média libre // le réseau d'information indépendant Anarchisme et culture alternative (punk, hardcore, crust, grind, Petite épistémologie des SES, par Benoit Leclercq Didier Blondeau - Bois croisés / Bois 59 La création des SES comme discipline de l’enseignement général au lycée remonte à l’année 1967. Elle naît de la volonté d’ouvrir une troisième voie, celle de la démocratisation scolaire, lors de la réforme Fouchet de 1966 qui instaure la filière B - Christian Baudelot évoque une « troisième culture » en complément des savoirs et humanités classiques, à travers l’accès à « une connaissance raisonnée et expérimentale de la vie sociale »[1] - mais aussi du désir, en période de croissance ininterrompue, d’assurer la formation d’une main-d’œuvre qualifiée. Les SES émergent dans un contexte de critique de l’économie politique et de débats universitaires qui contestent à l’économie son autorité. La genèse des SES s’éclaire aussi à l’aune du recrutement de ses enseignants. Le corps professionnel des SES émerge véritablement avec la création du CAPES en 1969. Au commencement était l’inductivisme. L’estocade finale intervient en seconde.
Independent Media Center | www.indymedia.org | ((( i ))) - 19 May 2012 A BUILDING IS NOT ENOUGH: Occupying a Skyscraper for Art Hundreds of people are blocking a street in Milano protesting for the eviction of a skyscraper of 32 floors they were occupying. Torre Galfa, near Stazione Centrale, has been taken the 5 of May by Macao , a group of artists, video makers, journalists, immaterial workers to make a new arts center, to strengthen relationships between art and society and protest against abandoned buildings. The tower, quite new, was abandoned since 1996 in a town were many new skyscrapers are built for the Expo 2015 and nobody knows if they will ever be used. Indybay Journalists Charged with Felony KPFA Evening News Speaks with Bradley Stuart Allen | Day Three of "Conspiracy" Frame-Up Hearing | Bogus Attack on Journalists Around November Protest Goes On and On | Preliminary "Conspiracy" Hearing for Two Reporters in the 75 River St. Australia : Racial Discrimination and Apartheid - 17 Mar 2012 KENYA : INDYMEDIA COMRADE MURDERED - 25 Feb 2012
Information résistance. HelloCoolWorld.com : Welcome! SES Acad Versailles (la mine d'or) Online news isn’t turning journalists into sheep John Naughton wrote an Observer article at the weekend complaining that news websites such as Gawker "allow ratings to dictate content". And although he didn't say so in so many words, his targets are clearly SEO and site-analytics and real-time trend data. I say he wrote it. It's mostly a restirring of an original source, an article in the Atlantic. Ewe don't have to follow the herd His issues are as follows. News organisations are writing about what their readers are interested in "Market-driven news [means] news agendas that are driven not by some professional assessment of what's important and relevant, but by research into what viewers like and respond to." There are five sorts of stories that news organisations can report on: With any of these, I fail to see what's wrong with taking account of what viewers like and respond to. There are sites that only do (4) and (5). What's more, newspapers have always done this. Again, this surely applies in print as well. To sum up Photo credit.
:: Novopress.info | Agence de presse indépendante