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10 Great ways to use Audacity with your Students

10 Great ways to use Audacity with your Students
Related:  Teacher tools 2.0

Dela dokument Hur gör du när du ska skriva ett dokument ihop med kollegor på olika ställen? Många skapar dokument som sedan skickas fram och tillbaka via e-post och då kan det bli svårt att hålla reda på den senaste versionen och vem som har skrivit vad. Idag finns det smartare sätt att dela dokument. Google Drive är förmodligen det vanligaste sättet att dela dokument. Du kan skapa dokument för ordbehandling, kalkyl eller presentation och sparar dem på nätet hos Google. Den största fördelen är att du kan komma åt dina dokument varifrån som helst (via din Google inloggning). När du skapar ett dokument kan du bestämma vilka personer du vill dela det med. Google Drive finns även som app för både smarthphone och surfplatta. Här ser du en kort introduktionsfilm till hur du kan skapa och dela dokument i Google Drive TitanPad är bra för att skriva gemensamma anteckningar, brainstorming eller grupparbete. Varje deltagare i ett dokument skriver med egen färgkod så att man ser vem som skriver vad.

Productivity, Guest Columnist When you have a presentation to make, it's tempting to ask yourself right away, "What am I going to say? How much information can I fit into the allotted time? Which visuals should I use?" So, you may immediately dive into the process of selecting material, developing an outline, creating slides and rehearsing content. As an effective presenter, your first step toward making a powerful, persuasive presentation is to define your audience. Defining your audience means finding out who they are. The following questions serve as a helpful guide for defining the people of your audience. What are their professional roles, titles and responsibilities? By asking these questions and customizing your presentation based upon the answers, you show the participants that you know them and want the presentation to benefit them. The same advice Aristotle gave in 380 B.C. still holds today: "The fool persuades me with his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own." 1.

Open Badges | Strengthen the voices of Nordic Adult Educators Listen and Write - Dictation Webinar on Open Badges | Open Badges Is there a future for Open Badges? Webinar on 26 November 2015 at 10.00 AM CET Sales pitch We learn everyday, all the time. In adult education we separate between formal, non-formal and informal learning. Non-formal learning has long prided itself with its freedom to focus on individual needs. For the learner these distinctions are less important. The idea behind Open Badges is simple. The webinar includes a presentation by Ilona Buchem (PhD), professor in residence for Digital Media & Diversity at Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. All participants will receive a participation badge. The webinar lasts for 60 minutes. Register here: no later than 20 November. Hope to see you there! Like this: Like Loading... Related - Transform assessment, transform education SelfControl | Steve Lambert Is email a distraction? SelfControl is an OS X application which blocks access to incoming and/or outgoing mail servers and websites for a predetermined period of time. For example, you could block access to your email, facebook, and twitter for 90 minutes, but still have access to the rest of the web. Created while at Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology. Self Control is Free Software SelfControl is Free Software under the GPL. Free Software means you are free to use, modify, and redistribute the application and the source code. Free Software and volunteers have made a Linux version and a Windows version possible. Why did you make this? Because I needed it, same as you. I am an artist, and as anyone who creates things knows; the time you can block out to get focused work done is invaluable. P.S. Help out Has SelfControl been helpful to you? Download SelfControl Download SelfControl at

gnitive Differences Between Adults & Children Author: Jeff Durham - Updated: 15 September 2012| Comment There’s an old saying that goes “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” and, whether you believe that or not, the same principle cannot be applied to humans. In fact, adults can learn just as easily as children but there are several basic differences between what works effectively for adults and what works best for children. Experience Of Life As an adult, you’ll have had far more experience of life in general than a child and whilst this can help an adult more than a child when it comes to learning, it can also hinder them and a child’s lesser experiences can occasionally prove more beneficial. How Adults And Children Use Different Techniques For Learning For an adult learner, their experiences of life will have been far more vast and diverse than that of a child’s and their brain’s maturity will enable them to apply their learning through relating it to certain experiences they’ve had. The Significance Of ‘Purpose’ In Learning

Getting Started With Periscope In The Classroom - Getting Started With Periscope In The Classroom by Amy Arbogash and Stephanie Rudolph Today’s teachers are finding new and better ways to engage their students in the learning that goes on in classrooms. But like most technology, social media is often uncharted territory for teachers. Social media, and being out on the internet for all to see, is where our students reside. So how can we as teachers use social media to engage our students in the curriculum and at the same time teach them best practices, how to embrace the good, and deal with the bad? Next you must choose a tool that fits best for what your classroom needs. Periscope: Live Video Streaming Over Twitter One of the more exciting apps that has recently made it’s way onto the social media scene is Periscope. One of the ways Periscope can be used to enhance a lesson or unit is with a teacher-directed Periscope. How Periscope Is Different Getting Started With Periscope In The Classroom
