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The Moneyless Manifesto

The Moneyless Manifesto
Related:  Financer - Being a Freeworlder (Press Release July 2013) Details Published: Wednesday, 10 July 2013 09:16 Written by Colin Turner Hits: 6175 Being a Freeworlder Colin Turner (a.k.a. freeworlder), believes that a world without money is possible and is about to put his 'no-money' where his mouth is to prove it. Colin, founder of the The Free World Charter movement, which outlines the base principles for a money-free society, is all set to embark on a round-the-world odyssey on this July without money, relying only on the good will of people and his own wits to get around. Irishman Colin, 44, says: “I believe that a world without money is not just possible, but preferable – and urgently necessary for humanity to progress.” He continues, “We humans are a social species. “I want to do my part to show that life beyond money is not just possible, but better. Colin, a professional guitarist and singer, will be leaving behind his music career in Dublin on the 28th of July and is looking for support from people around the world to help him on his journey.

Monnaie locale, monnaie à taille humaine De nombreux citoyens se sont sentis démunis devant la crise: toute cette masse d'argent déversée sur les banques pendant qu'eux connaissent le chômage, l'austérité, les difficultés. Beaucoup se sont simplement posés cette question : mais où va l'argent ? L'idée alors de reprendre en main les circuits économiques n'est pas absurde: au lieu, avec de l'argent anonyme, d'acheter des tee-shirts fabriqués en Chine par des enfants, pourquoi ne pas acheter avec notre monnaie, des produits fabriqués chez nous et qu'on achètera au commerçant du coin qu'on connaît très bien. Ca c'est la première idée. Ce reportage montre deux expériences apparemment très éloignées. Et il y a la pêche que des citoyens de Montreuil vont lancer dans quelques semaines. Ce reportage montre que dans un territoire défini avec langue et culture millénaires, ou dans une ville de la banlieue parisienne, small is beautiful. "Monnaie locale, monnaie à taille humaine" , c'est un reportage de Véronique Pellerin . Intervenants

wiki / Coworking Manifesto (global - for the world) We believe that society is facing unprecedented economic, environmental, social and cultural challenges. We also believe that new innovations are the key to turning these challenges into opportunities to improve our communities and our planet. Coworking is redefining the way we do work. Inspired by the participatory culture of the open source movement and the empowering nature of IT, we are building a more sustainable future. We have the talent. This new economy cannot thrive without engaging the larger business, creative, entrepreneurial, governmental, non governmental and technical communitiestogether. We believe that innovation breeds innovation. We are reshaping the economy and the society through social entrepreneurship and innovation. We are the world coworking movement ! Sign the Coworking Manifesto here: By signing on that website you agree to be in the mailing list of Goodcoworking ( be aware :-) Sources of inspiration:

It's a Shareable Life - A Practical Guide to Sharing Economy by Chelsea Rustrum Time Magazine dubbed the Collaborative Consumption one of the top 10 ideas that will change the world. The three co-authors (Chelsea, Gabriel and Alex) of It's a Shareable Life have cumulatively hosted over 100 people on Couchsurfing, earned over $50,000 on Airbnb, coworked from all over the world, and made hundreds of dollars per month sharing their cars – just to name a few. With their hands on experience and observations, this trio will give you the low down on the new sharing economy. - Work from anywhere - Travel the world on a backpacker budget- Live rent free- Find work even in a down economy- Have a new car for every occasion Chelsea, Gabriel and Alex spent the last 12 months researching, filming and writing about the new sharing economy from all angles. Our intent is to make sharing cool so that others can experience the economic freedom, joy and social connection that sharing provides. Now we’re in the process of self-publishing and we need your help. ARTEMISIA O mundo mudou. O futuro já está presente, mas o presente ainda é passado. O mundo é mudança, é transformação. Conceitos, relações, instituições, tudo está em movimento e o novo ainda está por ser criado. Vivemos um momento que pede outros arranjos e modelos para responder aos desafios complexos de uma população crescente e de uma sociedade que está ultrapassada, porque ainda não é capaz de oferecer iguais oportunidades para todos. Um mundo novo pede novas escolhas. Entre ganhar dinheiro e fazer a diferença, escolhemos ficar com os dois. A dialogia faz parte da nossa essência. Integrar negócios e impacto social é nossa crença fundamental. Há quase dez anos, inspiramos, capacitamos e potencializamos talentos e empreendedores para desenvolver negócios que oferecem, de forma intencional, soluções escaláveis para problemas sociais da população de baixa renda no Brasil. Estamos construindo uma nova geração de negócios para resolver os dois lados de uma mesma questão.

Bitcoins, ¿tiene futuro o es el futuro? — Partido de la Red No hay dudas que Internet revoluciona todo lo que toca. Con la creación de esta moneda virtual, ahora le tocó el turno al sistema monetario. Empecemos por aclarar que los Bitcoins son una moneda virtual que todo el mundo puede comprar y vender fácilmente, sin ningún tipo de restricción, como aquellas a las cuáles nos tiene acostumbrado el sistema financiero en general. Lo más interesante de este caso es que NO existe ningún Banco Central que las cree, sino que es la propia gente la que, a través de resolver ecuaciones aleatorias online, obtiene Bitcoins como contrapartida. El otro punto a destacar de esta moneda virtual, creada por Satoshi Nakamoto allá por el año 2009, es otra propiedad opuesta a las tradicionales monedas estatales: es finita. Cabe aclarar que no soy programadora, ni codifico, ni sé cómo “minar” Bitcoins; por ello me quiero centrar, como economista que soy, en el debate acerca si esta moneda tiene futuro o no. Agustina Comelli.

A "La première panacée pour une nation mal dirigée est l’inflation monétaire, la seconde est la guerre. Les deux apportent prospérité temporaire et destruction indélébile. Les deux sont le refuge des opportunistes économiques et politiques" - Ernest HEMINGWAY "L'inégalité est le résultat de la compétition entre technologies et éducation" - Jan TINBERGEN "La productivité est la mesure du progrès technique" - Jean FOURASTIE "La politique n'agit sur l'économie que si elle ne prétend pas le faire " - Jacques ATTALI "La démocratie est le pire des régimes, à l’exception de tous les autres" - Winston CHURCHILL "Un économiste est quelqu'un qui voit fonctionner les choses en pratique et se demande si elles pourraient fonctionner en théorie" - Stephen M. "Chaque génération se doit de payer ses propres dettes. "Pour être valable toute théorie, quelle qu'elle soit, doit être confirmée, tant dans ses hypothèses que dans ses conséquences, par les données de l'observation" - Maurice ALLAIS Citation Suivante
