TanglePatterns.com Bed Bugs: BuggyBeds | Pack 4 Bundle Your choice of 12 pack Value (Color of box may vary) AND Travel Pack AND Auto Pack. This bundle package provides you with a cost savings while you monitor for bugs in your entire home, in your vehicle AND on travel! Sleep with ease with the new BuggyBeds® detection glue trap! BuggyBeds® specialized non-toxic, pesticide free formula and design is intended to lure bedbugs & other insects into the trap for detection! BuggyBeds® monitors are small and discreet (2" X 3") and can detect up to six months. For more information, please see each individual product’s page. Bedrooms, Sofas, Drawers, Playroom, Crib, Closets, Baseboards, Picture Frames, Headboards, Vehicles, Boats, Hotels, Luggage, Knapsack & more!
9 Word Cloud Generators That Aren't Wordle The use of word clouds in the classroom is a powerful way to really get through to visual learners. The details about the following nine word cloud generators will give you a fair idea how, as an educator, you can get the best out of them. A quick note: Wordle is quite easily the most popular word cloud generator out there. It’s free and easy to use. Tagul Several features that do not figure in Wordle are incorporated in Tagul.For example, you have the option of choosing personalized shapes and multiple fonts to be used in your cloud. ABC Ya This application is very much like Wordle and operates the way Wordle operates. Tag Crowd This application gives you access to see frequency of words. Word It Out Word It Out helps create word clouds from any text, similar to the way Wordle does. Make Word Mosaic This one is from Image Chef and is one of the best creative tools you can find for your classroom. Wordsift TagCloudGenerator The moment you enter a website address, this tool takes you there.
mpowers3 : Look at what I've created with... Kalenteri ja sähköposti lapsille Tällä viikolla PerjantaiApps esittelee erityisesti pienemmille lapsille suunnatut kalenteri-appsit ja lasten sähköpostin. Kalenteriohjelmat ovat toistensa kaimoja ja kantavat nimeä My First Calendar, mutta ovat hieman erilaisia toteutukseltaan. Ensimmäinen My First calendar (ilmainen) on yksinkertaisempi ja visuaaliselta ilmeeltään karumpi, mutta on ilmainen ja tukee useaa eri kielä mm. ruotsia. Toinen My First Calendar (1,79€ tarjouksessa) on kauniimmin tehty, mutta tulee vain englannin, ranskan ja arabian kielillä. Molemmissa kalentererissa saa näkyviin sään, viikonpäivän, kuukauden, päivämäärän ja vuodenajan. Kalentereiden lisäksi esittelemme lapsille suunnatun sähköpostiohjelman Mailyn (ilmainen) Maily on suunniteltu pienille lapsille (4-vuotiaasta ylöspäin) sähköpostiksi. Kiitokset Saara Loikkaselle kalenterivinkistä!
Simetría » Recursos educativos digitales Escrito por Francisco José Morales Villegas el 8 junio, 2020. Publicado en MAT.4. Geometría, Matemáticas Vídeos Se proporciona un modelo y 24 imágenes que hay que conseguir. Escrito por Ofelia García Reyes el 27 abril, 2020. Web En este enlace encontrarás una selección de fichas para trabajar las posiciones de una recta, los conceptos de arista, vértice, ángulo (y sus tipos) y eje de simetría, las figuras y las formas geométricas y el desarrollo de cuerpos geométricos. Escrito por Francisco José Morales Villegas el 27 abril, 2020. Actividad en la que se coge una tarjeta‐reto y se estudia la simetría que tiene su imagen. Escrito por Francisco José Morales Villegas el 24 abril, 2020. Es un tablero en el que hay dos actividades. Escrito por Francisco José Morales Villegas el 24 abril, 2020. Tarjetas con imágenes que se reparten las tarjetas entre el alumnado. Escrito por ATE medusa el 14 abril, 2020. En este vídeo podemos aprender en qué consiste la simetría haciendo una actividad plástica.
php - Magento Invoice Excel Export - How do I change fields Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles iPads and tablets could help autistic kids learn social skills Many of us look towards technology for future improvements in the treatment of a host of diseases and ailments. But technology isn’t always an easy answer; sometimes it does more harm than good. Get the Start-Up Israel's daily newsletter and never miss our top stories Free Sign up! Like using computers to help autistic kids interact. Weiss was speaking during a recent International Autism Conference, held in Jerusalem, and sponsored by the Icare4Autism organization, which initiates and funds research working towards treating autism. Weiss, of Haifa University’s Dept. of Occupational Therapy, collaborates with teams in Israel (at Haifa and Bar-Ilan universities), Italy, and the UK to develop methods to harness the power of technology to help autism victims. But just putting an autistic kid in front of an iPad or PC won’t do; the trick is to develop methods of using technology that encourage, even require, interaction with others.
Appseja erityisopetukseen! Tällä viikolla olemme saaneet suuren liudan aivan erinomaisia ehdotuksia perjantaiAppsiksi ja sen kunniaksi esittelemme lisää appseja jo maanantaina. Eli teemme erityisen maanantaiAppsin! Kiitokset kaikille hyvistä vinkeistä! Mutta nyt perjantaiAppsin paikan saa kolme erityisopetukseen sopivaa appsia: Big Bang Pictures (5,99€) on erityisopettajien kanssa yhteistyössä kehitetty apps, joka tarjoaa iso kontrastisia kuvia ja silhoutteikuvia, joita painamalla kuva liikkuu ja päästää äänen myös kuvan ja taustan väriä pystyy muuttamaan. Inclusive Smarty Pants (2,69€) opettaa yhdistämään ilmeitä ja eleitä tunteisiin. Five Sharks Swimming (2,69€) Opettaa laskemaan hauskan animaation ja laulun avulla yhdestä viiteen.Vaikka laulu onkin englanniksi, soveltuu se muun kielisillekin, tarjoten äänen ja selkeät numerot ja animaatiot. Kaikki kolme appsia tukevat myös switch-käyttöliittymää ja laitteita.
EDUCACIÓN PLÁSTICA Y VISUAL 2º ESO – Blog En esta página enlazaré todo lo que tenga que ver con mis clases de EPV de 2º de la ESO, de esta manera podréis encontrar fácilmente las lecciones que estamos dando en clase y en el aula virtual. Ya sabéis que el blog este es muy diverso pues antes de ser profesor de dibujo lo fui de física y química, tecnología, robótica, matemáticas, apoyo escolar…con esta página espero estructurar un poco más los contenidos de mi blog. Aquí podéis ver una presentación de la materia: Y aquí en powerpoint: Antes que nada, enumeraré los materiales necesarios para realizar la asignatura de una manera correcta. Puedes ver la carpeta compartida con los alumnos en el siguiente vínculo: Concepts en 90 secondes | Ressources Algodoo Algodoo, un laboratoire de physique virtuel, permet de «travailler» plusieurs concepts en science et technologie. Voici quelques idées pour faire expérimenter vos élèves ou encore pour présenter au tablO (référence au 3-O). Note: les vidéos se trouvent à cette adresse: (une version Youtube est également disponible) Pendule : vidéoVitesse d’oscillation dépend de quel(s) facteur(s)? Vous avez des idées pour des concepts en 90 secondes? Bon Algodoo!
geek.teacher » Blog Archive » Two Week iPad Trial: Part 4 (teacher survey) online poker newsPart 1 Part 2 Part 3 I asked the teachers who did a full day with the iPads to fill out a survey. On the personal side, they all rated my technology instruction throughout the day to be excellent, which, I’ll admit, feels awesome. The more useful data for me really comes from questions about engagement, activities, and overall feelings about the iPad, and potential future use. Quality of engagement: I’ll freely admit there’s some shiny-new bias in here. Quality of activities: I sat with each teacher for 20-30 minutes to plan the major bones of the iPad day, with each of us taking our individual pieces and coming up with additional materials or instructional plans. Feelings about the iPad: I’ll be frank that this surprised me. Future use: We’re really in a bit of budget flux right now, so it’s honestly possible we won’t end up with many iPads next year. iPads on the other hand, look like they would be used a lot more frequently. Like this: Like Loading...
Foldify est une application de création de paper toys. Dessine, crée, imprime et construis de superbes figurines de papier en 3D ! Prends une photo de toi et imprime ton visage pour le construire!
[payant sur iOS] by karenblanchard Sep 27
Appli intéressante pour accompagner un atelier de paper toys by hlegoff Oct 25