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Malika Favre

Malika Favre
Related:  Visual3illustrasjoner

Timeline Maps Mapping time has long been an interest of cartographers. Visualizing historical events in a timeline or chart or diagram is an effective way to show the rise and fall of empires and states, religious history, and important human and natural occurrences. We have over 100 examples in the Rumsey Map Collection, ranging in date from 1770 to 1967. We highlight a few below. Sebastian Adams' 1881 Synchronological Chart of Universal History is 23 feet long and shows 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C. to 1881 A.D. It is the longest timeline we have seen. Below is a close up detail of a very small part of the chart: (click on the title or the image to open up the full chart) Another detail covering a larger area with the chart turned sideways: Eugene Pick published the Tableau de L'Histoire Universelle in 1858 in two sheets, one for the Eastern Hemisphere (shown here) and one for the Western Hemisphere. Close up detail of Pick's chart: Detail of Colton's chart: Willard timeline detail:

Les illustrations déjantées de Matthieu Bessudo aka Mc Bess Comment décrire les travaux de Matthieu Bessudo – sûrement plus connu sous le pseudo de Mc Bess ? Illustrateur, musicien, ce touche à tout a cultivé un univers unique qui ne manque pas de caractère. Musique, pin-ups, viande et provocation, voici là ce qui forme la base du style Mc Bess. Âgé de 29 ans cette année, Mc Bess libère sa créativité dans des dessins et illustrations totalement débridés qui ne sont pas sans rappeler certains codes des vieux classiques du dessin animé. Toujours en noir et blanc ou sur ton sépia, son style caractéristique est difficile à confondre. Un savant mélange qui lui a valu de travailler sur supports et projets variés : illustrations, t-shirts et même animation vidéo pour le clip de son groupe : The Dead Pirates, que je vous invite à découvrir au travers le clip qui suit. Portfolio de Matthieu Bessudo aka Mc Bess Vous êtes invités à dire ce que vous pensez de son style en commentaire. Tous droits sur les images et vidéos sont réservés à l’artiste.

Карикатура — как выстрел в лоб: шаржи скандально известного художника Дениса Лопатина Получайте на почту один раз в сутки одну самую читаемую статью. Присоединяйтесь к нам в Facebook и ВКонтакте. Отписаться можно в любой момент. Карикатуры и шаржи от художника Дениса Лопатина Карикатурист – это художник, соблюдающий грань между оскорблением и остротой, хороший портретист, с тонким чутьем иронии в восприятии деталей, и психолог, улавливающий злободневные моменты происходящие в жизни. Карикатура своими конями уходит далеко в прошлое. Денис Лопатин - известный российский художник- карикатурист. Исключением не стал и знаменитый российский художник Денис Лопатин (1977), вошедший в число ста лучших карикатуристов мира.Денис является дипломантом многих международных форумов, лауреатом номинации «почётного упоминания» португальского конкурса «World Press Cartoon» (2011), самого престижного в мире форума профессиональных мастеров шаржа и карикатуры. «Любовный треугольник». Денис родился и учился в Минске, живет и работает на Камчатке, чему власти края не очень то рады. «Зюганов».

Your Face Here Airbnb’s Design Language System (DLS) contributes to an accessible, inclusive design practice for our user experience—from typefaces and color to illustration and motion design. Click here to learn more. Words can set the tone for a company, but it’s the pictures that give it a face. Illustration has yet to find its place in the tech world, because it’s often unconsidered and thrown in on the fly. Whether being used to distill complex messages or add a touch of whimsy, illustration is one piece that makes up a company’s visual brand identity. With nearly a decade-long career as an illustrator in Silicon Valley, I’m just now seeing illustration pique interest in the tech industry. One of my career goals is to elevate the quality of illustration in tech. The Awkward Teen My first step was research. Three stages of illustration at Airbnb One thing became clear in my research: no one had ever stepped back and thought of illustration as a major reflection of the Airbnb community. 1. 2. 3.

Top Ten Typefaces Used by Book Design Winners The American Association of University Presses (AAUP) holds an annual Book, Jacket & Journal Show which catalogs the best in book design and exhibits it around the country. The jurors for this year’s show include some important names in typography, including William Drentel and Jessica Helfand of Design Observer, and typographer and type designer Kent Lew, who created the Font Bureau’s lovely and literary text face, Whitman. Jessica Helfand, William Drentel, Susan Colberg, and Kent Lew examine AAUP Show entries. The catalog of the show is a beautiful record of the selected entries, and, because typeface credits are included, it’s also a good gauge of current trends in typeface selection for books and journals. We ordered catalogs from the last three years of the show and tallied the typefaces used. 1. Alternatives: 2. “Memoirs and Madness” | Designer: David Drummond New Baskerville isn’t far behind Minion in the tally of most popular book faces and, if you ask me, it’s a crying shame. 3.

Owl Turd Comix Women Who Draw - An open directory of female* illustrators AKU – AKU is a design studio based in Tallinn, Estonia. We develop strategies, create concepts and implement solutions across different media. Andrew Lyons markus
