hours. And those guys got things done! NeuroOn is a wearable sleeping mask that measures your biological signals, including: brain waves (EEG - electroencephalography), muscle tension (EMG - electromyography) and eye movements (EOG - electrooculography). All the data collected from a user's sleep is transformed from analogue readings to digital analysis and sent via wireless interface fully compliant with Bluetooth 4.0 LE to a smartphone application. When you sleep, you go through two phases: REM and NREM and one follows the other. Thanks to the use of the newest technologies we were able to create a device that will improve your effectiveness and concentration at work to the best possible levels. NeuroOn will be powered with the inner battery. Play Oh, and jet lag. No more of that! People who helped us the most!

BaseNow The School of Life - Developing Emotional Intelligence Know Yourself Prompt Cards These cards are designed to assist us in a journey of self-knowledge; they present us with a range of ideas and questions that can help us to understand ourselves better. £10 Gift E-Voucher An original gift, delivered instantly by email. This electronic voucher can be used across any of our London events or spent in The School of Life online or London shops. £25, £50 or £100. Writing as Therapy Journals Writing is ultimately the task of discovering and developing what we think. There could hardly be a more important personal goal. £15 each.

"Живая Библиотека" в Москве
