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19 Handy Google Tricks That You Weren’t Aware Of

19 Handy Google Tricks That You Weren’t Aware Of
After covering everything that Google Search has to offer, you can easily forge that search only forms one small part of the Google behemoth. With so many different features and clients available, it’s very easy to use the basic features for each and leave it at that. However, if you delve a little deeper, there are many tricks hidden away that will help improve your experience. To help you out, here are a number of tips and tricks that you can use for four of Google’s more popular features: Gmail, Maps, Google Drive and Google News. Gmail Use Filtered Search Gmail’s search bar is very handy for finding that message you got months ago, but most people don’t realise how easy it is to access advanced search. Activate Starring Feature Sometimes you will come across important messages, but the only way you can mark them is with the yellow tab or star icon. Cut Down Text In Email Replies Keyboard Shortcuts Like all Google features, there are keyboard shortcuts that you can take advantage of.

22 Alternatives to YouTube YouTube is definitely one of the most popular video platforms online but it is not the only one. There are several other alternatives teachers can use particularly in schools where YouTube is blocked. Here is a list we have curated for you. Enjoy SchoolTube is a great video resource for both students and teachers. TeachersTv is a great resource site for educators . Teachers Tube is another great video resource created by teachers for teachers. Next Vista is a great video resource for teachers having problems accessing YouTube videos in their schools . Academic Earth is an online repertoire of lectures and courses recorded in videos and organized into different categories .These courses and lectures are recorded from the most reputed American universities such as ; Yale, MIT, Berkeley , Harvard , Princeton, and Standford . Snag Films is a great resource for educative full length documentaries provided by popular producers such as National Geographic.

The 5 Best Alternatives To YouTube Teachers Should Know About Arguably, YouTube is one of the greatest resources when it comes to video marketing as well as providing educational content for the numerous students pursuing media-related courses. It is essential to appreciate the fact that having a wide selection of resources in the classroom boosts the learning culture in the classroom. Besides, having various alternatives brings forth a variety of platforms through which video marketing objectives can be achieved. See Also: The 100 Best Video Sites For Educators YouTube marketing is particularly popular in today’s modern world where technology has completely revolutionized how things are done. If you are a video marketer, taking time to imagine how difficult popularizing your video would be without YouTube is enough to create a business-dwindling scenario. School Tube There is no doubt that YouTube is extremely popular, a major reason why it is largely used for sharing media content. Teacher Tube Academic Earth How Stuff Works Social Networks

Zeitgeist 2012 – Google 2012 was a year of big moments, from global games to historical elections and everything in between. With this site, we've analyzed over one trillion queries to showcase what the world searched for. How We Did This We studied an aggregation of over one trillion searches (or queries) that people typed into Google Search this year.

How to Save Web Pages to your Google Drive 11 Dec 2012 You can save web pages, images, PDFs, and other web content to your Google Drive with a simple click. couch mode print story The Google Docs team has released a new Chrome add-on that will help you save full web pages to your Google Drive with a click. You can choose to save web pages as HTML files, as Google Documents or as .mht files where the entire page (including the CSS and JavaScript) is packed into a single web archive file that can later be viewed inside Internet Explorer (and also Firefox). This isn’t just limited to saving web page but works with other types of web content too. For instance, you can right-click any image on a web page and save it to your online Google Drive account. All files are saved in the root folder of Google Drive and there isn’t a way to change the default save location. You don’t however need the Google Drive app on your computer for this to work.

Google Makes You Stupid If By Stupid You Mean Informed A recent Columbia University study is a salve for teachers worried that Google’s making them–and their students–stupid. Of course Google doesn’t do anything directly. It is simply a search engine that provides access to information. The idea that such access might make you “stupid” likely comes from a kind of guilt that comes from making something that used to be difficult–well, less difficult. If it’s easy it must not be worth doing. But Google doesn’t provide insight–it provides information. Columbia University psychologist Betsy Sparrow explains. “Since the advent of search engines, we are reorganizing the way we remember things. Semantics get in the way here a little. “Perhaps those who teach in any context, be they college professors, doctors or business leaders, will become increasingly focused on imparting greater understanding of ideas and ways of thinking, and less focused on memorization,” said Sparrow. And you can’t blame those on Google.

?ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.scoop I know. I know. I’ve written about how I hate Google+ and how Google+ is dead. OK…I admit it. I was wrong. Not only is Google+ not dead but in my opinion Google+ is now defining a third place experience between Facebook and Twitter similar to Starbuck’s third place between work and home. I’ve changed my tune so much I’m now becoming an Google+ Evangelist and that’s why I’d like to share 10 reasons why iLove Google+. 1. The more time I spend with Google+ the more I realize that Google+ is now defining/creating a third place experience between Facebook and Twitter. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: How To Create Killer Marketing Content I actually find myself thinking about Google+ as another social network completely unique unto itself. Currently I use the big three social networks this way: 1.Twitter – I currently use Twitter to find and share great information and communicate with friends. 2. 2. I find the aesthetic modern, clean, and it just makes sense to me. 3. Enough said! 4. 1.

10 Google Drive Tips & Tricks For Students It is useless to resist The Cloud. Like the tractor beam on the Death Star, the nebulous world of networked online storage is slowly pulling in all digital information. If you haven’t yet gotten on board, 2013′s Google Drive would be a perfect place for a college student to start, whether for educational purposes like collaborating on class projects, or storing all those Instagrams of your food. What follows are some of the coolest tips and tricks Drive users have found in the last few months and shared with the rest of us. 10 Google Drive Tips & Tricks For Students Connect with IFTTT:Short for “if this then that,” IFTTT (pronounced “Ift”) is a high-tech way to automate the Internet. This is a cross-post from

15 reasons Google Analytics is #1 tool for social media monitoring Posted on December 30, 2012 by Rob Petersen inShare70 Social media monitoring (or social media listening) is the process of identifying and assessing what is being said about a company, individual, product or brand. The 10-top social media monitoring tools are: Source: Top Ten Review (price range from $1,500/month to $90/month). However, once companies license social media software: 34% say they are “happy” and “couldn’t have made a better decision”60% say they are “ok” but “if something better came along they’d consider it”6% are “frustrated” and “are looking to make a switch” Source: Oneforty and KissMetrics Maybe it’s not the data it’s what you do with it. Google Analytics didn’t make this list. Here are 15 reasons Google Analytics is #1 tool for social media monitoring Companies should go into social media with a business goal, and an understanding of the resources required to achieve it. Would you consider Google Analytics for social media monitoring on your business?

A Case Study: Using Google Drive In The Classroom A Case Study: Using Google Drive In The Classroom by Johnathan Hardison first appeared on “More efficient than an overworked teacher! More reliable than a carry-home satchel of ungraded papers! Able to simultaneously curate infinite comments from speedily working students! Yes, it’s Google Drive…free application offered by the California-based internet giant with resourcefulness and organization more astounding than some seasoned educators of many years. All right. A Challenging Task: The Impetus for Using Google Drive Just two and half years into teaching AP Language, I oftentimes feel absolutely powerless, helpless, and overwhelmed. With a teaching schedule consisting of six classes ranging from AP Language to American Literature Honors and only fifty minutes of planning, I heartily accept any help I can get. The Lesson Plan: Using Google Drive as a Tool, Not the Toy Here is the order of operations for each essay assignment: The Final Phase: The Self-Assessment

Miten teen verkkokyselyn tai -lomakkeen Googlessa? - Sosiaalisen median hyvät käytännöt Ennen kuin voit tehdä kyselyjä ja lomakkeita Google Drivessa (ent. Google Docs), sinulla pitää olla Google-tili. Verkkokyselyn vastaukset kerääntyvät automaattisesti tietueiksi laskentataulukkoon. Palvelussa on käytössä kaikki yleisimmät kysymystyypit. Lomakkeen kysymystyypit Kyselyn tekeminen Kirjaudu Google Driveen (tai luo ensin Google-tili, mikäli sinulla ei sitä vielä ole). 4. 5. 6. Mikäli haluat kysymykset pakollisiksi, valitse "Tee tästä vaadittu kysymys". 8. 7. Voit upottaa lomakkeen nettisivulle ja jakaa linkin esimerkiksi sähköpostilla: Lisää toimintoja > Upotus. Kysymysten muokkaus jälkeenpäin Mikäli jostakin syystä joudut muokkaamaan kyselyä: 1. 4. Vastaukset omaan sähköpostiin Mikäli haluat käyttää lomaketta esimerkiksi tilauslomakkeena, muuta lomakkeen asetuksia laskentataulukkonäkymässä: Työkalut > Ilmoitussäännöt. Seuraavassa ko. määritysten vaihtoehdot: Vastausten tarkastelu Kyselyn vastaukset kerääntyvät aineistoksi Google Driven laskentataulukkoon. Lisätietoa

How To Use Google Drive and Evernote To Create Digital Portfolios The following post is written by Greg Kulowiec & Beth Holland from EdTechTeacher. You can hear them both present at the April 10-12 EdTechTeacher iPad Summit in Atlanta! As iPads proliferate in schools around the world, and students as well as teachers create more and more content, questions about what to do with all of those learning objects have arisen. Portfolio Curation with Google Drive Source: The Verge With recent upgrades to the Google Drive app on the iPad, it is now a viable solution for student portfolios that can be created in their entirety on iPad. The Google Drive app now allows for the creation of Documents, Spreadsheets, and Folders. The video tutorial below explains the process of creating, uploading and sharing within the Google Drive app on an iPad. Using Portfolios to Make Connections with Evernote Evernote provides one possible solution to the challenge.

Your complete guide to Google Drive The long-awaited cloud storage service from Google is finally available to the masses, allowing you to store, access, and share your files on a platform dubbed Google Drive. Google Docs has been retired and replaced by Drive, leaving you with one place to create and manage all your documents and files. You get 5GB of free storage, the ability to view and store dozens of file types, and integration with other Google services, like Google+ and Gmail. With the basics down, you're ready to dig deeper. Learn the ropes Everything you need to know about Google Drive Are you ready for a hard drive in the cloud? How to get started with Google Drive Get introduced to Google's new cloud storage service and find out how to start syncing and managing your files, photos, videos, and more. How to use Google Drive on Android Google Drive was officially launched this morning, complete with an Android app to help you manage your Drive. Advanced tips and tricks Beyond Google Drive

Google Plus est-il viable ? Il m’arrive parfois d’aborder la question « Google Plus » avec certaines personnes mais on arrive toujours à la même conclusion : à l’image d’un troll Apple/Android, c’est un combat entre Google et le reste des réseaux sociaux présents sur le Web. Google+ (prononcé et parfois écrit Google Plus, souvent abrégé G+) est l’application de réseautage social de Google lancée le 28 juin 2011, et accessible pendant près de 90 jours sur invitation, avant d’être rendue accessible au grand public le 20 septembre 2011. Elle est présentée par nombre de médias comme un produit destiné à concurrencer Facebook. Bref, ce réseau social a entre autre amené les « listes » que nous avons aujourd’hui sur Facebook sous forme de « cercles ». ), mais y allez-vous fréquemment ? En quelques chiffres Google+, c’est 90 millions d’utilisateurs contre 850 millions pour Facebook. Le bouton « +1″ qui est venu concurrencer le « Like » de Facebook, est cliqué à peu près 5 milliards de fois par jour. L’envers du décor

80 Ways To Use Google Forms In Your Classroom 5 Tips For Finding A Scholarship 3.82K Views 0 Likes Nowadays, searching for high school scholarships should be easier than ever before—but is it? Searching for plainly “Scholarships” in search engines will return you about 83 million results. That high number of result...
